ForumsForum Gameskickstarter for "the Werewolf of AG!" (Semi-RPG)

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1,773 posts

I tried it quite many times, but i hope this time it will run:


A poor new comer found dead in the newcomers sector, with wolven vites mark all over him. But largers then any wolf you can imagaine.

The game go like this:
Post this chart:
Name: (your AG name/nickname)
Look: (I look like a ghost. R2D2 like a crazy trbot with a cookies jar. Just how you see yourself, based on your armatar or not).
Home: (one of AG forums sectors. Your favorite one. WERP, The tavern, popular media, etc.)
Email : in other forums i used to work with the inner email. As we dont have one here, ill ve glad if you could open a mail just for this game (maybe even making it your &quotrivate AG Email&quot, or use a existing one. There ill send you what is your job, you will be able to make threatiesand alliances and send me your actions.

The game work on a day and night circle. Ill announce when its day and when its night. At night only the speical classes "work". At day time you are free to vote. At the end of the day the votes are counted and then the judgment will smash the poor criminal (even if he is innocente).

After that, and based on the number of players, ill give SOME of you a "job".
Here is the basic list:
Two big bad werewolves: the werewolf, once a night, can preform a kill. If the two werewolves choose the same target, he die (aka out of the game, lose, kick the bucket, go to sleep with the worms, etc.).
Undercover admin: the mod try to protect the players. Once a night he choose one player. This night the player will be protected from the werewolves attack.
veteran member: every night, this player can "search in AG archives" and find out his target identity - his job.
The "know all" noob: He think he know everyone. Belive he is a veteran member, has the same power, but get wrong answers most of the times. A wolf will be said to be normal AG member, a veteran will be said to be a wolf, in a random way.

Every day, the AG community will gather and vote to ban the member they suspect to be the werewolf. If a player get 50% of the votes, he is banned (lose, kick the- well you get it).

The werewolves win if they kill all the other classes and 50% of the normal members.
The other win if they kill all the werewolves.

I CHOOSE THE CLASSES. Saying what you want to be wont help. You will get to your mentioned Email your class, a

The fgame will start after we gather enough peoples. The more the better.

Any question? Something unclear? Bad gramer (yea i know its spelt grammer)?

  • 19 Replies
379 posts

Name: anewbeginning.
Look: Insane elf.
Home: Forum Games.
Email :

464 posts

Name: Bingu77788
Look: Green, fire-breathing dragon.
Home: Forum Games

Sounds fun.

PS: Can you message me on my profile to check my email? Coz I dont really look at my real email.

1,666 posts

3rd attempt to start a game like this...well i wish you luck

1,773 posts

Sure thing bingu!

The winner(s) will get a trophey to put on there profile. It will be glorius!

1,078 posts

Name: stealth_ninja
Look: A ninja
Home: Forum Games

1,773 posts

Come on peoples! When we arrive to 7 ill start. Yet, the more the better. This game is the most fun with Huge groups. I once played with 30 other peoples. that was awsome. (BTW i played it in "real life" as well. Its a good way to rise the moral of a group and get to know each other).

464 posts

A question.

I see stealth ninja and anewbeginning have a Hotmail account and I have a Google account. Is this okay?

1,773 posts

Sure thing. You can still email them, and i can email you, right?

1,078 posts

I don't think we're gonna get many people⦠:/

464 posts

Sure thing. You can still email them, and i can email you, right?

I dont know, Im definitely not the pro.
379 posts

You can. It would be pretty stupid if hotmail users could only email other hotmail users and gmail users can only email other gmail users.

1,773 posts

Anyone jumping into the train? It will be fun!

464 posts

Come on guys... this actually looks fun!

1,078 posts

Yeah, come guys. Please join!

1,773 posts

I see not so many poples are in. In that case, there will be some changes.

Each one of you is the head of one of the more important families in the town. You live in a quite distant town in a valley, in the middle of the grey forest, a huge north western forest.
And a werewolf as arrived.

One of you secretly a retiard werewolf hunter. You kept your shady past from the others. Comunicate with me on secret acts by email.

Another, is quite a noisy fella. He read mails, he gossip in the tavern, he even, god forgive him, know properly how to read and write! He can investigate a family and leatn about it.

The village fool (he dosent know that) - when he learnt how to read, his "teacher" lied to him for amusment. He gossip, but everyone just tell stories for him, and he dont know when someone lie or not. He also quite stereotipical person. He get wronf information most of the time (not always).

One of you can ve the werewolf. Or not. Its a mystery!

Turns are now counted by weeks. Beggining of week and end. At every end of a week the town gather in a meeting hall deciding what to do. Hanging is not a must.

A new bio!
*Name of you (the family leader)*, *name of the family*.
Family members:
Adults: (names only) [Dont type yet, read the manual first. Workers dont have to be named).
Kids: (number. Harsh i know but we dont have enough space. Tou can name some if you realy want to).
Warehouse: 500 grain, 250 veggis, 25 dried sheeps, 5 farning tools kits)
Fields: (for example: wheat(1/5

For the family building:
You have a family. These are the "classes":

Young bachlor - stronger and capble for more brave deeds. A married man wont risk his family and go hunt in the deeps of the forest. Need his own half room. Can be titeld to be a spesific job: hunter, town watch, etc.

Young bachlorette - more free to do jobs, as she dont have a family to take care of. Need half a room (not with another boy)

A married man - older, have more responsebilities. Smarter and with more experience to do mcomplicated jobs (heavy industery). Can have kids with -

Married women- work at the property. Know what she is doing.

Old vergin/widow - A old lady. Can take care of house works. Have knowledge in Herbings and stuffs like that. Can sleep on the roof (buy a old lady and get a roof room for free!)

Kids - can do small jobs, like watching the animals or gather wood.

Hired workers - can live up to 3 in a room. Young peoples from the nearby villages who ran away to atart there own lifes. Less loyal but can do most of jobs. They eat less as they also take care of themselves. Wont tolrate hunger.

Each of you have 800 coins.

Your house:

Loosy wood planks and mud cost 15.
A wooden room cost 45.
A stone room cost 80.
A second floor make the price higher in 50%.

Each married couple need a room for himself and one for the kids. A grown kid need half a room for himself. You can stock kids like sheeps. 10 in a room if want to.
Living room cost (bed and stuff) - 10
Kitchen - 25
Speical room (anything you want. From wavering room to a small butchery. Not heavy industeries like blacksmiths or wood curving) - 50.
Heavy industeries - (As said, blacksmiths, Bakery (for massive producing) and etc) - 90.
[Rooms dont have to be in one house. You can spread them.
Upload a picture of your property if able. A picture of 250:250, yellow for mud, brown for wood and grey for stone. The fields are quite far from your house, so dont bother draw these. Mark each with number and make a legend by writing in the post ( example: 1-Living room for me, 2-party room...3-...)
If not able to draw, feel free to PM me in my profil and ill draw for you and send you the link.

You got 5 fields.
Types: Grain (2500 every 6 weeks), vegtebles (400 every 2 weeks), Barley (for livestock or for beer).
1 baren (choose an animal. Chickens, sheeps, cows, pigs). Each barley can provide 3 cows, 5 pigs, 6 sheeps,

Each grown man need to eat 20 units a week. Grain and veggies count 1 to 1. Sheeps contain 70 units (or gazed for there wool every 4 weeks). Cows is 120 to one (or milked for 40). Chicken provide 20 (or 10 if kept alive). Pigs are 100.

As there are not so many players, there will be the poorer families. Each of them will have their own traits (that ill decide).

(You guys count as rich, the others on the other hand...)
The Arberts. Medium.
The Burtelmers. Poor.
The Conrads. Poor.
The Duferlsmitz. Medium up.
The Erols. Very poor.
The Franks. Medium up.
The Goldbergs. Medium.
The Hernans. Poor.
The Irdels. Very poor.
The Jackens. Close to starving.
The Krakrens. Very poor

Secret goals may be given.

The game still recruiting!

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