Forums → Forum Games → Explorere of the New World Kickstarter
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I write a lot so you don't have to read everything below at once. As well, this is just the kickstarter where you show interest and give suggestions. New perks/ equipments and perk/equipment/CS change suggestions are welcome. Do not post your CS here.
1. This game is single player, but I may use a Player 1's character, or someone similar, as a NPC in Player 2's game. Do not get confused as Player 1 will not actual be part of Player 2's game.
2. Feel free to ask questions.
3. There is no such thing as too much detail, but there is such thing as too little detail.
4. I am free to add changes whenever I feel like it.
5. This game is always open.
6. Do not ask questions in my profile comments, ask in the game. This is because I don't check my profile comments very often but I will check this game often.
7. Sexual content may happen out of realism, but will be skipped over with ' you had a pleasent night with your lady friend' or something similar. If you want a child, then there will be something like 'the stork brought you a child'. Please be discreet about it as well.
8. Anything in brackets in the character sheet is to be deleted. They are just examples and you can add anything along the lines of it.
9. If you die, feel free to start again with a different character.
You have recently been brought over from the Old World to the New world to make your fortune. The New World has been known for four years now, and so far the two settlements there have been thriving. There has been little disease, farms produce great bounties have crops, and game is plentiful. A couple of wizards present on the New World have found their power mysteriously easy to use, but nothing to be alarmed about. Your specific task is to find if any others are in the New World besides for your people, the Anglenders.
The New World is a high-fantasy continent(s) (it is unknown how big the New World is currently) which has recently been discovered. The Old World is very similar to the real world, but there is a small amount of magic. The mightiest of wizards, the type who appear once for every three hundred million born, can shoot a single fire ball and be drained. Most wizards can light candles and perform illusionary tricks. Anglend is very similar to England, but has a few differences which will be discovered. It is currently the Age of Exploration in the Old World, and everything is going very similar as to as it had been in the real world. There is only one species which is not native to the real world in the Old World, known as Wargs. Wargs were the life's work of the person believed to be the greatest wizard of all time and are essentially easy to train twice-as-large-as-normal-wolves. Currency may not be the same in the New World. Other countries are referred to by their real life names, simply because it would get to complicated for me otherwise.
Magic works the same way in the New World as it does in the Old World, it's just a lot easier to use in the New World. Mana is a type of magic found in all living things, and it can tapped into by anyone. It is easiest to use your own mana, then the mana of those who (biologically) you are similar to. If one has their mana completely drained, they immeadietly die. One could also tap into their mana, even without meaning to, to give them extra energy. Most beings do this. Mana builds like a muscle, the more one uses it the more it expands. One can imbue some of their own mana into a non-living object, or even a living thing, to give it an unique attribute. A wizard can control this attribute, but for an unskilled person the effect is based on the amount of mana, the emotion of the person, and the object. Common effects are strengthening/weakening of particles, giving it a pseudo-life in which it behave like a living being until the mana runs out, and simply storing mana until it is taken out again. There are no spells, one simply uses the mana as creatively as they can. One must be careful though not to run out of mana and kill themselves though.
Magic has seven known forms. Telepathy (This could be used for making mass illusions and mind control as well as speaking to minds.) rmanipulation/creation/destruction of light(known as umblomancy, the changing of temperature (known as temperamancy), the manipulation of liquids(known as liquimancy), the manipulation of plasmas(known as plamancy), the maniuplation of solids (known as sodilmancy), the manipulation of gases (Aremancy).
Starting perks and equipment work on a point level, and you get ten points to start. These points are not used for anything else, ever. Anything not in brackets you already own, and other things are in addition.
Martial Artist (Beginner): 3 points. You will have a basic knowledge of martial arts.
Martial Artist (Intermediate): 7 points. You will know how to use martial arts so that they are fairly beneficial in a real-life situation.
Martial Artist ( Advanced): 10 points. You will be will one of the best martial artists in the world.
Smooth Talker: 5 points. You are very good at convincing people to do things.
Handsome Devil: 5 points. You look unbelievably attractive.
Sword Fighter (Beginner): 3 points. You can use a sword so itâs useful.
Sword Fighter (Intermediate): 7 points. You are quite good with a sword and can defeat the average sword fighter.
Sword Fighter: (Advanced): 10 points. You are one of the best sword fighters in the world.
Archer: (Beginner): 3 points. You can shoot a bow, but not very accurately.
Archer: (Intermediate): 7 points. You are quite good with a bow and can use it reasonable skill.
Archer: (Advanced): 10 points. You are one of the best archers in the world.
Tireless: 3 points. You can go without sleep, or sleep for less time, without as many negative effects.
Basic steel sword: Three points. This is an average, eighty centimeter steel sword.
Amazing steel sword: Ten points. This is a nearly unbreakable, amazingly light, easily enchantable, eighty centimeter long and perfectly balanced steel sword.
Basic steel knife: 1 point. This is a ten centimeter steel knife.
Amazing steel knife: 5 points. This is a ten centimeter knife thatâs easily enchantable, amazingly light, nearly unbreakable and perfectly balanced.
Wooden Shield: 2 points. A wooden circular shield, fifty centimeters across.
Steel Shield: 4 points. A steel shield, fifty centimeters across.
Amazing Steel Shield: 10 points. An amazingly light, perfectly balanced, easily echantable, nearly unbreakable steel shield fifty centimeters across.
Leather armor: 2 points. A slightly restricting leather armor which cover the chest and back. Comes with a leather hat.
Steel Armor: 5 points. A slightly restricting, and fairly heavy, steel chestplate which cover the chest and back. Comes with a steel helmet.
Character Sheet
NameIf you do not know how to do this, you are banned.)
History: (Are you native Anglend? Do you have any special skills? How did you gain you above perks/equipment?)
Perks: (Add from above.
Pets: (Add from above.)
Equipment: Brown cotton shirt, brown cotton pants, leather shoes. (Add from above.)
Money: 50 gold coins.
StatsYou get thirty points to start with. To give you an idea of how things work, 100 points in something would give you near-unbeatable power while 0 in something means an above-average child could beat you at it. Twenty means that you could have a succesful career based around it.)
Strength: (How strong you are, muscle-wise.)
Magic(How good you are at magic.)
Mana: (Mana is explained above.)
Stealth: (How good you are at sneaking.)
Luck: (How high the odds are that I'll give you good stuff. Don't push your luck though, as even with high luck things can go wrong.)
Thirst: 0 (If it reaches 100, you are dead.)
Hunger: 0 (If it reaches 100, you are dead.)
Injuries/illnesses: None (anything, no matter how little, is listed in this section. Including papercuts.)