its always jarray
Am I allowed to say 'I attempt to decapitate the xyz monster. If I suceed, I run down the hall. If I fail and live, I try to decapitate the xyz monster again.
If you suceed you probably wouldnt want to do that because you could sill loot the monster. however if you were to say, like, "i attempt to decapitate xyz monster. if that works, i loot him, then try to run down the hall, that would be ok, but you would still need to confirm what loot you were taking from xyz on your next post.
When you say godmodding, do you mean not controlling other players or do you mean not turning yourself into a god-like character in power.
When you implied the person with the purple robe is royalty, did you mean nobilty? Because if you meant royalty, that would mean the man was either the king, the king's son, the king's daughter disguised as a man, the king's wife disguised as a man, or a man or woman impersonating one of the thing's I've listed above. And it's pretty serious if the quest we've recieved was from one of the things I've listed above.
it was implied for you to take it more like someone with high importance. as of right now this guy is irrelevant but in the story he will play a significant part. im not going to tell you who he is.
Since alignment is influenced by most everything, it would probaly be better represented by a number. Like 0 is completely neutral, 1 is pretty neutral but your more inclined to do the right thing, 100 is that your an amazingly nice person who almost always does the right thing, with 200 as you'll be remembered as a saint in history books. Then the ranking system for evil but the - symbol is in front of the number.
your going to have your alignment, then a number + or -. however if you know anything about alignment its divided into sections as follows:
heroic good:
a saint. you never do the wrong thing, and always help for the cause of good.
neutral good:
you are good and help when you can, but this is more "when you can" then "always"
chaotic good:
this is the good of good that has people wondering. its like trying to be good in the most evil way possible, like stabbing someone in the back then giving him a health potion. 9/10 this is not the kind of person you will be.
you do anything you want that fits into your needs at the time. about 50% of the time you will probably fall into this category
heroic evil:
this is the kind of person that saves the day the evil way. it would be like doing an evil action, but justified by its reaction in a good way.
neutral evil:
this is just evil. your plainly not a nice guy. you rob, steal, kill AI, ect.
chaotic evil:
this is the archnemisis of your favorite show. its like someone who would betray his/her party and kill them all off, then kill the bos and take everything. its truly evil.
Name: David Jones
Age: 15
visual description: Black hair, tall and skinny, brown eyes, white skin, black robe, black leather shoes.
Bio: Comes from a farming family, he had been born with a strong connection with magica. He had mostly used it so far for accelerating the growth of plants, but when the man came he saw new oppurtunities for his powers. His parents, realising the potential which could come out of this, bought him a black robe.
class: Mage
alignment: neutral
Gold: 0
level: 1
XP: 0/10
health: 100/100
status: perfect
Strength: 0
Melee: 0
Magica: 10
inventory: 1 rock, 2 health potions, 10 feet rope, crude wooden staff.
party: N/A
your shoes are fine.
and your starting scenario:
you gain consciousness. you have no idea how long you were out, you just know that you were. you are currently in a room with your ankle chained to a large iron ball, prison style. you see a staff opposite of you in the room, and you assume its yours, yet your not going sitting on some straw like an animal. next to a small door is a guard. you have never seen anything like this-its a skeleton with armor on, standing next to the door. he is very still. he has a short sword in his right hand, and a helmet on but nothing else. he looks over at you when he realizes your moving, but pays no attention. you can stand, but its more comfortable sitting.
i strongly suggest you observe (but you may not find anything).