So, I love messing in photoshop and I decided to make a topic where I could put whatever random-ish stuff I end up creating in photoshop.. since everyone has one.
Here's some random text effect I ended up doing by messing around with effects and stuff.
Your links are leading to 403 error (forbidden) pages. I recommend downloading them off of your Dropbox (Right click the image, Save Images As...) and then uploading them to a public site like tinypic.
Here's my latest drawing of Vi, a champion from League of Legends. I know the face is a little messed up as I'm extremely bad at drawing faces, but the rest is okay, I guess.
Not too shabby. At least you get to study and practice different shots while drawing. You'll need to learn that sooner or later so it's nice to see you're starting now.
Here's a new guy I drew ( followed some fan-made image on the net ). I was told it looks like batman, spiderman and a lot of things but Aatrox from LOL.