You are sailing on a nice rental sailboat, but there's a storm, in the rough storm your sailboat is forced to an unknown shadow... You wake up on an unknown island, you must survive.
Character sheet:
Name: (make a name, numbers don't count). HP: (you lose HP by thirst, hunger and certain wounds) 100/100. XP: (more strength and HP) 0/5 Strength: (throw more 'ow' into a punch, and take less 'ouch' FROM a punch) 2. ----- Wood: (earned by collecting branches and chopping trees). Stone: (earned by collecting stones and mining rock). Silk: (earned by sheering). Food: (earned by hunting, gathering and fishing) 15 meat, 15 berries. Water: (earned by collecting water) 20 water. ----- Camp: (you have to make your camp from wood). Partner: (team up with another player and work together) N/A.
Remember guys, this is an experiment, so no hating please.
--- (OT) I made a few revisions to your sheet. Also you can't get a partner unless you partner with someone in the game. --- You see the bush and pick off as many large berries as you can carry. They turn out to be strawberries (+5 Strawberries)
im pretty sure I have an ax, so that wouldn't exactly happen
Oh, that's right, but you would still take considerable damage because there are tons of them. --- You sit silently behind the bush. You see the Tiki men making food and weapons. Some walk towards you direction (your choice of what to do).
You're doing good running this RPG running thing, but I can update on this RPG, and by that, I mean add more stuff, don't worry, I 'm not going to take cantro; again, I'm just gonna add more stuff.
Hint for next update: they say "Aargh" and "Ahoy" a lot.
After setting down the coconuts at your camp (a campfire area) you go exploring. While exploring you come upon a Tiki man and follow him. You end up following him to the Tiki men camp. You hide in waiting. (your choice now) --- (OT) You are at the same place where Spike is except on a different place (the camp is a circle)
I wait and observe the tiki-things, looking for something of interest. I get my small sharp spear ready just in case I'm spotted and am in trouble. I look to see what kind of weapons the tiki-guys have.
Ahoy ye mateys! T'marrow shall be the day of the pirate update! This here land-lubber smallprint will tell ye scallywags 'bout the new things in the new pirate update!
You can make a raft. chance to encounter pirates searching for treasure on the island. You can make a small boat. If you defeat a band of pirates you have a (very small) chance to get a pistol or bottle O' beer. You can be a pirate and join a crew if you're level 3 or higher.
(I'll leave the amount of stuff you need to build a small boat or a raft and how much damage a pistol deals and how much HP and thirst you restore when you drink beer up to you, DAPRO.)
cahoots |kÉËhoÍots| plural noun (in phrase in cahoots) informal colluding or conspiring together secretly: the area is dominated by guerrillas in cahoots with drug traffickers.