This is one of my first forums I don't exactly know what I'm doing xD But this is just a little place to put down your thoughts and ideas, and have others possibly give advice, ideas, or improve your poetry (:
So I am going to put one of mine first xD it's an experimental poem, so that's why the form is all weird xD
My mind, Ideas come flooding in, They are s c
a tt e r e d or on better days they are NeatAndTidy
When my mind goes blank The ocean hardly reaches the b a n k
warmer than the sun as it sits boiling, simmering, for i d e a s
Other days
the ocean roars Higher
then any wall I have as a block.
Crashing down, drowning me in icy cold water,
ideas this way
t h a t w a y
hard to type f a s t enough to keep up the pa c e
The ocean is so crystal clear I could see every idea imaginable at the bottom.
with such depth itâs so hard to keep treading
to keep on going
I fail to reach the bottom. I swim back up, remembering what itâs like to feel again, as the water heats
Just an fyi, given that nature of this part of the forums, people make their own threads to place their work..where they then receive criticisms/remarks on them can keep this thread to yourself
In regards to your first yet, I haven't had the chance to read it and won't for a bit, but glancing over it I will say that the style is definitely interesting. Will have to see if it works in your favor when I get back and get a chance to really look at it =p