I did this before but quit it because I felt like it was too much work, I think I might be able to handle it now.
1.New players are always welcome. 2.Double check to make sure you completely filled out the nation sheet. 3.If I haven't specified something, you can make it up yourself. But nothing too extreme without my permission. For example, if I say your in a forest, you can say that it's made up of only oak and maple trees. What you cannot do is say that there is a native tribe of cannibals hidden in the trees. 4.If you have questions or feel I've done something wrong, feel free to ask or correct me. 5.I'll overlook how your species could have evolved, but not how they currently exist. For example, I'll allow a ants with lungs which allow them to grow very large, but not a chipmunk that's the size of Mt.Everest and only eats a leaf a day. Unless you have an unbelievably good explanation. 6.No aliens. 7.You can do virtually anything in this, but if you do something really stupid that I don't like, for example start a space program when your in the iron age, I'll probaly say a tornado hits and destroys the program. 8. I may change the rules or the character sheet if they need changing. I probaly won't though if your strongly against it. 9. This is single player. This country RPG differs from others because you will not play as humans, and you must play as a different species. This species will still be smart enough to eventually build a civilization though. You can have multiple species in your civilization, but you will only control one.
How this works: You will post an action and I will post a reaction. Then you post another action and I post another reaction. You can interact with other players and I may decide to force you to interact with other players, in-game. For example: You: I send twenty chipmunk gatherers to get nuts. Me: Your chipmunk gatherers get you enough food to last your entire village about a month.
Your posts will usually be a few sentences though. Everyone will start in a place similar to England, but the exact geography like locations of rivers and forests can change. Everyone will spread out into neighboring areas after the game gets going. You delete everything in brackets in the nation sheet. Those aren't the only questions you answer though, just examples. The more detail you put in the less I make up for you.
You are a being that's similar to a god, but no one knows of your presence. Every turn you can influence your species to make descisions, but the more people you influence the weaker the effect will be. That's why it could be better to communicate through a single leader instead of simple telling your population to do something universally. You cannot read the minds of your species, but you can know whenever they say something. As well, there is only a certain amount of territory that your influence extends through.
Name of Race: (Owleans? Drakkgihn? What will you choose?) Lands Controlled: (This is everywhere you control. To start, it's you starting area. For example, a thick forest or high mountains.) Lands Found: *Everywhere you know about, but do not control.) Technology: (The stuff you have. I'll fill this out based on your nation description.) Hierachy: (Does your race elect a president? Do you have slaves? Do you have elders?) Military: (Do you have spearman? Is it men only? Do you have one big army or smaller squads?) Physical Description: (This one is pretty straight forward. But genders may differ.) Mental Description: (Are your people all geniuses, or are they idiots? Do they have innate respect for each other? Are they warmongers naturally?) Population: (I'll decide this, and it'll be a limiting factor. If you choose a simple species, higher population. An all powerful nation with laser beam eyes? Lower population.) History: (The history of your people. This is optional, as it's the RPG equivalent of a bio.) Other Anything that doesn't fall into the other categories.)
Dramora (floral. Dramora man, Dramoa made sword. Dramora peoples.) Land: Northen area near a lake. Semi-Tundra. Tech: Hierarchy: Republican monarchy (the head of the state is a king, the other oficces are choosen by the Senate members. To become a Senaror, you have to fit intelectualy. The higher your prestig and Resume, the better the chances to get in. The king can Veto and decide the general desicion. The offices work to accomplish these goals). As we dont in a position for slaves yet (a small town), we dont have any. We are tolerence to other races (not neccesery to other kings). The clerics has ceremonial powers only. Military: My army based on Pikemans line, behind them profeshional archers. Cavarley is made by choosen members of the town who are given a horse and armor set (something like public knight). The low-medium class and up, the capital large town of Dmaroma residents, are quite intrellegent peoples (some more, some less), as schooling is a important thing in the dramora society. They are loyal and patriotic. The lower classes of farmer and etc. are a mob, uneducated. They are the pikemans line. Physical desc: Elvens (I cant resist it...). Almost bothing speical. Can see in almost darkness (like when you get used to the dark, but better. Not complete dark). Normal life length. Quite better reflexs. History: after a century wger the small villages of Dirma (my territory name) kept fighting, trading and living the bronze age, thr town of Dmaroma got in power, crushing there rivals and getting its place as the dominant city. Its a large town (by ancient standards), to wher most of the trade goes.
The farmers grow barely to feed the livestock in the harsh winters. The more bortheners of them just mmigrate with there herds in look for food at the northens stepps. The easteners villages based on fishing on the salt pond (mayve ocean?). The westeners and the centrals (wher dmaroma is built) based on growing crops and get a rich diet from the diffrunt "counties". The southeners mostly hunt at the edge of the great forest, bit herding livestock as the north westeners.
Counties: Northen Dirma - a tundra, with mountains. The more north you travel the more mountains there is, until the unpassble ridge of "the end", wher a huge ravin cut the area from the north (to the north). A big river cross it. On one of its shore the town of Ardor sit, which is the capital of the county. The rest "villages" are nomadic camps, some big, not based on family line neccesarily, some small. Provide light cavalrey.
Central+west dirma - a semi tundra. Less harsh, less cold. Sedentary villages. Dmaroma is it capital and the Dramora capital. Here most of the pikemans live, as well as the public knights.
East Dirma - sea dwellers, On the shore of the "great blue" salt water entity. The region is quite small, on a thin shore of the water entity. Yet there are many towns and villages. They hunt whales.
South Dirma : as you cross the last river of central-western Dirma, the woods get thicker and thicker. In these areas hunting is the main food source, as well as wood curving. The capital is Woodmara, which is built on huge trees on the center of a forest. These mans provide the profeshional archers.
My first act is to conect all the counties by roads, due making the trade more fluent and increas the towns wealth.
Name of race: Riledarions Land controlled: Hills and forest to the north and east. Other Lands found: Forest to the south and west, controlled by Frukons. Technology: Stone axes, spears tipped with stone. Hierarchy: Cheif Council (10) Elite Warriors Warriors Average people Military: 8 squads, 30 in each, they use stone axes and stone tipped spears. Physical description: 2-3 metre tall humanoid lizards Mental description: Territorial, loyal, warlike, most are not very smart but some are quite smart. Population: 325 Other: They dig burrows in hills in which they sleep in at night.
Name of Race: Lycans Lands Controlled: Dense Woods Lands Found: Technology: Hierachy: -Alphas: Leader of the pack -Betas: Most likely to replace Alphas if they fall from grace -Subordinate: Any pack members that's not Alpha or Beta -Omega: Lowest pack member; Easily Sacrificed Military: They fight Berserker style. Waiting until night to attack, burning and killing all in their path. Physical Description: Humanoid wolves. Mental Description: Vicious, Unstable, and Loyal. Not the brightest minds. Population: History: Once warring clans were united under the deities of Dreybuxle. They believe that death in combat is the ultimate form of enlightenment. Those who die peacefully are dismissed as cowards and left to rot. So that everyone has a chance to go to the Great Battlefield after death, all members over thirty years old (35 is the average age to die at of old age) have an opportunity to participate in an elders only gladiator fight. Other: There are also gladiator fights based on rank. Winners of the tournament will be promoted in caste and have a feast held in their honor.