ForumsForum GamesRPG idea and help. (making an RPG: harder then it looks).

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328 posts

It is hard, you know, making an RPG. That is why I made this: a place where RPG creators can throw around Ideas and suggest ideas for a user's RPG.

Note: if this is on the wrong forum please tell me.

  • 17 Replies
435 posts

Pretty sure this is the right forum, since there's the pinned topic How to Make a RPG, which is pretty similar.
My idea for which someone else can use should they wish: The player is an omni-present, god like being which can generally control a species of animals, which will be a fictional species. It starts off as a young species, one of the first to be on land, and the player tries to make the species survive as long as possible. If it ever evolves into a new species, the player can choose to play the new species or continue as their old species. A basic character sheet would be required, including defenses, carnivore/omnivore etc. Will require knowledge of biology and willingness to research more about biology. Some stuff can be made up using imagination, so you don't have to go too in-depth.

1,666 posts

i consider myself a great RPG creator.
not really.

im new to the RPG hosting world, but in reality i have a lot of experience with D&D. thats a dieing game. i have created my own version of D&D in this subforum, but i cant do this with only 3 people playing.

good ideas for RPG's depends on what the host wants and can handle. i favor the more advanced ridiculously realistic side of things. some people dont. benni, the games you create are very basic, but with experience this can be upgraded. if you want a lasting game, make it never ending. this really creates a feel that makes people want to join, in my opinion. always offer updates, because keeping things fresh is good. in games with limited space, always draw maps, because this helps you create a guide when starting people off and when PvP is present. in combat based games, always include a leveling system. always have motivation to back this as well. keep in mind inventory is crucial unless theres an interesting reason to keep it out of your game. a stat system is something people just arent doing anymore, but i suggest it because stats really show power.

take the castle, as jarray or rychus might remember, was a good game that i let go of. i didnt do this because i was being inactive, i dropped it because it was just to boring. i had some good ideas for that game, sure, but it wasnt my kind of game. my advice to anyone starting a game...try different genres until you get something that really works with you.

im not giving my ideas for games away, because i want them to be my ideas and not show up in the forums as someone else's. some people arent like that, but i am.

435 posts

I rather feel the oppisite to what you were saying, spike. I actually have no stats besides technology and land, and even those I keep vague. Yet my own RPG I feel is going quite well. This might just be because I always try to make my updates excessively detailed though, something most people just aren't prepared to do.

1,269 posts

What seems to be the new and favored type of RPG is a detailed RPG. Or at least detailed updates about it. I feel like the RPG's where all you do is hit a tree or a building for instance is too much of a ell worn topic.

328 posts

Dudes, guess what?...

Me and zach Are making an RPG together!

1,269 posts

Congrats I guess.... although I have no idea who Zach is.

328 posts

He's rychus!

435 posts

What type of RPG? Detailed or just one sentence responses?
New idea for other people to use: The character is an explorer in a high-fantasy world. The player is one of the first humans to arrive on a new continent, used to standard medieval times world with small magic here and there. There are a couple human settlements along the east coast, where the player starts off at. The player, who can be a mage/archer/swordsman/whatever as long as it's human goes into the forest and starts getting the basic lay of the land. When the player returns after a short distance the player finds the settlement burned to the ground. The player then goes on an adventure throughout the land.

328 posts

No, me and rychus are working together on an RPG! I won't spoil the setting or story though...

1,282 posts

Everything is going good with me and Benni's (don't attack me grammar nazis) Here is the link to the kickstarter thread.

1,666 posts

then we shall debate

Not always a good idea! A good RPG has a story. A good story has an actual ending. You want the players to be able to beat your game, not just play until they get bored and stop playing.

if your going for that kind of game, sure, but i can make a great D&D game with a story and still make it never ending.

...ehh...are you talking about making different genres or playing different genres? Because I don't recommend starting a bunch of different styles in different Threads. Someone once started three RPGs in the same day with about an hour difference between each. None of them got past two pages. He got an "Unofficial Rule of Armor Games" for it (Rule 25: If you make two Forum Games on the same day, and they both fail, the third one will also fail.)

this depends on how good you are at creating games. i can trust someone like you would do good experimenting things in different genres, but i have already created a game where i felt a dead end and i just ended it. im not saying go and create 5 within a half hour so you can spam the top page of the subforum, im saying if your gonna end a game create another and tell people that your gonna be ending that game.

Here's one more: Make a kickstarter thread. Write out your title and add "kickstarter thread" to the end in a new Thread ahead of time. Ask for feedback. Beg for it. Post your ideas and possible game elements. Then wait. It's a very safe way of testing the popularity of your game as well.

i say only do this if you want your game to be seriously long lasting and popular, because there is no use making one if the game is bound to be a flop. i understand thats why kickstarters are created, but you need to seriously put some thought into a game if you post a kickstarter for it.

Here's another protip: LURK. Go check out the previous 8 pages of RPGs in Forum Games and make sure you aren't copying anything. Even if it's an accident, it makes you look lazy.

well, if im creating an RPG, the chances are next to none that it will be that similar to anything else in the top 8 pages. with RP's i can understand this, but with RPG's it doesnt make sense.

another protip: use grammar. i dont like people that have 1st grade vocabulary trying to describe what this demon looks like.
435 posts

another protip: use grammar. i dont like people that have 1st grade vocabulary trying to describe what this demon looks like.

He says without using capitilization.

1,666 posts

He says without using capitilization.

thats not even a sentence, and you spelled capitalization wrong. eat it.

and by grammar i mean spelling more then i mean capitalization. punctuation is pretty important too.
1,282 posts

You both are hypocrites.

1,666 posts

LOL. lets get back on this topic...

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