its the year 2100, and cards come to life. its like as if you put one of these cards on the table, the creature comes to life in its form. people have learned these cards have no uses but to interact with eachother in a form of magic card game, but this has given people easy ways to form hobbies and tournaments for prize money or for fun. some people buy these cards a lot and become powerful and rich. others struggle with the game's fundamentals. who will you be?
note this is a card game, even though in the story they come to life this isnt an RPG where you slay monsters.
Character Sheet: (CS)
Name: Age: Bio: (why are you playing the game?) -------------------- Money: $100 normal play wins: 0 losses: 0 (normal games, you play these with people or AI at any time) Tournament wins: 0 losses: 0 (organized games, they will be PvP based mostly) Decks: N/A (you will pick your starting deck, and can later change it, but for now leave this blank) -------------------- Cards: N/A Current battle: none
you are standing in the card shop to begin. you are all in the same shop to start, talking to the same people. this is a great place to find games, and their is only 1 in this game. 1 man owns it, and everyone can talk to him at the same time. its like the hub of the game.
to begin, let me explain game fundamentals. you MUST read this:
this is not a tutorial, but an explanation of a few things. 1. cards have rarities as follows, in order of worst to best: Common: (C) cards you will get to start, but are bound to get rid of them eventually. they are quick to cast, easy to use, but are weak and normally useless. Uncommon: (UC) cards that are better then commons undoubtedly, but arent necessarily good. some have abilities that are useful, but most you will not want. Good: (G) cards that cannot always be considered bad, but are sometimes. many good cards are useful, but not all are. Rare: (R) you dont find many of these. they are cards sometimes worth money, sometimes good or both. you will see they are considerably better then the below tiers. Epic: (E) cards that are truly powerful. they cannot be overlooked in battle, as they will normally prove extensively useful. they are very rare, and cannot be obtained in normal packs. Legendary: (L) the best of the best. these cards can be game breaking, and will be targeted for sure, if you can defeat them. they are the ultimate cards, and can only be obtained through expensive packs Premium: (P) these are cards that cannot be bought, only obtained through tournaments and are usually given to the winners only. they are as power as legendaries or better, and there arent many of them.
2. there are no spells in this game, because you can see the other persons hand so its not worth it. 3. some cards have abilities, and they will be explained.
the man behind the counter says you can buy one of the follow starter decks. "they arent great, of course, but they will get you started. when you choose one, you will get a tutorial from me"