ForumsForum GamesStar Wars: The Chronicles of the Clone Wars

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its sometime in the future in the star wars universe where life is among the stars. recently having taken place the events of the clone wars as portrayed in the 2nd episode, the republic has taken back Geonosis from the trade federation. this game takes full place in the massive scope of the clone wars, and many things will unfold for it to create a full game that is largely RPG. the goal of this game is to lead your faction to domination of the universe!

you can choose to be a sith, jedi, or mercenary. you will be given missions by the elders of both factions, or by your leader if you are a mercenary. these missions will give you reputation and eventually advance you through the ranks of the jedi or sith.

Character Sheet: (CS)
Name: (make it realistic)
Age: (again, realistic)
Race: (can be human, but needs to exist in the star wars universe)
Faction: (jedi, sith, or mercenary)
Clan: (mercenaries only. if you are not one, delete this. if you are, I will pick this for you)
Rank: youngling (this is not realistic, you would start missions at padawan, but for the sake of the game you start here)
Master: (you can choose his/her name. he/she can be from the star wars universe, or someone random. if it is fictional, his/her attitude will be random. cant be yoda or the emperor.)
Apprentice: N/A
Reputation: 0 (as you complete missions, it rises. if you kill your own faction, it drops. as a mercenary, its largely based off of your actions)
Current mission: N/A
level: 1(0/10 XP)
Force powers: none (as you level up, you gain force powers. there will be a skill tree. I am still in the process of thinking about it, but I have the basics mapped out.)
lightsaber: basic blue. (more below)

please, delete what you must and all in parenthesis.

if you pick a real master, he will play out exactly as the real one. if you pick one no one knows about, you should tell me he is real. if hes fake, I will make its personality. if you don't pick one, I will give you someone random. only 1 person can have the same real person. meaning, there will not be 2 people with obi-wan as their master.

your lightsaber will have different colors and types as you progress. basic means it has 1 blade. the color gives it perks. for example, orange has better weight and gives you faster moves. you will not unlock these through normal gameplay, you have to explore to find color cores and different models.

combat is based from lots of auto-play. if you engage combat with another jedi/sith, you will attack them the way you would normally with a lightsaber. you can throw in force attacks as you unlock them, but most perks are granted from environmental decisions. when you get to that kind of combat I will explain deeper.

you are given missions to progress the game. you can complete them when you choose, unless your master says you have to leave. you have your own ship for travel, but generally you wont use it. you can travel around Coruscant, doing side missions you may be given for color cores and special things.

in a final note, all death is permanent, and everyone is playing the same game. I will be sticking to factual planets, but not much else. so go and take the universe!

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