ForumsWEPROf Frats, Rape Culture and #TFM

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So... here's another one of those articles a friend of mine posts on fb that I don't feel like burning bridges over.

What do you all think is the reason behind the supposedly high incidence of frat boys being involved in rape cases? What's the real problem here? Can it be fixed? I've got a few thoughts, but I'll wait to see if the thread catches anyone's interest before I start rambling

  • 47 Replies
340 posts

It's common knowledge that guys offer to buy women drinks in order to get their foot into the metaphorical door with the whole courtship rituals thing. The symbolic woman should know that the guy isn't just buying her a drink to initiate a platonic relationship... I mean maybe he is, but it is stupid to assume that. The woman should have known where it was heading as soon as the words "Can I get you a drink?" were said.

Regret does not equal rape. Regretting giving consent still means that you gave consent. It might be mentally traumatizing after the fact, but it is not rape. The person doesn't have to be mentally hindered to regret something.

some people take an extreme view of how the man is always in the wrong. ...sometimes the man is... sometimes he's not.

About this, I've browsed this site and... Well, it's true. Feminism is quite common these days. Observed my female classmates in 6th grade and all of them fit the criteria for being a feminist. One of them is always abusing her so-called freedom of speech (the most abused freedom) and always using her philosophy against me (Not to mention calling my male classmates, perverts. My male classmates and I might talk sometimes about adulthood and sexy stuff that happens in that phase, but we don't peep in the rest room) . I find her ideals anti-human and sexist.
I won't elaborate this story much more.
22,207 posts

It's essentially a debate of "your word against mine" and evidence of intercourse. Is it justified to take the woman's side when the only proof is contradicting stories?

Also, why didn't the guy call in the rest of the squad to confirm that the woman was "loose?"

What Sonata said, whether or not she was loose does not change the fact that she could change her story to frame any and all partners she has ever had.

What I was leading into is the idea that the current laws could be used in a way that empower females unfairly; in the case of the female at the training camp, it gives her a loaded gun against anyone she chooses to interlope with. Is that.... fair, I guess is the right term?
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