ForumsForum GamesThe Guild Tournament (RPG kickstarter)

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My idea of this is that you are either a mage, warrior, or archer trying to make your way in the world. Recently there has been the creation of tournament battles to make peace between the guilds, and you're planning to join the tournament because if you win you get a bunch of cash. There are five main guilds.
The Warriors Guild (Anyone who makes a living through melee combat belongs usually to this guild).
The Archer's Guild (Anyone who owns a ranged weapon of some sort usually belongs to this guild.
The Mages Guild (Anyone who makes a living through magic usually belongs to this guild).
The Nobles Guild (Anyone who has a high ranking in society usually belongs to this guild).
The Commoners Guild (Anyone who doesn't fit into the other guilds usually fits into this guild.)

As well, there are many sub-guilds within the five many categories, and it is rumored there are sub-guilds within sub-guilds. For example, the Paladin's Guild is within the warriors guild. One may join multiple sub-guilds, for example you can be part of the Ranger's Guild as well as the Assasin's Guild, as well but only one main guild. You can join sub-guilds outside your main guild though. It is illegal to not be part of at least one guild, as of the age of twelve. When you join a guild you have the symbol of that guild imprinted on your one of your arms.

Any questions or ideas to add to this? Just saying 'yes, I want to play' is welcome too.

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