Hello guys! You dont know me, i am a person from another forum, but here i am trying to create a game here just to see what is going to happen, but dont be downed, as i will be here updating and letting you enjoy this game as active as anywhere else. So lets jump to the game!
This game is going to be about defeating a boss, each boss will have a set number of stats and abilities. You will have the ability to chose a class and that class will be unique. That means there can only be one of each class. There will be 3 types of classes like other RPGs, tank, dps and healer. The more damage you deal, the more damage you take, the more healing you do, all that will affect your reward from the boss. For example if you do 80% o f the healing, you will get a lot better rewards than the person who healed 20%, all the effort you do is going to reward you! The game will end when a person is overwhelming everyone else with his gear. The game will include crafting, there will be professions and you can craft stuff between bosses. Boss encounters will have gathering spots, so instead of helping out on the boss you will have the option to gather or do something related to professions. Sometimes this helps towards the boss fight!
Well how do you sign? Signing is not a problem. There wont be much info available at start, but mostly you will have a vision of what things do. This game is accepting 4-8 players, lets see how much we get. To sign just chose your class and profession, more info will be available later! Also there can only be one of each profession, even if we only get 4 players, some professions wont be in the game. Gathering also is included in the profession, so for example forging and Blacksmithing both have "mining" as a sub profession.
It depends on what people will pick. There are 8 classes in total, and 2 of them are tanks. Of course if everyone takes the time to read what you said, they might respect that and let you be the only tank. Unless we get all 8 slots taken.
Abilities Apprentice Valor: Each turn you regenerate 1 point of valor. Valor is the main recourse for your abilities. Stand United: Gain armor for the next cycle equal to 5xBE(Boss Encounter). [ 4 Valor ] Degrading Blow: Hit the target for 4 bonus damage and reduce their armor and ability armor by 3. This stacks. [ 2 Valor ] Shield Block: Block the next incoming attack. Does not work on spells. [ 3 Valor ]
Enchanting lvl 1 [ 0 / 10 ] DiCh: Green Dust(100%) ReRe: Minor Enchant
Inventory Empty
Spells Apprentice Mana: Mana is a recourse that diminishes as you use spells and is refreshed either by item effects or potions. Fireball: Deals SP(spelldamage) x 1.2 damage. Has a 20% chance to reduce the targets fire resistance by 2. [ 4 Mana ] Icy Touch: Deals SP x 0.8 + Damage, and also reduces damage dealt by the next hit made by the target by 5. [ 5 Mana ] Spark: Shoot 5 lighting balls that deal SP x 0.4 damage, has a 50% chance of hitting. [ 4 Mana ]
Enchanting lvl 1 [ 0 / 10 ] DiCh: Green Dust(100%) ReRe: Minor Enchant
Inventory Empty
Spells Apprentice Mana: Mana is a recourse that diminishes as you use spells and is refreshed either by item effects or potions. Arcane Arrow: Deals SP x 1 damage. [ 2 Mana ] Arcane Shield: Give a target a 1 x SP damage shield, if that is broken during the cycle, deal SP x 1 to the breaker. [ 7 Mana ] Arcane Intellect (passive): Gain bonus spellpower equal to your average item level.
Alchemy lvl 1 [ 0 / 10 ] DiCh: Green Dust(100%) ReRe: Minor Enchant
Inventory Empty
Spells Apprentice Mana: Mana is a recourse that diminishes as you use spells and is refreshed either by item effects or potions. Fireball: Deals SP(spelldamage) x 1.2 damage. Has a 20% chance to reduce the targets fire resistance by 2. [ 4 Mana ] Icy Touch: Deals SP x 0.8 + Damage, and also reduces damage dealt by the next hit made by the target by 5. [ 5 Mana ] Spark: Shoot 5 lighting balls that deal SP x 0.4 damage, has a 50% chance of hitting. [ 4 Mana ]
Ok so, the first boss will appear when the game starts, and when the game starts no more new people will be available to sign, so when we get 4 at least i will consider starting.
A lot more info will be given once the first boss encounter starts.
Also a mistake in your old character sheet spike, i gave you elementalist spells, now you have your right arcanist spells.
Also there is a mistake in the alchemy of Hadyn Horke, it should be...
Alchemy lvl 1 [ 0 / 10 ] GaCh: Galios Leaf(50%), Galios Root(50%) ReRe: Health Potion, Mana Potion