You have to get at the top at the tower and not let any other user come near you!You can use lifts,destroy lifts,push the other user out of the building etc. (I can't give any more ideas!)
I use the elevator to the floor in which danwar123 is then I jump on him and his jetpack malfunctions.We both fall on the ground.Then I use my handglider at the last second and glide to the top,leaving danwar123 in the dust!
I tunnel under the tower bringing it to ground level. I then imply walk onto it. I use exploding hockey pucks to kill all people in the tower while I wear a mysterious gas mask. I then call lots of people and throw loud underground parties. Causing the police to come. I bribe the police into becoming completely corrupted. The FBI has to investigate. I pay them off and now have national and local law enforcement as my security.
After you rebuild the tower, I simply ascend it. Apparently in the chaos, you forgot to climb up. I make sure to lay undetectable land mines along the way.
I grab my jhetpack and sniper and fly upwards,and shoot you as soon as your head pops up.i then land sat the top,triumply holding the moderator moegreche's head.
I get a burst of rage, knocking the building off and then I build a new one.I grab mod. Moegreche's head from Danwar123 and then reattach Mod. Moegreche's head then I grab a remote and use it to malfunction danwar123's Jetpack then I climb the new-made building and rest at the top.
I grab my static field and climb the tower when you try to snipe me the bullet gets reflected and you die.I tear the flag into a million pieces and throw them out of the building.