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You were on a plane to Ireland from China, Ireland had been deemed the safest area since the outbreak, they were closing their airports, harbours and borders in a month. On the plane ride this guy started freaking out, he eventually had turned and jumped one of the stewardesses, the plane became a slaughterhouse. You are one of the lucky survivors, you crash landed on a farm's field in Wales. The farm consists of 1 barnhouse, 3 fields (Not including the one your plane flattened), 2 pens consisting of dead animals, 2 cottages and a stable. You were in China because it was deemed safe but the things proved it was not so safe.

Items on you: (Pockets and carry-on bag)
Perk: (Get this from Job and strength)

  • 35 Replies
1,179 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water.

"I'm not injured, now lets go!" He said turning to the barn.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water.

'As soon as we check it out and secure it, I will be giving you a once over. I have seen people get up and walk around after an accident only to fall dead a few minuets later because of shock too many times.' I jog toward the barn.

1,179 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water.

He nods in agreement then walks forward towards the barn, pistol raised. Several of the things shambled from the crash site. He kicked in the door and stood there waiting.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water.

'Hay Brandon! Anything in there?' I walk into the barn. 'We got a few of those walkers behind us. Gotta fortify this place man.' I close the door and look for anything that will help keep it shut.

1,179 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water

"Nothing, probably some stuff around" He says then starts searching.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Age: 30
Occupation: Police Officer/ Detective
Personality: A cold headed but sometimes impulsive cop who was escorting a scientist who was trying find a cure for this mystery outbreak, he comes from the U.S and was a highly ranked officer from the NYPD one of the first places infected.
Appearance: Brown eyes, Dark brown hair, Clean shaved.
Clothing: Black shirt with a bullet proof vest under it, bluejeans, black combat boots.
Items on you: Pockets: NYPD badge./Carry-on bag: 9mm ammo and a 9mm pistol, several handcuffs with keys.
Strengths: Knowledge of firearms, physical strength, Protective, first aid knowledge, Good observation skills.
Weaknesses: More likely to shoot first/ask questions later, more likely to jump head long into a fight before thinking.
Perk: (Get this from Job and strength)

Is this good, because I'd like to join.

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water

I continue to look around for supplies, weapons or anything I could use as a barricade.

1,179 posts

Name: Shadow
Age: 30
Occupation: Police Officer/ Detective
Personality: A cold headed but sometimes impulsive cop who was escorting a scientist who was trying find a cure for this mystery outbreak, he comes from the U.S and was a highly ranked officer from the NYPD one of the first places infected.
Appearance: Brown eyes, Dark brown hair, Clean shaved.
Clothing: Black shirt with a bullet proof vest under it, bluejeans, black combat boots.
Items on you: Pockets: NYPD badge./Carry-on bag: 9mm ammo and a 9mm pistol, several handcuffs with keys.
Strengths: Knowledge of firearms, physical strength, Protective, first aid knowledge, Good observation skills.
Weaknesses: More likely to shoot first/ask questions later, more likely to jump head long into a fight before thinking.
Perk: Protector: You emit an aura of protection, people feel safer around you.

(Yeah) You wake up outside the plane, couple of the things stumbling around you, not yet spotting you.

1,179 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water

You find a crate, it's contents include: 2 litres of milk. ,2 apples, 10 grapes, 3 strips of beef, 1 rasher of bacon and an axe. It isn't much, do you take the stuff?

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown (Mid-late 20's)
Occupation: Doctor
Personality: He seems to be cold, callous and unemotional on the surface. Logic is at his core, he is very protective of those who he feels needs it. He can be very suspect of new people and can be secretive himself sometimes. He likes to know as much information as he can about a situation before he makes a decision. His ability to settle arguments is important to him. Patience is nothing to him, he can wait and wait if needs be.
Appearance: He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a short closely cropped brown beard
Clothing: A black thermal coat is worn over a green wool jumper and a light red t-shirt. An old pair of blue jeans and red runners with yellow socks.
Items on you: Medical equipment (basic stuff; bandages, disinfectant, scalpels, rubbing alcohol.), spare clothes, notepad and pen, book, spare shoes.
Strengths: Patience, logic, reasoning, protective, medical knowledge, physical strength, alcohol resistance, observation, a strong imagination.
Weaknesses: Over-protective, can be callous, dyslexia.
Perk: Wise teller (People find it hard to not listen to you and you'll often get you're way)
Companions: Brandon/29/Pistol(10/10), broken radio and bottle of water

I do and I equip the axe. I walk back to the door and look out to see where the zombies are.

2,463 posts

Name: Shadow
Age: 30
Occupation: Police Officer/ Detective
Personality: A cold headed but sometimes impulsive cop who was escorting a scientist who was trying find a cure for this mystery outbreak, he comes from the U.S and was a highly ranked officer from the NYPD one of the first places infected.
Appearance: Brown eyes, Dark brown hair, Clean shaved.
Clothing: Black shirt with a bullet proof vest under it, bluejeans, black combat boots.
Items on you: Pockets: NYPD badge./Carry-on bag: 9mm ammo and a 9mm pistol, several handcuffs with keys.
Strengths: Knowledge of firearms, physical strength, Protective, first aid knowledge, Good observation skills.
Weaknesses: More likely to shoot first/ask questions later, more likely to jump head long into a fight before thinking.
Perk: Protector: You emit an aura of protection, people feel safer around you.

I look for my carry-on, if I see it I go for it, open it and grab my gun with some of the ammo and start shooting.

665 posts

Personality: has something similar to multiple personality disorder due to medical experiments
in main personality is smart kind to people he gets to know odd cold secluded and untrusting to people he doesn't also seems untrustworthy to people he doesn't know (he's trust worthy he just comes off that way) in alternate personality he sees no difference between friend and foe and kills everyone who stands in his way when in battle but when outside of battle is cold calculating fierce quick to anger and seems uncaring
Appearance: in main personality is tall with black hair, black irises, long thin fingers and an odd walking style but in alt personality (remember created by experiments so different) looks similar but one eye has a red iris and one eye has a purple iris and walks normal
Clothing: white shirt a black and grey sweatshirt with a hood and black jeans all of which have blood stains
Items on you: emergency supply kit (4 walkie talkies with fresh battery's, canned and dried food, a can opener, a Swiss army knife and a dagger (both with sheathes) a pickaxe with a special sheathe (miner remember), 13 water bottles, 24 batteries, and a flashlight) (he's very paranoid)
Strengths: smart in main personality strong in alt fast in alt able to co-operate well in main knows how to use most guns in alt is good with a sword in main and great with a sword in alt
Weaknesses: cannot control personality switches loss of sense of judgment in alt slow in main
is this good or is it too much

2,463 posts

@pokemonrocks126, five $'s says he is going to ask you to change your profile or something like that. Just saying.

9,363 posts

That is an interesting character right there.

2,463 posts

@Dechlan1, you can post at any time now.

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