Null?Void?Is this a Mod thing... 1 word posts are unlike Mods... c'mon spill what tis bout?=)~~Black~~
public static void main(String[] args);
import java.awt*;
import java.wtfAmIDoing*
from CachePurge import *while True: if isLastPostTitleTooLong() !> normal_length: lockThread() break
10 CLS20 PRINT "Thread re-opened."30 PRINT "Processing..."40 PRINT "YaddaYaddaYadda; BlahBlahBlah."50 CLS60 PRINT "BASIC programming rules."70 CLS80 PRINT "Examine thread."90 PRINT "Title = TRUE"100 PRINT "OP = FALSE"110 PRINT "Discussion = Null"120 PRINT "Computing..."130 PRINT "... ... ..."140 PRINT "... ..."150 PRINT "..."160 CLS170 PRINT "Thread = LOL"180 PRINT "Fun over."190 CLS200 PRINT "Thread locked again."210 PRINT =)220 END
{ Class threadOpen == new ClassreplyStart();}
public class Trololol{ public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 1; while (i > 0) System.out.println("trololololol" }}
function cookie(onEatCookie):Boolean { if (onEatCookie) { this.eaten(); }}function onEnterFrame() { if (cookie.hitTest(mouth)) { onEatCookie = true; }}
import desserts.*;import flash.geom.Point;import armor.profiles.*;var cookie:Cookie;for(u=0;u
rememberedCommentsUseHTML = false;if(rememberedCommentsUseHTML) { patSelfOnBack();}else{ facepalm();}
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