This game is fairly simple, one person names a game genre and explains a different game genre and your goal is to find out what it is and then after finding out what it is, you have to use that type. also, you can select 1-3 hints for the other person.
Examples: Person #1: I like strategy games because of the fast paced action Person #2: I think you mean FPS games. I like Shooting games because of the thrill of surviving the apocalypse Person #3: you mean zombie games! I like Zombie games because of the way you have to think and strategize. Person #1: You mean Strategy games! So-So....
Alright so...
I like strategy games because of how you can explore the world and shape your self, as well as gaining XP for killing monsters.
Pretty sure you mean sandbox games. I like sandbox games because I can jump from platform to platform, dodging enemies and getting coins Nice new avatar btw nerdsoft
Or do they? I might suggest you mean strategy games. I enjoy strategy games because you ave to use your imagination instead of seeing whats going on, i also like how everything is text insteado f pictures