ForumsForum GamesZombi Arena

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The world got out of hands with the whole "Zombie" thing. So some people decided to make a safe-town. this Safe-Town lasted for years, growing. Until one day, the Zombies started to die off, and since the world lost mosth of the things people used to have, no one knew what to do. The town was into the 1000's of population, and they decided "Hey, what if we made the zombies fight eachother for kicks and cash?" And so the Zombi Tournament began. Its simple, you pay money and then you get a Zombie. You earned money by doing odd jobs, and now you have the 1000$ needed to buy a Zombie. Your dreams are to strike it big and become the World Champion of the Zombi Arena!

Sponcer: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10 (Premium cash, used to buy access to elite tournaments or buy perks)
Meat: 3 (Feeding zombies a meat will increase their G.H. by 20 and their XP by 1.)
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: (Name it!)
Zombie Game Health: (How much Health it has fighting) 50
Zombie Health: (Its general health, if it reaches 0 it dies) 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

This game is a tactical game, in the fights you wont be able to do much, just make some decisions. your zombie will do most of the works.

  • 57 Replies
6,257 posts

I'll try it out... but I can't promise I'll faithfully post, with limited free time and whatnot.

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponcer: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10 (Premium cash, used to buy access to elite tournaments or buy perks)
Meat: 3 (Feeding zombies a meat will increase their G.H. by 20 and their XP by 1.)
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: (How much Health it has fighting) 50
Zombie Health: (Its general health, if it reaches 0 it dies) 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

Alright, if there's anything I need to fix, just let me know.

2,613 posts

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponcer: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

So you have your zombie. the zombie seller gives you a card and it reads
Brainless zombie tournament, for those whose zombies are weak and need some rep. 5th Tier tournament. Hmm this will be a good oppertunity to test your new zombie, and hey, the rewards of first place seem to be decent.

Brainless Tournament (Tier 5 Zombi Tournament)
1st Place Rewards:
5x Meat
100$ Cash
1x Diamond
2nd Place Rewards:
3x Meat
50 Cash
3rd Place Rewards:
1x Meat

6,257 posts

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponcer: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

Alright, I enter the tournament and give some words of wisdom to my zombie, whether he understands it or not.

379 posts

Name: David Jones
Sponsor: (Gotta use proper speeling.)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Voldemort
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

I enter the tournament too.(No need to waste a post)

2,613 posts

Name: David Jones
Sponsor: (Gotta use proper speeling.)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Voldemort
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

(Tank shu! )

You and riptizoid have entered the tournament. As you board the bus, you see 5 other 7 other contestants. it seems that it will be 3 plays, the Qualifiers, the Secondarey Qualifiers, and the Finalists.

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponser: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

You and some other tournamentplayers enter a large van, with the zombies seperate. you count 8 in total. it seems theres going to be three rounds.

6,257 posts

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponser: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular (you can earn these laters)

I prep my zombie by making him do 20 pushups and then a high five as encouragement, and then I eye the other contestant's zombies to see their stats and whatnot.

2,613 posts

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponser: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

When you push the zombie to the ground to do the push-ups, he looks up at you, kind of hurt in his eyes and just shambles back up. the same thing happens when you High-five him...

1,078 posts

Name: John Shadow
Sponsor: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Killer
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

So do I enter a tournament now?

2,613 posts

Name: John Shadow
Sponsor: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Killer
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

Their tournament is full, but you can fight someone off the streets. Killer seems bloodthirsty for battle!

1,078 posts

Name: John Shadow
Sponsor: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Killer
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

I walk along the streets looking for a fight.

379 posts

Name: David Jones
Sponsor: (Gotta use proper speeling.)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Voldemort
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

I try to use my fingers, by holding them up (I don't let him touch them), to teach Voldemort to count. I hold up one finger and say one, hold up two fingers and say two, hold up three fingers and say three. I do this all with a soothing voice until I feel it's completely hopeless.

2,613 posts

Name: John Shadow
Sponsor: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Killer
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

You meet a Sleazy looking man, in a tie and suit, with about 3 zombies. you ask to challenge him and he accepts
Killer's Battle Health: 50
His BH: 20

Now, this game is based on luck/skill. the only real bits you can control is strategy, but that wont help much (its a zombie...) but it might help them.
Attack strategy
In attack strategy, your zombie is all about offence and will go to all costs to kill the enemy. may develop as a trait if used too much.
Defence Strategy
In this strategy, your zombie will attack sparingly and try to block most of the enemies attacks. May develop as a trait is used too much.
Tactical Strategy
In this strategy, your zombie will block and attack equally. its a hepful, but slow strategy, often ending the rounds and no one really winning. Will develop traits if used to much.

Name: David Jones
Sponsor: (Gotta use proper speeling.)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Voldemort
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular
(Semi-Smart, 3/100. Causes zombies to listen to strategies better)
(Semi-Passive: 1/100. Causes zombies to be less aggresive in non-aggresion strategies. Also makes zombie semi-friendler towards you and other humans.)
(Semi-Friendship, 1/100. Allows you and your zombie to communicate a little better)

You try to teach him, but he just snaps at your fingers. after a while, he just stares at them intrestingly.

379 posts

Name: David Jones
Sponsor: (Gotta use proper speeling.)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Voldemort
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular
(Semi-Smart, 3/100. Causes zombies to listen to strategies better)
(Semi-Passive: 1/100. Causes zombies to be less aggresive in non-aggresion strategies. Also makes zombie semi-friendler towards you and other humans.)
(Semi-Friendship, 1/100. Allows you and your zombie to communicate a little better)

I repeatably tell him his name, and point at him, then my name and point at myself. After a little while of this, I start pointing to different body parts saying their names.

6,257 posts

Name: Rip Tizoid
Sponser: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Sonny
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

I show Sonny how to make a fist and how to punch forward by making slow motions and keep doing it until he copies me. "Punch." I keep saying, as I do this motion.

1,078 posts

Name: John Shadow
Sponsor: (None yet)
Tournament Ranking: N/A
Tournament Statistics: -0
Cash: 0$
Diamonds: 10
Meat: 3
Zombies: 1
Zombie Name: Killer
Zombie Game Health: 50
Zombie Health: 500/500
Zombie level: 0
Zombie XP: 0/5
Zombie Perks: Regular

I tell killer to use the attack strategy.

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