ForumsForum GamesThe Unending War of the Towers

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3,937 posts

Hello, and welcome to the latest (as of September 29, 2013) forum game of Nilo & Sons!

The basic point of the Unending War of the Towers is simply to try to destroy everyone else's tower while trying to keep yours well. The first time you post on this thread, a new tower magically appears in a vast grassy plain with the banners of your House. This tower you have to defend whilst strategically laying waste to the other towers.

Whilst the amount of rules is limited in this game, there are several that must be obeyed. 1: Godmodding is strictly forbidden. And 2. Your actions must be realistic, or at least, you must provide a logical way in which it could happen. Furthermore, the general forum rules must be obeyed as well. If any given action is proven to be unrealistic or hinged on godmodding, that action shall be pronounced null and void by the Opening poster.

Try to be as creative as possible! The towers can be destroyed, alliances can be formed, minions can be recruited and sent to die, and bloody clowns can be the protagonists of a great battle in which no clear victor shall arise. You know, it is not called 'Unending' just because.

So, it is brother against brother and brother against sister and sister against brother get the point.

  • 461 Replies
1,773 posts

Nerdsoft ninjad me neo. Sorry for your lost...

As the king never die, i send a drake squad to bring Neo to safety on my island, there he is given a vessale (a big ship) and the option to rule the Russians elves kingdome, the saugin atlantis kingdome or the dwarven mountains.

3,937 posts

Sheesh, since my absence began, stuff has quickly gone weird! Let me veto some actions *nods*

I detonate my payload of 520 tonnes of explosives, 600 Fusion Glyphs, huge quantities of eagle man poop and... some other flammable knick-knacks.


I also make more bombs to fire at the triangle monster and frantically make more Fusion Glyphs. I won't use direct magic, I'll use magically superheated and irradiated AP shells.


Remember, we're in the medieval age! Please check your post, Nerdsoft..TUWotT is all about having fun!

--- Now ---

I send my paladins clerics bards and rangers to swip the land and try to save as many as possible.

while a central force of the french cheese pikemans push the frontline and the Swiss cheese halberdiards clearing the rear.

While your forces save many women and children, the men insist on going to war and are killed by the foe. Some of your soldiers are captured by the enemy necromorphs, cooked until well-done, and then eaten. Your forces, out of their own judgement, retreat a short distance where they merge with the Pikemen to form a small army. A short distance away are the enemy legions, necromorphs clad in strong iron and wielding grotesque black weapons.
1,078 posts

I prepare a siege force of catapults, heavily armed knights, veteran spearmen, veteran bowmen, ninjas, beserkers, golems and steve from minecraft.

1,078 posts

Does anyone want to help me with my siege campaign?

1,078 posts

Sorry for "spam" forgot something..

Stealth, lets make a joint operation of building a "kings road" between our towers. Trade will fill our wallets

Okay that sounds like a good idea, my earth mages make an opening in my wall for the road and I send out a message that any builder's that participate in the building of the round will have 5% less tax to pay, obviously they agree to start building it.

The construction of "kings road" has started
1,773 posts

Nilo: they are heroes. It in there job description to die from time to time. For every 10 die there is 1 legendary, like sam the ranger who missfire and killed an entire village instead of a triangle mouse.

I upgrate the HQ into a Citadel. Now all of the Calmary union can recruit Calmary Husclers (they are mountaid, armed with a sword and a 2h axe) , Calmary legioneer (armed with a large shield, a mace, 3 throwing spears and a light crossbow) and Calmary champion (armed with a Longbow, a flail, a boar spear, an war axe and some arcan powers). The citadel hold a large garrison of the Heros wgo resident it and maby trainees as guards.

My architect magigian start creating the "KINGS ROAD" on my side, and also building a tunnel near it for small trading ships.
Kings road procesd: 10%

1,078 posts

I am a temporary law that all builders and people with any experience building have to help build the "kings road" and I send a squad of soldiers that have whips to speed up progress. I also build a 2 metre wall on the outside of the road with a guarded opening every kilometre, this is to keep bandits away I also split the road into 2 lanes so there won't be to much "traffic". Each lane is 10 metres wide.

the extra builders and soldiers with whips supervising increases building speed by 50%

Progress of "kings road": 25%

374 posts

Bleh, nerdsoft, not EVEN my shield can absorb so much power! So, yeah, my shield is destroyed by the explosion.Anyway, the mass of energy fails to destroy the entire land, BUT it also destroys your kingdom! >

Oh, and danielo I uhh... I don't like elves really, but I can join your forces as Arch Mage.

1,078 posts

I have a feast for the builders to boost their spirits and I tell them to work a little more then they can have the day off.

"Kings Road" progress: 30%

1,773 posts

I have a great idea Neo! You can be the head of the Anti-triangle HQ. Nerdsoft, will you give Neo the seat? (You realy realy not have too).

I rise another island, wher i build a huge school of witchcraft and wizardry and apoinet Neo as the head of the island. Manage as will Neo, Mi reino es el reino.

My forces start a slow retreat, the pikemans passing the halberdias who act as a rare guard. The vanguards cover the flanks.

While your forces save many women and children, the men insist on going to war and are killed by the foe.
The more for me ;P

I open orphaneges and refugees camps, which are build to not have narrow streets and hallies.
I take any orphane who want (lol, "want&quot and create a unit of "Folron hope".
Armed with a Cuirise and a 2h swords, these vengefull youngs are filled with rage and corage.

I build small towns along the way of the KINGS ROAD. Every one of them have a big tavern.

I also make a rule: everyonr must use the term KINGS ROAD, Bold and in Capital words only.
2,613 posts

With the giant wall surrounding the forests/mines complete, I focus mainly on raising game to become livestock and quickly make a newbreed of darkknights, even more experienced than the most powerful of palidons, Deathknights. with only 3 of these DeathKnights, I order them to start training the more advanced DarkKnights and the Veteran darkknights ( That arent training for deathknight) to train other darkknights. After this, I build 4 more dreadnaughts, and with a total of 320 dreadnaughts now, my army is almost unmatched (Dreadnaughts are powerful mechs, about the size of 6 men stacked atop eachother, that are armed with 2 cannons on their "Arms" and a small opening to hold about 4 people for transport in the back [Not including pilot])
City thingies: I finish the cannons around the old wall and start on the new wall. I also start specializing half my farmers into cheese production.

Danielo, i believe we have settled our differences? If we have, I will make some cheese for you to turn into pikemen? I SUpport the KINGS ROAD and I also wish to be a part into it.

1,266 posts


I gave a perfectly valid reason, unlike neo (incidentally, shut up and stop trying to win because that's impossible), when I said I placed a cave with 15 tonnes of explosive material in it which would have 30 placed in it per turn. If you'd wanted to take action, you should've actually looked at the past posts and intervened then.
You suck as a GM and I hereby resign, magically teleporting my entire kingdom into a stable orbit so far away from the sun there's no radiation or anything, basically isolating it until such time as I see fit. As a farewell gift I teleport all my surplus supplies to my former friends, divvying them up equally.
In order not to leave out neo in all this, I teleport him a farewell gift of my leftover Fusion Glyphs. Any attempt at trying to copy them will detonate them, so beware.

PS, here's a tip: when your players have developed about 6 pages of steampunk canon, don't just step in and dump all of us in the middle ages.

PPS: the Calamari Union's leadership will be decided by a vote of the current members.
Kthxbai, for real this time.
1,078 posts

Evilsweetblock you can be part of the kings roadjust help build it.

Kings road members: stealth ninja, danielo, evilsweetblock

I continue building the kings road and I also have an idea, how about at the intersection of all the roads we should build a town called king town or kings road town I also build a village with a tavern, inn and places to trade about every 40/50 kilometres.

kings road progress: 50%

2,613 posts

Hmm... With a kings road, I can trade resources for more materials to build/maintain my Dreadnaughts!

I order my Dreadnaughts to carry large amounts of resources to return to the Kings Road site.

I train some special Gunnery units, creating Crossbows! i use this advanced version of the bow to make 100 elite Crossbowmen!!!

I start production on a huge structure in the middle of my base. It is made of stone and will be very large

??? Progress: 5%

Kings Road Progress: 75%

1,078 posts

I invent muskets! But so they aren't OP they often misfire and take about a minute to reload

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