I honestly have no idea what to call this. This is a first for me, never did this before. I just got too bored and I wanted to play with photoshop a little, and this little guy came out.
I want to ask you guys what do you think for a first? I just wanted to ask someone about their opinions and I thought there's no better place than the Armorgames family!
I didn't look at it this way.. first I made a ball and wanted to draw some things on it.. and.. yeah, this came out. I think they're called chibis or something, not really familiar with the proper term of this...
Hehe, thank you Minecraft! It's supposed to be Zed from League of Legends, but I'm excited that someone understood the picture without me explaining them. Thanks a lot! I will focus on those knight-themed then!
In photoshop you say? Never knew you could do such things..
The first one would look lovely as a mask.
The second one is nice..I like how you made it out of all dark shading. I feel like it does need a little more contrast around the bottom area, to make the picture clearer as to what it is I'm looking at. I can't quite tell if it is a hood or some intricate mouth piece
It is indeed, a hood. Thanks for the comments guys! I'm soon going to get a tablet and I'll start doing such drawings as a hobby; I'll make sure to post them here to *cough* show off XD *cough* and to ask about your opinions.
I am going to try to make a mask off the first one.. but that probably later on.
I should stick with using MS Paint to draw pictures and s--- around my head then instead. I can stuff my crotch with a couple hotdog buns instead of photoshopping it for $50 a month. Seriously
Plus, drawing in GIMP with a tablet ends exactly like on photoshop. The only difference between GIMP and PS is that PS is more complex and developed than GIMP. I know a lot of people that draw amazing and they're using GIMP.
The big price is one of the reasons. I used to photoshop a lot, especially for image manipulation and other things like that. If it would've been cheaper, let's say 40~50$ the lifetime license I would've bought that. But no, there's no way in hell I'll pay 50$/month for that.