here's how it goesperson 1: _____ hugs you, what do?person 2: Hug it back, ____ hugs you, what do?NO SPAM AND NOT TOO MANY PONIES PLEASE.i'll start, pang hugs you, what do.
Invite it to my rainbow factory.A grumpy penguin hugs you, what do?
Shoot it.Ferret hugs you, what do?
Invite to Pony Land .Ninja hugs you, what do ?
Kill it with my +2 hidden blade.Nothing hugs you, what do?
Feel sad everyone hugs you, what do
^ Be SupersaiyanvPony hugs you, what do ?
Kill it with my +2 cleaver.A wild Mew hugs you, what do?
Capture it with a master ball. A wild beholder hugs you, what do?
Beat it up cuz i'm chuck norris.A nakeed womaan huges yoou, whæt dô?
^ Smack her with fist.v A bouncer hugs you, what do ?
What`s a bouncer?A cereal killer(pun intended)hugs you,what do?
Throw away those dang golden ghrams!A bullet hugs your face, what do?
^ Rolls to the ground. [When they see me rollin, they hatin.]v A horse hugs you, what do ?
Eat it.My Mom hugs you,what do you perform and blah blah blah ect.?
I do things. A nakeed mael huges yu, wat doo?
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