Name:Storm K. Dragon
Title: Dragon of Storms
Special: Air blade
Moves:You have 0 LP, 0 UP
Swift (long, low, 1)
Slash (short, med, 1)
Counter-dodge (Doge 100%, short, 1 sec, instant duration, low)
Vampiric balde (med, high, Wound t1, life steal, 1)
Teleporting fury (long, low, confusion t1 5%, 5)
Hack n' slash (Short, high, Armor break T1, 3)
Holy shield (block, 1 sec charge, 3 sec duration)
Sword rush (short range, med dmg, 5)
Magical slice (Short-long, med-med, 1-1)
Backstab (short, med, immobile t1, 1)
Zeus's lightning (long, med, shock t1, 1-3, Tied to Zeus's thunder)
HP: 100/100
Exp: 15/60 lvl 6
gold: 980 (on hand) 16000 (bank, 5% coumpound intrest/battle)
Location: KC t1 Sanctuary, Dungoen portal
inv: tattered robe eqq, tattered sandals eqq, portable healer, potion x10, KC R, Code bracelet (Light grey), status heal x5 , Ribbon eqq, 2 enchant crystals, T2 revive (S), Basic alchemy set, Basic alchemy ingredients x1, regen potion x10.
Equipment: Heavy dragon armor (-4dmg/hit, +1 to all dmg), Zeus's Thunder (+4 dmg/hit), dog necklace (summon Tb, med, low, cont.)
Binds: 1
Vasch (Rival) (+10 exp per battle against. -5 per battle with.)
You walk over to the forum and talk to the moderator. (He?) looks like a prince of sorts, except (he?) is a mechanical ninja, with no discernible male or female features. "Hello, I assume you're here for the protection program. There are several hackers we can't seem to shut down as of now, so we're requesting strong and stealthy people to protect certain targets and subdue the hacker vermin until we arrive. are you up for the job?