Hey everyone. You might or might not know me but I'm a pretty old user here on AG and a while back I used to make RPG'S. I ended up having a really successful one which was called Ground Zero. It was a tournament/survival type RPG. I started with around 10 players and it eventually dwindled to about 6 at around page 50. I never actually got to end it since during that time I had a lot going on in my life such as school, family, sports, relationships, etc. But now I'm back maybe not as active but I'm still back and I want to start this kickstarter thread once more to see everyone's ideas.
I already have a pretty strong story set and character sheet. Just wondering what people might want to add or whatever. I won't be releasing the RPG for some time now so.
So far here's the character sheet in it's rough version, still might add just a few more things or even remove. So this isn't final. Btw there is an application sheet at the beginning just like GZI so I know what your character is like.
CHARACTER Name: Age: Kills: 0 --- STATS HP: 100/100 Armor: 100/100 - --- CHIPS Passive Chip I: Passive Chip II: Prime Chip: --- WEAPONS Right Hand: Left Hand: Back: Belt: --- ITEMS Backpack [0/10]: Chip Pack - Passive [0/3]: Chip Pack - Prime [0/3]: ---
The story takes place in 2026 2 years after GZI which was the 14th annual Ground Zero. Now since I didn't finish the first one completely in my story it will contain the ending but that won't be known by anyone until I post it up. It is still a tournament/survival type rpg but with more adventure and action.
I suggest looking at the links as they will provide way more info on this whole thing. Especially on the chips and such. Hopefully some of the older people who were in GZI come here.. *cough* pang, Robot, Matt *cough*
This is all I'll write for now since I'm pretty tired. If I get no responses I'll bump in the afternoon.
Ok, I thought of an enemy. Monktopus(doesn't have to be the name, just that could describe the enemy in one word). The name basically explains it all. Imagine a monkey a bit more bigger than normal, then imagine that monkey with tentacles.
I also thought of some kind of weapon, its a gun but it shoots mini javelins.
Obviously not alot but I tried to think very quickly.