ForumsForum GamesLife Of an Escaped Clone (''Deathmatch'' RPG)

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1,146 posts

2015 After recolinisation; the apocalypse has already occured, some 3000 years ago, earth has been recolinised and has reached almost exactly the same state.
Save large pine-forests on America, marches on Australia and slightly advanced tech world-wide.

Nickel Inc, one of the most advanced lab's in Knucklebones (Read Texas) has long been working on making test-tube babies designed for combat.

After creating several successful clones, they create a mixed batch, programmed to have strong urges to eradicate all other clones in the batch. Releasing these and
locking down the facility they leave. Planning to come back after the action has cooled down, supposedly being left with only the most effective clones.

Unfortunately some clones, break into the boiler room with the intention of blowing up the lab in a suicidal attempt to destroy the other clones. Many are killed by the resulting blast, but a good fifty survive, now no longer hemmed in by the now lab's walls. These hide in the city, having large shoot-outs in public places to the chagrin of the sheriff.

In this forum you play as one of these artificial-humans, but be wary, some clones have excelled to an elite level, and while the police will only detain you Nickel Inc soldiers will gladly cut you down.
This is not a friendly world to be spawned into.

No auto hitting, killing, unlocking, traversing, ect.
No cussing in english.
Clones are limited to Saline City Knucklebones and are unable to leave.
No flash-dancing.

Due to the tyrannical nature of Vodafone I will only be able to post of Thursday to Monday each week.

Character sheet:
Fill in the brackets with your clones details.

Name: (The name your clone gives himself)
Notable features: (Most clones were formed as blond Caucasians in there late teens, but some my vary, having different skin,hair,eye colour or being albino or hetrochromatic.
Inventory: (Pick a side-arm form the list below.)
State: Healthy

Clones will start in the smouldering wreckage of the Nickel Inc's destroyed ware-house, armed with pistols kindly (stupidly) supplied by Nickel Inc.
This is located on beginning of Row street

  • 750 Replies
274 posts

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 7/7
State: Healthy

Names... Names are what normal people have right? Now I could have one- a real name and not just another number. Jason Reeves comes to mind instantly- one of the scientists mentioned him as a popular figure in society. Jason Reeves is a good enough name as any.
I clutch my handgun and start to investigate the warehouse, looking for any signs of life/ anything interesting.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

I sigh, and continue walking.

1,146 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

Luther sighs "All-right. But I still don't like the look of that spike."
Antonio hands you the brain-spike. The console resembles a calculator with a large screen. Several large buttons read 'Copy' 'Paste' 'Open' and 'Save'.

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 7/7
State: Healthy

You encounter a clone with a broken leg. He stares at you blankly fumbles for a shooting-stick nearby.

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

The blades Zzzzzzz along the ground, Tnk-ing as you go over a crack. You spot some people in standard issue clone uniform scuffling down the street.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

I ask Bobby, "What are you doing?" While looking for a place to hide.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

"Do you remember what the other clones used?"

274 posts

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 7/7
State: Healthy

I become overcome with what I theorize as emotion and sprint towards him, kneeing him in the face. and reaching for my pistol

1,146 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

"I'm jus', lookin' book. Not follow you."
The fighting clones are exchanging blows with lead pipes.

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

Antonio shrugs philosophically "'Open' sounds plausible."

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 7/7
State: Healthy

The clone recoils from the blow, and grasps the cane-gun, swinging the novel weapon in your direction.

274 posts

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 7/7
State: Healthy

I attempt to dodge and fire 2 shots at the clone's head.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

"Okay." I say as i hide.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

"Alright. Give us it."

1,146 posts

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 5/7
State: Healthy

The cane clips your shin, as he gets a finger over the large trigger, you manage to partially lobotomize it and it goes rigid, the end of their gun quivering with spasms.

1,146 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

You hide, and after several second the second clone falls.
The other clone holds the lead pipe, and looks around with a puppy-dog like eagerness.

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

He hands it over. It is surprisingly heavy and unsurprisingly sticky.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Notable features: Light blue eyes, brown hair color, whitish skin
Inventory: Concord Forger 4/6, GreyRam shotgun 1/3/4
State: Healthy

I see if he notices me or not.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Notable features: 6ft 2' in height, with short brown hair, golden iris', with slightly tanned skin.
Inventory: Aspirin tablet, police radio, Centavo Sniper badge x2, bandages, army knife, 7.64, Muesli bars; assorted. Brain-Spike M762.
Tormenta Exacta 4/5,
Armour: None
State: Dandy Fine

I hit the open button and try to figure out how it works.

274 posts

Name: Jason Reeves
Notable features: Tall, lean in his early twenties. He has strawberry blonde hair with deep blue green eyes
Inventory: Randal Set V 5/7
State: Healthy

I frown and attempt to piledrive/cause much pain to his broken leg in an attempt to turn him combat ineffective.

Showing 541-555 of 750