ForumsWEPRDeath Penalty of Boston Bombing Suspect

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Federal prosecutors announced today that they were going to seek the death penalty for the Boston bombing suspect who is still alive. Do you think he deserves the death penalty or should he spend the rest of his life in jail? This article explains why they are seeking the death penalty

  • 26 Replies
1,773 posts

I dont want to flame or anything, but if Israel whould execute any terrorist the UN will call it a war crime.

1,315 posts

if Israel whould execute any terrorist

Yes, well, let's not mention the war
1,612 posts

Yes he should die. Kill the dog.
But on the other hand, if he goes to jail for the rest of his life, I hope he gets passed around by the other inmates like street walker in a cheap Louisiana brothel. Then they should eventually beat his brains in.....

....and jump on them.

its more satisfying to put people like that in life in prison without chance of parole so they can be tortured in prison until the day they die

Is this supposed to be schadenfreude, or just straight up sadism?
5,129 posts

the death penalty is barbaric and no better then what the suspect did.
if you kill someone then that is just murder. the people that cause this to happen should be taking into court aswell.
so except of murdering them i propose to damage them mentally for the rest of their lifes. build a priston specially for these people and just ruin their lifes instead of taking it away from them. a 2nd guantanamo bay but then legal since they did got a case in court.

6,737 posts

I think it's right that he get executed. This was no accident and was purely out of malice. This man is a terrorist and doesn't deserve to live, give him a taste of his own medicine, suits him right.

5,845 posts

the death penalty is barbaric and no better then what the suspect did.
if you kill someone then that is just murder. the people that cause this to happen should be taking into court aswell.
so except of murdering them i propose to damage them mentally for the rest of their lifes. build a priston specially for these people and just ruin their lifes instead of taking it away from them. a 2nd guantanamo bay but then legal since they did got a case in court.

Is torturing somebody to the point of "damaging them mentally" not as bad as killing someone humanely? Your argument is essentially "People who support or enact the death penalty on murderers should receive a fate worse than death".
5,552 posts

Whenever there is a crime that is truly horrific in scale, where people are calling for the death penalty to be handed down, I can only disagree.

The death penalty is a victory for them. It's recognition by society that they're something so bad that they deserve special treatment. They do not have to live with the guilt of their crime. They do not have to live with the regret. They do not have to live with the stares of condemnation. They do not even get killed very quickly, spending dozens of years going through expensive litigation processes. They get the vast media coverage and attention.

Lock them up and let them know that they will never, ever, be leaving. The rest of their lives will be wasted away in a boring cell. All they will have to do is think about the choice they made and regret ever having made it. Let them work to contribute back to society if they wish through prison work programs, and deny them all the comforts of life they would have had otherwise. We call ourselves civilized - act like it.

Not to mention in some cases it comes to light that the "guilty" person was actually innocent. Whoops, sorry, in our baying for blood we killed you. Apologies, all's good right? You'll go to heaven I'm sure.
(I'm not saying the Boston Bombing Suspect is innocent - I assume they got the right guy).

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Lock them up and let them know that they will never, ever, be leaving. The rest of their lives will be wasted away in a boring cell. All they will have to do is think about the choice they made and regret ever having made it. Let them work to contribute back to society if they wish through prison work programs, and deny them all the comforts of life they would have had otherwise. We call ourselves civilized - act like it.

Problem is, in many nations these days, these ''boring cells'' are decently furnished. Of course, it's in the minority, but the fact that such ''maximum security'' cells exists disgusts me.

This is one of Anders-Breivik's cell (He has three, a bed room, a study room, and an exercise room). It has exercise equipment, a laptop (no internet), TV, can order any book he wants, barring dangerous material, from the prison library).

I do not think the death penalty is indeed a victory for the criminal. There will be cases when the criminal would prefer such treatment - simple, and a quick end, but in others', they've often begged for clemency, appealed, gone on strike, etc. Of course, the death penalty in some countries is viewed as less harsh, and less extreme due to the immense legal process to get from court sentencing to death row. I can only speak for my country, where the process is much much quicker, due to the relative minuteness of the population; The majority widely supports it.
5,129 posts

Is torturing somebody to the point of "damaging them mentally" not as bad as killing someone humanely?
no it's worse. it's what they deserve. with the death penalty they get of to easily. beside is murder against the law. and i didn't speak of torture... just a prison like guantanamo bay... *whistle*

Your argument is essentially "People who support or enact the death penalty on murderers should receive a fate worse than death".

nope it doesn't. your clinging on 2 aspects of what i said as 1. but they are separate. =)

1st off, does 1 murder not equal death sentence.. at least i wouldn't know such case.
2nd, the "fate worse then death" is something to replace the death sentence and not be added as a new extra option or something like that..
your conclusion is falls because with this "fate worse then death" there wouldn't be people who enact the death penalty on others. so there is nobody to put in court for that reason..
1,315 posts

I can only speak for my country, where the process is much much quicker, due to the relative minuteness of the population; The majority widely supports it.

Then again thankfully, worldwide the majority seems to increasingly have a different opinion on it: .
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Then again thankfully, worldwide the majority seems to increasingly have a different opinion on it: ⦠by_country .

Whatever floats the boat of any nation. I"m not fairly treating the situation by not bringing in all factors into the diagram, but the rate of violent crime in my country is extremely low, and I'm happy to live here. As one of the measures, it has certainly worked here, and the majority are content with the status quo.
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