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1.New players are always welcome.
2. Double check to make sure you completely filled out the nation sheet.
3. If I have not specified something, you can make it up yourself. But nothing too extreme without my permission. For example, if I say youâre in a forest, you can say that it's made up of only oak and maple trees. What you cannot do is say that there is a native tribe of cannibals hidden in the trees.
4. If you have questions or feel I've done something wrong, feel free to ask or correct me.
7. An attempt to do something which you cannot do, because you lack the resources, will result me saying you failed and to do something else.
8. I may change the rules or the character sheet if they need changing.
9. No changing you CS without my permission after making it.
10.The more powerful your nation is, the harder the problems you face. So don't give your nation everything you possibly can under the technology section.
How this works: You are a god-thing which can control the minds of itâs citizens. Anyone who believes themselves a member of whatever culture you are you have control over. The more people you influence though the weaker it is, so itâs usually smarter to control a single leader entirely than slightly influence the population. You will post an action and I will post a reaction. Then you post another action and I post another reaction. By default each turn is one week, but you can request longer periods of turn time so it goes faster. This is completely single player.
For example:
You: I make the chieftan send twenty gatherers to get nuts.
Me: Your gatherers get you enough food to last your entire village about a month. However a tribe of cannibals have recently been bothering you and you have to do something about it.
You: I train my villagers in combat and build walls around the village for a year.
Me: The wall is fairly stable now, and you villagers have basic combat skills. You lost fifty people to the cannibals though.
Your posts will usually be a few sentences though. Everyone will start in a place similar to England, but the exact geography like locations of rivers and forests will change, and there might be mountains or volcanoes a lot bigger than which exist in England. Everyone will spread out into neighboring areas, eventually the mainland, after the game gets going. You delete everything in brackets in the nation sheet. Those aren't the only questions you answer though, just examples. The more detail you put in the less I make up for you.

Name of Civilization: (It can be an actual civilization or random stuff.)
Mental Description: (Do your people focus on training people to be aggressive warmongers, or advertise peaceful solutions? Do they waste a lot or do they use everything they have?)
Religion: (Your religion. At this point atheism is something for the illogical idiot, as there is so much unknown the only explanation is a higher being.)
History: (Major events that happened in your cultures past.)
Controlled Locations: (To start this is where you want to begin, like a thick forest, but over time youâll take over new regions.)
Discovered Locations: (To start these are neighboring areas, but over time they will include the nations of your enemies or places you found on expeditions.)
Hierachy: (Does your race elect a president? Do you have slaves? Do you have elders?)
Military: (Do you have spearman? Is it men only? Do you have one big army or smaller squads?)
Technology: (What you have invented and found out how to use. To start off, you are in late Paleolithic so you can have basic copper smithing, but not yet bronze. This includes tools, architecture, materials, and weapons to start, but it can include other things as well.)
Population: 5000
Age: 0 Weeks (This is how old your nation is. It doesnât actually affect anything, but I just want to see how long youâve been playing.)
Other: (Anything that doesn't fall into the other categories.)

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