1811- The UC have created a world humankind can't be proud of. Me and my friends have joined a rebellion of people who say they are trying to take over Russia, with all these mechs and stuff it will be one bloody war.
1816- We won! America can finally be free again!
2040- You are not listening to Donty... He was one of my ancestors... I am Zach Deltas. A guy named Garrey Gebunken that smells of major big business is planning to take over America, the Rebels must rise again and fight back. It is time for...
You will need hacking skills to unlock new areas, and get top secret info from computers, every time you level up you can hack more programs, these include:
Name: HP: 100/100 Class: Weapon: ATH (Able To Hack): GEEK-PROOF. XP: 0/15
This is the current locations status:
Garrey Genbumken Tower, under control of Garrey Gebunken, really high defenses, 30 floors. Desvley Town, under control of Desvley town mayor, low defenses. GG (Garrey Gebunken) military base 1, under control of GG troops, med defenses. GG military base 2, under control of GG troops, med defenses. GG military base 3, under control of GG troops, high defenses. Rebellion hideout, under control of Zach Deltas, high defenses. Rebellion H.Q. under control of the Rebellion, med defenses, 3 floors.