ForumsWEPRGender Identity

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9,808 posts

I feel like there should be a thread about such a topic, and now there is one.

What are your thoughts on Gender Identity?
[Note: Gender =/= sex]

  • 137 Replies
191 posts

Not sure but I think even Science is trying to figure out what triggers that gender bending (not the gender transforming but just the gender identity thing).
I'm sorry, I don't know the exact term of that.

20 posts

Slightly unrelated but if someone could inform me about intersex individuals and hermaphrodites (also whether that term is still acceptable and whether it's a slur or not) that would be great.

I assume you mean how it applies to Gender Identity? If that's the case, then it's quite simple. To put it simply, gender identity has nothing to do with the physical body. However, some individuals do feel that the physical anatomy affects them. Some parents have "corrective surgery" for their children, eliminating the unwanted genital. However, this could be confusing to the child, like someone with a penis having breasts, or someone with a vagina having an Adam's apple. Or, it could go more into genetics, and mention individuals who have both XX and XY chromosomes.

These facts may make individuals more inclined to feel bigender (both male and female gender) or agender. This doesn't always have to be the case, however. As for the term hermaphrodite, its sort of a gray area. It used to be derogatory, much like queer was, and like the word queer, it's been "reclaimed" by the LGBT community, but not a lot of people understand that, so it's generally avoided.
3,937 posts

Gender Identity? Hmm. I have lots of thoughts on this topic. Therefore, my answer will be short (I don't want to confuse myself).

First things first, I uphold the natural order and will uphold it to my death. There's a reason why nature has always been around, you know. Because it works. Following this, I believe that if you were born XX, then you should behave as XX and not as an XY (and viceversa with XYs) because that's how you were literally programmed to be. You can thank your parents for that...or, more specifically, that little racer that bumped into the egg.

9,808 posts

First things first, I uphold the natural order and will uphold it to my death. There's a reason why nature has always been around, you know. Because it works. Following this, I believe that if you were born XX, then you should behave as XX and not as an XY (and viceversa with XYs) because that's how you were literally programmed to be. You can thank your parents for that...or, more specifically, that little racer that bumped into the egg.

But what of those that aren't &quotrogrammed" as such? Such as those with low levels of testosterone or estrogen (that is the female equivalent, correct?)?
5,552 posts

believe that if you were born XX, then you should behave as XX and not as an XY (and viceversa with XYs) because that's how you were literally programmed to be.

Uh, no. It would follow that how you naturally are/want to act is how you were programmed to be. There's no rule saying "having this much testosterone and this much estrogen means you act this way" or "because I have 2 X chromosomes I will act this way." That's not how biology works. That's not how psychology works. That's not how anything works, except computer software.
5,845 posts

First things first, I uphold the natural order and will uphold it to my death. There's a reason why nature has always been around, you know. Because it works. Following this, I believe that if you were born XX, then you should behave as XX and not as an XY (and viceversa with XYs) because that's how you were literally programmed to be. You can thank your parents for that...or, more specifically, that little racer that bumped into the egg.

There are a lot more chromosome combinations than just XX and XY. You can have a different combination and still be designated female/male at birth, just as there are XX males and XY females, and you can be designated intersex at birth regardless of your chromosome combination. However, this is slightly unrelated, and I thought I would point out the lack of understanding of the topic you have before going on. This is an article explaining how "XX = female and XY = male" is simply incorrect.

"Nature has always been around", and so have people who don't fit into the gender binary, or are not XX female or XY male. As far as humans go, natural selection hasn't existed for thousands of years, so it's not like people who identify differently to the sex they were designated at birth or have a rarer chromosome combination "don't work". They can still live happy and healthy lives despite bigots like you, they can still reproduce (if they want to) and their kids may or may not fit into the gender binary.
1,773 posts

If i dont like chocolate, is that wrong because "I was programmed" to love it?
Last time i checked, we are also programmed to rape and slaghuter our enemy kids. And eat anything that move around us.

Everyone cant act as hey want. If i want to dress a dress (see what i did ther?) Or wear pants or even both - let me be. If i want to wear dinosaur uniform - i can. How xan you tell someone how to dress? What to like? If he like "acting girly" and sleep with boys, what is have to do with your opinion?

5,845 posts

Everyone cant act as hey want. If i want to dress a dress (see what i did ther?) Or wear pants or even both - let me be. If i want to wear dinosaur uniform - i can. How xan you tell someone how to dress? What to like? If he like "acting girly" and sleep with boys, what is have to do with your opinion?

Gender identity is different to dressing how you want to dress. Wearing dresses may or may not be gender expression, some people might just do it because they think it's fun.
1,773 posts

Sure everyone can wear dresses for fun. Some wierd wierd peopels who are totaly not called Daniel. Totaly.

But it was just an example. If a man love dressing dresses. And put makeup. And wear a purse. And hang arounding bars (500 Danielo points to anyone getting the refference).

If this is what make you feel good, then no one can say a thing about it.

If someone feel like a girl, he can be one, no matter if he is a girl or a boy.

5,845 posts

(For reference: designated female/male at birth or DFAB/DMAB is the sex on your birth certificate as decided by the doctor at birth based on your external genitals. The problem with this is that the doctor cannot see internal sex organs nor can he see your chromosome combination. It also doesn't allow for people who later in life realise they are a different gender and choose to identify as such.)

Let's break this apart

Sure everyone can wear dresses for fun. Some wierd wierd peopels who are totaly not called Daniel. Totaly.

Insinuating people who wear dresses for fun are "wierd wierd peopels". Totaly.

But it was just an example. If a man love dressing dresses. And put makeup. And wear a purse. And hang arounding bars

If a man loves wearing dresses and makeup and a purse then good on him. He can be designated female at birth, identify as a male, wear dresses. He can be designated male at birth, identify as male, wear dresses. He can be designated intersex at birth, identify as male, wear dresses. Or, this person could be designated male at birth, then she could identify as female and wear whatever she wants. She could have a beard, she could wear typically male clothes or dresses, it wouldn't make her less of a girl. You can't tell somebody's gender or the sex they were designated at birth just from looking at them, regardless if they are wearing a dress or have a beard.

If this is what make you feel good, then no one can say a thing about it.

"wierd wierd peopels"

If someone feel like a girl, he can be one,

If someone feels like a girl and they choose to identify as a girl then they are a girl and you should use their preferred pronouns which are usually "they/them" (also good if you're not sure) or "she/her".

no matter if he is a girl or a boy.

I think you mean to say "no matter of the sex they were designated at birth".
9,439 posts

Insinuating people who wear dresses for fun are "wierd wierd peopels". Totaly.

I'm pretty sure that was implied overcompensation and not his actual sentiments. Sarcasm and the like don't go well with language barriers.
5,845 posts

I'm pretty sure that was implied overcompensation and not his actual sentiments. Sarcasm and the like don't go well with language barriers.

I appreciate the language barrier but I'm not sure how that justifies his mentality. Not quite sure what you mean by overcompensation though.
9,462 posts

First things first, I uphold the natural order and will uphold it to my death. There's a reason why nature has always been around, you know. Because it works.

Nice naturalistic fallacy you got there.

Following this, I believe that if you were born XX, then you should behave as XX and not as an XY (and viceversa with XYs) because that's how you were literally programmed to be.

The XX/XY chromosomes only determine the sex. It doesn't determine how a person feels.There are other biological components at work besides just the combination of chromosomes which you appear to either be unaware of or ignoring.

or, more specifically, that little racer that bumped into the egg.

Not important to the topic but, racers. It takes more than one to wear down the wall of the egg in order to achieve penetration and thus fertilization.
3,937 posts

Nice naturalistic fallacy you got there.

Why, thank you, my good sir, for explaining in great detail how what I wrote was a fallacy, and how my incoherent statement could be corrected.

The XX/XY chromosomes only determine the sex. It doesn't determine how a person feels [...].

Could you refer back to my first three sentences? Thanks.

Not important to the topic but, racers. It takes more than one to wear down the wall of the egg in order to achieve penetration and thus fertilization.

I don't know if you noticed the word 'into'.
5,845 posts

Could you refer back to my first three sentences? Thanks.

Your answer will be short so you don't confuse yourself? That's wise, as you clearly are severely uninformed and ignorant when it comes to this subject. Read my post earlier on page 3 please.
Showing 16-30 of 137