In this FG, you ask TPBY [The Person Below You] what would he/she/it do in a certain situation, for example:Me: What would you do if you found a horse head in your bed?Usern00b11: I would scream and then clean the blood.What would you do if an asteroid was about to hit Earth?Usern00b22: I would hide in the nearest shelter or the nearest basement.What would you do if there was a headcrab and headcrap zombie outbreak?I would find the nearest crowbar and fight them, etc.Let's start:What would you do if there was an alien invasion happening on Earth?
What would you do if there was a headcrab and headcrap zombie outbreak
(This is what comes of too much derpy/ditzy) What would you do if you had a block of cheese thrown at you?
Hm... I would choose to lose my left arm, cuz I use my right hand for writing and other stuff.WWYD if you had to choose between killing your mom and killing your dad?
Lovely question, dad probably because I've never lived with himWWYD if all your money had disappeared?
kill myselfWWYD if you could not watch your most fave cartoon ever
I would probably be sad for few days and then get over it.WWYD if you remained home alone, locked in your house with no electric power for, let's say, a week.
Continue watch my second favorite cartoon ever. WWYD if you suddenly had over 45,000 people controlling your body at once? (TPP reference)
I swear next Halloween I'm asking for a ninja penguin armatar. Anyway, to answer sinhellsing. I would be glad of the peace and quiet and start to read a long book.
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