You are the creator of something. This something is the most complex, diabolical, painful trap ever created. There is only one tiny problem, and that is there is no one to die by it! But, as soon as you start to trick people into your trap, an evil good person comes along, and destroys your trap. Now, you must start all over, recreating the trap and killing EVERYONE!
How this game works: You must buy stuff with Phyco Points (PP) Which you earn by killing people, to make your trap and get more people and stuff. You will be pitted against police, other law enforcers, and maybe the army as you capture people and kill them ruthlessly with your traps. The trap will be somewhat like an obstacle course, in which the people try to escape it, and die. To send in a subject (Thats what we call our little people to kill) you must say so, and they might venture out. You must keep your suspicion low, and the game will end when you're caught. Happy killing. One last thing, you must capture people via different techniques and things to buy.
Trap Size: 0 PP: 10 "Subjects": 5 Total Kills: 0 Suspicion: 0/100 Subject Types Unlocked: Man - 2 HP, +1 PP on kill Lady- 1 HP, +1 PP on kill Achievments:
Shop: Wlecome to the Psyco shop! Here we sell diabolical items and upgrade them as well. Spike - 3 PP, 4 Durablility, 2 Damage Moving Spike - 5 PP, 3 Duribility, 15 Damage Subject Stealer - 4 PP, 1 Subject a Post -More stuff soon!-
Trap Size: 1 Spike (1) PP: 7 "Subjects": 4 Total Kills: 3 Suspicion: 0/100 Inventory: Subject Stealer (Lv 1) Subject Types Unlocked: Man - 2 HP, +1 PP on kill Lady- 1 HP, +1 PP on kill Achievements:
Thats kind of what Moving SPikes are. Anyways, 3 people come out and try to escape, and all 3 are killed by your spikes. TheSpike is almost destroyed, and wont last the next "Wave" of people. You should by some more incase.
Shop: Wlecome to the Psyco shop! Here we sell diabolical items and upgrade them as well. Spike - 3 PP, 4 Durablility, 2 Damage Ambush Spike - 8 PP, 1 Durability, 1345 Damage, Repairable Moving Spike - 5 PP, 3 Duribility, 15 Damage Moving Walls - 12 PP, Always +2 Subjects per "Wave" Fire Traps - Unlocked at 10 Kills Subject Stealer (Lv 2) - 9 PP, 2 Subject a Post -More stuff soon!-