Welcome to my newest game, pillage the village! this is a game of pillaging villages, which you will quickly get the hang of. this game is really not an RPG, but there is a character sheet. in this game, you will build a questing force of adventurers to pillage villages (and villagers) around the world. You are an outlaw, getting money by robbery, muggings, and such. this game takes place in a medieval Europe-like area, but is in no way similar to it. I will explain how to play below the character sheet. there is a considerable amount to read here, but you should read it all.
Character Sheet: (CS) Name: Level: 1 (0/10 XP) Group Name: (fill this in as you want, it will be what your party is called) Group Members: N/A (as you pillage, you will gain more) Equipment: N/A (what you and your party members have equipped. this list will get large) Inventory: N/A (also getting large, this is what you own that is not equipped to an adventurer, but can still include equipment not being used. consumable items and such also go here) -------------------- Gold: 0 (your current amount of cash. earned by pillaging!) Total gold pillaged: 0 (your overall total, never deducted) Total pillages: 0 (the amount of villages pillaged)
you can pillage the village as many times as you want. this is different from my past games where you could only do things once day. I changed this because once a day is to boring and spread out.
Village sheet: (VS)
the village is not going to just let you take what you want without a fight. this is why you need to build a team, gain equipment, level up, and be active to be the most effective village pillager. here is the sheet for the village, I will explain what the components of it mean below:
Village: Buildings: 3 residential huts Protections: N/A Maximum Pillage: 100 G Possible loots: N/A Possible Pillagers: 0
Buildings means whats in the village. so, 3 residential huts means there are 3 homes people are living in. that's what you will be pillaging. nothing else. Protections equal what the village is trying to do to stop you. right now, there is nothing. you will be guaranteed gain loot, no matter the amount. that amount is randomized based on the amount of pillagers you have. there is a system I will use to determine this: your minimum pillage is equal to the amount of pillagers you have multiplied by 2. the size of the the village will be taken into consideration when giving gold. the maximum amount of gold you can pillage is self explanatory, and this rises as the village grows larger. possible loots means what you could possibly gain. weapons, armor, etc.. The potential pillagers means the potential amount of adventurers that you could gain from any given pillage. the chances of gaining one are slight until later levels.
as players pillage the village, it will gain defenses. not every pillage will be successful. eventually, the village will gain guards, a jail, and other things I wont spoil. here are all the potential outcomes of pillages: 1. success! you gain gold, potential loot or pillagers. 2. defeated. when the guards come in, (and there will by many kinds), you could be defeated. in this case, the pillage is a failure. 3. jailed. when the village gets a jail (which it will, but not for awhile), guards could jail you instead of just defeat you. if you are jailed, you can do 2 things: bail yourself and your team out, or serve your time. other players may try busting you out, which I will explain when the time comes. this bail is judged by the amount of people in your team, and can only be paid out of pocket. 4. killed. if you are killed, which is unlikely, you cannot play for 4 days. you will only be killed by certain things, which I wont spoil now.
Leveling up:
you gain XP based off of how successful the pillage was. you are guaranteed at least 4 XP every pillage, but this amount could get into the 30's. leveling up determines the following: 1. your amount of pillagers cannot exceed your level 2. some equipment has level requirement 3. your pillage amount in gold will be factored by this, but not based entirely off of it.
Notes: 1. everyone pillages the same village. 2. this might seem like a bad idea, because the village will quickly grow and gain defenses, so new players might easily be foiled. however, new players will have 5 day protection from getting thrown in jail or killed or getting denied gold.
good luck and happy pillaging! and keep in mind there is no PvP, just players helping eachother.
Name: Jimmy O'Daniel Level: 1 (7/10 XP) Group Name: Unholy Ones Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 55 Total gold pillaged: 35 Total pillages: 2
you pillage, but the guard stops you. you hit him in the face, he hits you in the face. you exchange more fists, and eventually he bats you down, thus you fail the pillage.
this game might seem repetitive at best, but it will get more in-depth when more things get added to the village.
Village: (level 3) Buildings: 3 residential huts (1 abandoned, 2 occupied), Town Hall (guarded), swordsmith Protections: 1 guard (stationed at town hall) Maximum Pillage: 130 G Possible loots: swords Possible Pillagers: 0
a swordsmith has opened in the city. instead of pillaging it, you can actually do business with the man. just say "i go into the swordsmith." he will give you prices on swords at a cost. you cant pillage and do business at the same time. you can pillage a sword from him, but the likelihood of getting one is rare.
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 10 Total gold pillaged: 10 Total pillages: 1
A little strategy but anyway FOR THE FRICKIN HOOOOORRRDDDDEEE!!!
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 10 Total gold pillaged: 10 Total pillages: 1
Before that I attempt to avoid the guard so anyway FOR THE FRICKIN HOOOOORRRDDDDEEE!!!
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (0/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 0 Total gold pillaged: 0 Total pillages: 0
I raid the village. I also send a message to Zi Zhou offering an alliance where we team up to kill the guard together, then go our separate ways again.
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 10 Total gold pillaged: 10 Total pillages: 1
Name: Jimmy O'Daniel Level: 1 (7/10 XP) Group Name: Unholy Ones Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 55 Total gold pillaged: 35 Total pillages: 2
So if I am not jailed, Ill take some time to recover. Then Ill go pillage again, however I want to focus on the guard that brought me down last time. Pillaging will be a secondary objective whereas beating this guard will be my primary.
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 0 Total gold pillaged: 0 Total pillages: 1
he accepts. read below.
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (6/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 10 Total gold pillaged: 10 Total pillages: 2
you succeed with david. your combined pillage is 25 gold. you have to split it up between the 2 of you. you both get 3 XP. if you cant agree, you get nothing.
Name: Jimmy O'Daniel Level: 2 (0/15 XP) Group Name: Unholy Ones Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 70 Total gold pillaged: 50 Total pillages: 4
you beat him down, unlike last time. you get 15 gold since you made the beaten your primary objective. you gain 3 XP, leveling you up. you wont gain anything accept the ability to gain another pillager.
Village: (level 3) Buildings: 3 residential huts (All occupied), Town Hall (guarded), swordsmith Protections: 1 guard (stationed at town hall) Maximum Pillage: 140 G Possible loots: swords Possible Pillagers: 1
another man enters the last house. he isnt working for anything, so he is the 1st villager that you can turn into a pillager. you can bribe him, and the more you bribe the more the chances are he joins you. you could also kidnap him on a pillage, but the chances are low to succeed. remember, you can also enter the swordsmith shop.
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 0 Total gold pillaged: 0 Total pillages: 1
I say I'll take the twelve, he can have the thirteen. I then go to the new guy and offer twelve gold if he joins me on pillaging. I then pillage.
Name: Jimmy O'Daniel Level: 2 (0/15 XP) Group Name: Unholy Ones Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 70 Total gold pillaged: 50 Total pillages: 4
are you going into it for business, or pillage?
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 0 Total gold pillaged: 0 Total pillages: 1
im going to wait for Zi Zhou to agree or disagree with that offer.
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (6/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 10 Total gold pillaged: 10 Total pillages: 2
Of course I get the larger cut then I go pillage 2 huts FOR THE HOOOORRDDEEE!!!
Name: Zi Zhou Level: 1 (8/10 XP) Group Name: The Mongols Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 23 Total gold pillaged: 23 Total pillages: 3
you gain 15 gold and 2 XP for a successful pillage on 2 of the huts.
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 12 Total gold pillaged: 12 Total pillages: 2
you go to the new man's hut. he automatically cowers, but you say, "i am here to offer you trade for your service. i am offering 12 peices of gold for you to join me on a quest to pillage this village!" the man stands up. "Will you offer me protection, or will i be sacrificed immediately?"
Name: David Jones Level: 1 (3/10 XP) Group Name: The Bronies Group Members: N/A Equipment: N/A Inventory: N/A -------------------- Gold: 0 Total gold pillaged: 0 Total pillages: 1
I say that I'll protect him as long as it doesn't involve sacrificing my own life, and I expect him to do the same. I then pillage the residential area.