
332 113874
116 posts

Humans are the most intelligent species in the world, don't you agree ?
You and me are the best creatures made by the god, don't you agree ?

The god given us many things because he hope the humans I have created will go to the earth and will do many good things !

But see what is going on today's world, we are doing misuse of powers given us by the god, don't you agree ?

By seeing this a question is arsing in my mind = Is this the end of Humanity ?

What you think about this ? Can we prevent this ?

  • 332 Replies
3,171 posts

No, I mean why not create a "mini-star" to derive power from.

How heavy would it be, how hot would it be, and where would we keep it?

However I hear the creation of antimatter that we would need can't get much more efficient than what we have now. Though I've never heard the reason as to why that is.

I think there's two main reasons. Antimatter and matter release energy upon destruction, so the reverse operation requires an input of the same energy. Because of this reaction to regular matter, it is also very difficult to store for any prolonged period.
8,256 posts

I may just be too pessimistic, but this doesn't seem at all plausible to me.

But we're working on it, and while it may not be during our lifetime, I'm sure we will be able to harness the power of ministar fusion one day.

Concerning fusion:
Although this sentence might be important: "While this is great news, it is very important to note that the reported net gain is from the energy that actually made it into the reaction; the lasers produced exponentially more energy than what was used and calculated into the findings. "

And I'm sure you haven't missed this:
9,462 posts

I think there's two main reasons. Antimatter and matter release energy upon destruction, so the reverse operation requires an input of the same energy. Because of this reaction to regular matter, it is also very difficult to store for any prolonged period.

The thing about this is they sound more like technical issues we have with the process. What I've heard is that it's a physics issue not a matter of simply not having the sufficient technology to do it. (which is currently also a problem) I was hearing that we simply can't produce antimatter at a much faster rate than what we do today. If we can't do that then the use of antimatter as a power source could never be made viable because we could never have enough antimatter to use in the reaction.

Another power source I would be willing to bank on for the future, if the greedy would get out of the way is solar power. This is a technology that really could be greatly improved with further research and even at the level it's at today it's use could have a significant impact in our dependance of other power sources.

What we probably could do with current technology is put up massive solar and wind farms and make up the difference with nuclear plants.

Such technology wouldn't have to be just placed in dedicated farms but could be used all over. For instance we have developed solar panel roof tiling for homes. If an array like this or like the standard panel could be placed on every building this would make those buildings partially or even completely energy independent. Further this by putting it on a smart grid so the building producing more energy than they need instead of feeding back to the plant divert the power to nearby buildings that need more power, thus reducing the over all loss from traveling back to the grid.

I estimated that the cost to set something like that up fro every building in the US would at commercial prices would run roughly $12 trillion to do. Just for residential homes it would run about $9.5 trillion. (I've heard of some solar paneling that could be done for far cheaper as well, such as this.) I know that sounds like a lot of money but let's consider the US defense budget for a moment. We are spending over $1 trillion a year on it (I think it was something like $1.4 trillion last year and goes up) If we could instead focus less than half that (about $500 billion a year) on such a project we could achieve having such a network of power sources by the late 2030s.

Wind generators could be installed in tall buildings that constantly face high winds due to their height. I also like the idea of installing them across bridges where available like this Italian bridge.

I don't buy for a second the counter argument against wind turbines about how birds will sometimes fly into them. This seems like a very small cost compared to the damage other conventional means of power do to not only birds but all sorts of life, including our own.

I've heard of the idea if making solar roads. This is where we turn long stretches of road into solar power panels.
The major problem I can see with this is that they wouldn't be able to be kept clean enough to remain efficient, specially with heavy use of traffic. I think we could use a similar idea to these sorts of smart roads but instead of making them solar we make them piezoelectric power generators. This could also be done for sidewalks. Basically any heavily traveled road would then become electric generators as we use them which could be fed to the grid.

Basically the idea behind all this is instead of having a few large power planets generating lots of power, we have lots of small generators producing a small amount of power but collectively producing a large amount.
241 posts

nice idea dude; you just need to handle the massive cost of that, convincing politicians in your idea, and a way to execute any of your idea without closing all the roads in a city or closing important bridges

9,462 posts

nice idea dude; you just need to handle the massive cost of that, convincing politicians in your idea, and a way to execute any of your idea without closing all the roads in a city or closing important bridges

Convincing politicians would be the hard part especially right now with most of them being in the back pockets of those who want things to remain the same or worse. The rest could be handled through incremental changes.focusing on long term gains.
1,773 posts

These bridges look like birds killers to me.

3,171 posts

I was hearing that we simply can't produce antimatter at a much faster rate than what we do today. If we can't do that then the use of antimatter as a power source could never be made viable because we could never have enough antimatter to use in the reaction.

It would not be a power source, because the energy released is equal to the amount that went into it to begin with. It has some potential for energy storage, but nothing more.

What we probably could do with current technology is put up massive solar and wind farms and make up the difference with nuclear plants.

I cannot support an idea which involves industrial scale Earth-based nuclear reactors. They are simply too great a liability.

I don't buy for a second the counter argument against wind turbines about how birds will sometimes fly into them. This seems like a very small cost compared to the damage other conventional means of power do to not only birds but all sorts of life, including our own.

Nor do I; their vision isn't that poor. I think there was a concern about irregular heart rhythms in bats that fly near them, which may be worth investigating further.
9,462 posts

These bridges look like birds killers to me.

Birds have a tendency to fly over rather than under bridges. So it really wouldn't be that big of a concern.

I cannot support an idea which involves industrial scale Earth-based nuclear reactors. They are simply too great a liability.

Nuclear reactors really get more of a bad rap than they deserve. It's usually when they aren't properly maintained when things go wrong, even then it's rare. They are however still producing hard to get rid of pollution, which is why I would have them as the back up to the cleaner forms of energy rather than trying to do it the other way around.

I think there was a concern about irregular heart rhythms in bats that fly near them, which may be worth investigating further.

So far can't seem to find anything confirming that occurring, though I am finding studies saying that wind turbines do have a tendency to kill a high number of bats do to possibly mating behavior where the bat seeks out the tallest "tree" around (the turbines). I suppose one way to cut down on such deaths for both bats and birds would be to redesign the turbines so the blades are screened in preventing such animals from being caught in them.
116 posts

No, actually, it doesn't. The term "us" relates only to a group of individuals which includes the speaker/narrator. It says nothing about what they do or do not own.

The term "us" defines ownership in some sentences. For example - "God gave us the Earth" here "us" defines ownership over the planet Earth.

You're missing the point. I'm aware of the events you're concerned with. I'm asking you why you believe them to be wrong.

As I said before "some peoples are cutting trees, killing animals etc". In other words they are killing every creature made by the god. No religion gives the permisson to kill the creatures made by the god. That's why I believe them to be wrong. I have humanity in my heart that's why I believe them to be wrong.
"Some peoples are doing pollution. In other words they are destroying there home planet", the planet in which they were born they are killing it that's why I believe them to be wrong.

No, actually, it doesn't. It suggests only that they believe their actions are not ultimately detrimental to the Earth.

This also comes in "Humanity".
9,439 posts

No religion gives the permisson to kill the creatures made by the god.

Have you not read Leviticus?
3,171 posts

The term "us" defines ownership in some sentences. For example - "God gave us the Earth" here "us" defines ownership over the planet Earth.

No. It defines the target of the agent's action. The fact that, in this instance, the agent is God and the action is giving is irrelevant.

I have humanity in my heart that's why I believe them to be wrong.

You were just decrying humanity as immoral. Now you're using it to assert morality?

"Some peoples are doing pollution. In other words they are destroying there home planet", the planet in which they were born they are killing it that's why I believe them to be wrong.

I was not asking why you believe they are wrong. I was asking why you believe what they are doing is wrong.

This also comes in "Humanity".

This makes no sense whatsoever. The word "Humanity" has no use by itself. Why do you insist upon invoking it as though it were a rational counter-argument?
74 posts

Have you not read Leviticus?

Do you have really read the Leviticus? It doesn't say's that human's have any permission by god to kill them and about that it say's that we make the level to the average but we kill them in a harsh way so they die and die and die and this makes them extinct. We were to create balance by killing them but we are the one's destroying it.
3,171 posts

No religion gives the permisson to kill the creatures made by the god.

Aztec pantheon (ritual killing, specifically human sacrifice)
Greek pantheon (ritual killing)
Roman pantheon (ritual killing, sanctioned duels)
Norse pantheon (sanctioned warfare, ritual killing)
Judaism (ritual killing in early times)
Christianity (sanctioned warfare)
Islam (sanctioned warfare)
... to name only a few.
74 posts

everywhere the killing is done none of a country is there which don't have a murder case
there are about 9 murder cases everyday all over the world which means
2 x 30 = 60
cases every month and
60 x 12 = 720
death's are in the world every year.....

1,773 posts

Judisem never had ritual sacrefice. For a proof, see the story of Issac and Abraham. The fact that they mention this sacrefice as something so rare and horrible, show that it wasent a common practice. If they were sacreficing kids on a regular basis then this story whould be not as strong and emotional.

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