ForumsForum GamesShattered Armor Suggestion Thread

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Hello and welcome to the Shattered Armor RPG kickstarter. This RPG will be a special kind of RPG. Why? Because its based on ArmorGames that's why. Actually its really based around the whole internet, but you, the players, will be the users of ArmorGames. Think of it as if you're inside the internet.

This will be an open world RPG, basically the player can do whatever they feel like it, just as long as they follow the rules that I have not come up with yet.

Now here is the RPG character sheet:

Name: (pick a name)
Age: 13 and up(this is ArmorGames after all, so we have to start with age 13)
Gender: Male or Female(or Facebook's 50+ genders)
Race: (The most unique part of the sheet. You can choose what you want to be like; human, alien, robot, ant, toaster, penguin, fox, dwarf, etc. Whatever you want.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
HP: 100/100

This sheet is not the final character sheet. Do not use it yet!

Now the most important part of the kickstarter, suggestions. I need suggestions on things. Maybe on items, weapons, clothing, title(this current one was done last minute), etc.

Hopefully there's nothing I forgot to mention. So go on and suggest. Also if you're planning on joining please tell me here so I know who to expect.

  • 97 Replies
18,319 posts

By the way the story will be based on ArmorGames fighting Kongregate. Also how should I start the story? Should I do it like Single Minded 2 where its basically a story with action? Or something like the first Single Minded where I basically do a brief summary of what's going on?

Are you mocking all of the totally real two-spirits out there?


The title should be something ridiculous like "Super Awesome Internet Adventure!" or something weird like "Depths of Connection".

I will consider it, but don't expect me to actually use one of them because there might be other people suggesting and I can only do one title.
18,319 posts

Also, you should include websites like Cracked, YouTube, TV Tropes, and maybe neutral sites like Newgrounds. Don't forget Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia.

They will be in but Kongregate will be the main antagonist, Newgrounds will be there too, neutral as you said. Cracked will be there for laughs YouTube will have something as a resemblance to videos. TV Tropes will be there, don't know how it'll be resembled though. Urban Dictionary and Wikipedia will be there too.

Speaking of which, you reminded me of another thing I haven't thought of. Should these website like places be separate cities? Or all in one city?
18,319 posts

Ok here's some more ideas I've thought of, search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Will be kind of like transportation systems like trains, planes, boats, cars, etc. Of course Bing will be broken-down and stuff.

2,419 posts

I think this is an excellent idea, and i'll sign up if i have the time. Credits/PayPal should be added as currency. Bubblebox should be in here, as should twitch.

18,319 posts

Separate cities. Armorgames, Newgrounds, and Kongregate should all be nations.

Ok, so what websites should be cities in which nation? Can you give a few ideas?

Also I'm thinking we could add AddictingGames, Ninjakiwi, Mochi games, and a few others to the list of nations.

By the way, I was thinking Wikipedia could be a library, and Urban Dictionary could be a comic shop or something.

So certain websites are stores and certain websites are cities? So I'm guessing the ones that are cities will be the sites that have some sort of social connection like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, disqus etc. and stores will be everything else... alright that could work.

I think Bing shouldn't be broken down, and instead be some train system, slightly slower than google, that no one ever rides, except two or three people.

Seems legit.

Any other ideas?
18,319 posts

Credits/PayPal should be added as currency.

Banks too. Banks would be great.

Speaking of which that just made me relize that since this isn't Single Minded which was based on criminals, I can actually add money this time. That is if people want it in.

Bubblebox should be in here, as should twitch.

Bubblebox could be there. Twitch though... is it really flash games? Its video but based on video games. I could make it an arcade? Or some sort of movie theater?

Speaking of which, Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, etc should become movies and... arcades... that's a tough one... maybe IGN and others?
18,319 posts

Also do you think instead of Name I should make it Username for a little humor?

18,319 posts

Gmail and Hotmail etc. could be post offices.

Of course, that ones pretty obvious.

I'm thinking that maybe pc and downloadable computer games should be in Arcades and console type systems.

And I'm also wondering... what could be a sport type thing? I mean we gotta have sports somewhere right?
2,419 posts

Fantasy legues on yahoo. We could be our own little internet coaches!

18,319 posts

What about the ESPN site and others like it?

Sure, that could work.

Fantasy legues on yahoo.

That could work too...

How about Ebay and Amazon are auction houses. Why not shops, you may ask. Well because they seem to fit more in the auction house range. Plus stores like Wal-Mart have their own internet stores.
2,825 posts

Count me in.

How about making any court system sites prisons, or wikipedia a museum or library.

18,319 posts

Pretty much all of those .gov sites could be Court Houses, City Halls, etc. etc.

That'll be cool, yeah I'll definitely add that.

Also, maybe those religious sites.

Will do as well.

Well those could be Embassies.

So basically there will be buildings with a country's name? Or am I thinking of the wrong embassy?

The conspiracy theory websites could be abandoned warehouses and stuff where secret groups meet.

I'm definitely going to have fun with that one.

How about making any court system sites prisons

Like this website? Sure.

wikipedia a museum or library.

Already planning that. :P

Also how about cities? Does anyone have an idea on how the cities will work? Or will there just be one city?

Also I had a brilliant idea, the profiles of users will basically be houses and instead of needing a lock and key you can type in a password, not your actual account password but a password that's not really yours.

Also how will websites like Facebook, Twitter, chat websites, etc. work exactly? Maybe like a bar or somewhere people usually communicate?

Also(the word also is being used alot) how about the deep dark internet is basically the 'slums' of the city?

And how about those love sites, the ones like christian mingle and stuff? What would those be? I can't think of an idea at all.
9,363 posts

The dating sites could be like singles clubs.

18,319 posts

I'm actually kind of leaning towards one large city. Maybe have half of the nation be a large city and the rest can be living areas with restaurants and a few entertainment things.

Speaking of restaurants, restaurants with their own websites should still be restaurants, because it works fine like that. Those school websites and online schools can be the schools obviously.

Flash game sites > Nations
Social sites, chat sites, love sites > Bars and clubs
Video sites > theater
Ebay, Amazon, etc. > auction houses
Store websites > stores
Restaurant sites > Restaurant
School sites, online schools > Schools
Music sites > Music stores and radio stations
Video game sites > Video game consoles and arcades
Wikipedia > Museum
Dictionary sites > Library and book stores
Search sites > Transportation
Credit sites > Banks and currency
Email > Post office
Sport sites > Sports
Religious sites > Churches
.gov sites > Government stuff
Country sites > Embassies
Theory sites > Abandoned warehouses
Court system sites > Prison
Profiles > Homes
Names > Usernames
Locks > Passwords
Hospital sites > Hospitals
Deep Internet > 'bad part of town'

Anything else you want to suggest go ahead.

The RPG will probably come about middle of April to early May. The earliest being April 10 which isn't too far.

18,319 posts

It might be released that early, if I can figure out some things.

Also in the city I'm going to have a main place for the ArmorGames community, maybe the town square.

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