As many people know, Renga is a collabritive form of Japanese poetry. It usually requires to poets to write it, but many more can.
The basic structure is a haiku, and then a shorter two-line capping verse, with no syllable limit, before looping over. Traditional renga can become quite long, especially when many poets work on it.
I am thinking that we could have a long Renga running, starting with a theme and we'll see how it snakes off. The theme will have to have some flexibility. That means that the theme will be Winter
The opening verse is called the hokku, so, here we go:
The sunlight darkens, The Wind's tooth pierces my heart Winter is approaching.
Something seems to be wrong with the link you posted; it may just be me, but I'll repost it here just in case.
Anyway, this seems like it could be a lot of fun, so I'll give it a go! I'll stick with the 7-7 syllable structure they specified with on the wiki page.
Much has been made of what has Been, and of the harshness ahead
(P.S. I believe 'winter' is two syllables, making that line six syllables long. I'm not sure if that was your intent, but I thought I might as well point it out just in case!)