The world is in the hands of the foolish light mages, they continue to eliminate our kind, one by one. We must defeat the light mages and cover the world in the darkness of the old days! Our journey will be rough, as most all the cities are ruled by the mages of light. I will help you, but it will be rare for i wish to save my strength against our strongest foe.
Things to know:
2: PVP will only happen when sanctiond by me.
3: New players will start at the next town we head to.
5: Groups will fight in 5s, you may make a group or be invited.
6: Be observant.
7: Never forget your team.
8: Each player gets 1 revive from me, otherwise you need a healer.
9: Feel free to ask questions!
10: I will update daily at midnight, so if you snooze you lose!
11: Have fun! Thats an order!
Char sheet:
Age: (13-45)
Group: (start with none, but get one quick!)
Rank: (start with noob)
Class: (your affinity, not light)
sub Class: (your specialty within class)
Lvl: 1 0/10 exp
Gold: 150
Health: 100/100
(pool of 50 points)
pwr: 0
def: 0
acc: 0
stm: 0
luck: 0
mnd: 0
(power is raw magical strength good for fireballs, accuracy poits your magic good for lightning bolts, stamina helps you run away and increaces the health you get back to when revived, luck is self explanitory, mind increaces learning rate.)
INV: 1 staff of (insert aff here), (clothing of your choice) (eqq, +3 def), 3 potions, 1 chaos orb (revives a player).
FaQ: Potion facts: heal for 50. Use a turn. Can be tossed to party members for thier benefit, but uses your turn.
Group facts: You may start a group at any time, you need to make a name for the group,
invite people, and assign ranks.
Feel free to leave suggestions!
Name: Tarctis Ambran Age: 23 bio: From a young age Tarctis has been a very powerful pyromancer. Group: none Rank: noob Class: fire Subclass: explosions lvl: 1 0/10 gold: 150 health: 100/100 LOS:small explosion (single target), Large explosion (1 turn cast, AOE) pwr: 22 def: 3 acc: 7 stm: 5 luck: 10 mnd: 5 Inv: Staff of Fire +2 pwr +2 acc, Robe +3 Def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb
Welcome to my ranks.
Name: David Jones Age: 17 Bio: Being taught through life that mages are some of the most powerful people in existence, he tried his best to become one. However, after realizing he has absolutely no affinity for the light arts, he found a forbidden book in a forgotten corner of a library a learnt dark arts. Group: None Rank: Noob Class: Cursed Earth sub Class: Runes Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS:Summon random rune, Activate rune. pwr: 9 def: 8 acc: 4 stm: 4 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Earth +2 luck +1pwr +1 mnd, Black Robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Welcome to my ranks! As time goes on you will recieve the ability to summon more specific runes.
Nameanwar the unkown Bio:he is mysteriouius lad that is actuallly a spy for the light mages,because he was born into it and only joined the dark mages so he could se their actions and plans. Age: 36 Group: Rank: noob Class: Grey sub Class: Dark grey Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS: Pitiful light beam, Weak dark beam, Minor heal (heal 1 player). pwr: 9 def: 6 acc: 11 stm: 6 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Grey +1 Pwr +3 Luck, large robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Name: Spike Archiac Age: 21 Bio: Group: none Rank: noob Class: dark sub Class: Death Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS: Pure dark beam, Pure dark pulse (1 turn cast, AOE). pwr: 27 def: 8 acc: 11 stm: 5 luck: 1 mnd: 5 INV: 1 staff of Darkness +2 pwr +1 acc +1 luck, blue suede shoes and a black cloak, +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Updated char sheet.
Name: Frogmyre Bio: Was born into a family of Necromancers, and was taught from an early age the secrets of necromancy. Age: 18 Group: None. Rank: noob Class: Pure dark sub Class: Necromancy LOS: Summon undead, Dark beam. Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 pwr: 11 def: 11 acc: 9 stm: 8 luck: 9 mnd: 9 INV: 1 staff of darkness,+3 pwr +1 acc, Tricorne with a feather in it, blue shirt, blue pants +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb (a revive item).
Added List Of Spells to chat sheet.
That was a lot of work! Added List Of Spells to ALL your char sheets!
Name: Frogmyre Bio: Was born into a family of Necromancers, and was taught from an early age the secrets of necromancy. Age: 18 Group: None. Rank: noob Class: Pure dark sub Class: Necromancy LOS: Summon undead, Dark beam. Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 pwr: 11 def: 11 acc: 9 stm: 8 luck: 9 mnd: 9 INV: 1 staff of darkness,+3 pwr +1 acc, Tricorne with a feather in it, blue shirt, blue pants +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb (a revive item).
Life things happened, couldnt post. :,( Frogmyre to answer your question, Dark beams are a single-target, no turn cast,low damage spell. Your overal basic attack.
before we set off on our journey, would you like to visit the town shop? Chaos orb-150 Potion-50 Light (as in not heavy) armor, +5 def-100 heavy armor, +6 def -1 stm-150 Staff upgrade,varied (stat bonuses changed based on class)-150
Name: Frogmyre Bio: Was born into a family of Necromancers, and was taught from an early age the secrets of necromancy. Age: 18 Group: None. Rank: noob Class: Pure dark sub Class: Necromancy LOS: Summon undead, Dark beam. Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 pwr: 11 def: 11 acc: 9 stm: 8 luck: 9 mnd: 9 INV: 1 staff of darkness,+3 pwr +1 acc, Tricorne with a feather in it, blue shirt, blue pants +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb (a revive item).
I think I shall do the same. (I. E. upgrade my staff)
Name: David Jones Age: 17 Bio: Being taught through life that mages are some of the most powerful people in existence, he tried his best to become one. However, after realizing he has absolutely no affinity for the light arts, he found a forbidden book in a forgotten corner of a library a learnt dark arts. Group: None Rank: Noob Class: Cursed Earth sub Class: Runes Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS:Summon random rune, Activate rune. pwr: 9 def: 8 acc: 4 stm: 4 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Earth +2 luck +1pwr +1 mnd, Black Robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Nameanwar the unkown Bio:he is mysteriouius lad that is actuallly a spy for the light mages,because he was born into it and only joined the dark mages so he could se their actions and plans. Age: 36 Group: Rank: noob Class: Grey sub Class: Dark grey Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS: Pitiful light beam, Weak dark beam, Minor heal (heal 1 player). pwr: 9 def: 6 acc: 11 stm: 6 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Grey +1 Pwr +3 Luck, large robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'l upgrade my cloak.
Name: Spike Archiac Age: 21 Bio: Group: A (just for example) Rank: noob Class: dark sub Class: choas (area effect damage, tank (if possible)) Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 pwr: 23 def: 7 acc: 11 stm: 5 luck: 5 mnd: 5 INV: 1 staff of Darkness +3 pwr +1 acc, blue suede shoes and a black cloak, +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb .
Try to keep up! What do you want from the shop?
Name: Tarctis Ambran Age: 23 bio: From a young age Tarctis has been a very powerful pyromancer. Group: none Rank: noob Class: fire Subclass: explosions lvl: 1 0/10 gold: 0 health: 100/100 LOS:small explosion (single target), Large explosion (1 turn cast, AOE) pwr: 24 def: 3 acc: 9 stm: 5 luck: 10 mnd: 5 Inv: +1 Staff of Fire +4 pwr +4 acc, Robe +3 Def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb
Name: Frogmyre Bio: Was born into a family of Necromancers, and was taught from an early age the secrets of necromancy. Age: 18 Group: None. Rank: noob Class: Pure dark sub Class: Necromancy LOS: Summon undead (3), Dark beam. Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 0 Health: 100/100 pwr: 12 def: 11 acc: 11 stm: 8 luck: 10 mnd: 9 INV: +1 Staff of darkness,+4 pwr +3 acc +1 luck, Tricorne with a feather in it, blue shirt, blue pants +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb (a revive item).
Frogmyre, do you wish to start a group to fend off the light fiends together?
Name: David Jones Age: 17 Bio: Being taught through life that mages are some of the most powerful people in existence, he tried his best to become one. However, after realizing he has absolutely no affinity for the light arts, he found a forbidden book in a forgotten corner of a library a learnt dark arts. Group: None Rank: Noob Class: Cursed Earth sub Class: Runes Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 0 Health: 100/100 LOS:Summon random rune, Activate rune. pwr: 10 def: 8 acc: 4 stm: 4 luck: 13 mnd: 11 INV: +1 Staff of Earth +4 luck +2pwr +2 mnd, Black Robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Upgraded staffs for everyone!
Name: Eliakith Age: 32 Bio: His past is shielded from all eyes currently Group: Tier 10 mages Rank: Commander Class: Pure dark Sub class: Death Lvl: 1000 0/0 exp Gold: 0 Health: 100000/100000 LOS: Death (bosses immune), Ultimite Pure dark beam, Ultimite Pure Dark pulse (AOE), control, Call of darkness (10 turn cast, kills all), The Dark (5 turn cast, gives all enemies all staus defects for 3 turns). pwr: 11000 def: 12000 acc:11000 stm:11000 luck: 11000 mind: 1000 Inv: +10 Ultimite staff of Pure darkness +1000 ALL, Ultimite shadow cloack +1000 def,100 mega-potions, 10 chaos orbs.
Nameanwar the unkown Bio:he is mysteriouius lad that is actuallly a spy for the light mages,because he was born into it and only joined the dark mages so he could se their actions and plans. Age: 36 Group: Rank: noob Class: Grey sub Class: Dark grey Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS: Pitiful light beam, Weak dark beam, Minor heal (heal 1 player). pwr: 9 def: 6 acc: 11 stm: 6 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Grey +1 Pwr +3 Luck, large robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
Nameanwar the unkown Bio:he is mysteriouius lad that is actuallly a spy for the light mages,because he was born into it and only joined the dark mages so he could se their actions and plans. Age: 36 Group: Rank: noob Class: Grey sub Class: Dark grey Lvl: 1 0/10 exp Gold: 150 Health: 100/100 LOS: Pitiful light beam, Weak dark beam, Minor heal (heal 1 player). pwr: 9 def: 6 acc: 11 stm: 6 luck: 11 mnd: 10 INV: 1 staff of Grey +1 Pwr +3 Luck, large robe +3 def, 3 potions, 1 chaos orb.
light armor so i can get to the nearest light mage area quickly,because i want to warn the light mages ahead of time.i also want a hood on the armor so i can hide my face from others when needed.