I'm thinking it's another code thing that we're supposed to figure out. I be wantin to figger out dis code, mon. I'll just wait and see what happens. Maybe Gantic will update/add more later.
Blk basically hit it on the head, although I would add that many who do harm to themselves do it to feel a sensation-- proof that they're still alive, if you will. Therefore knives are often associated with life and its feelings by cutters. Aside from that it's a pretty common saying within the cutting community.
Revelation #1 Text: Dr. Tom Weathersby and I had been conducting research on pyxrts for several months now. Three weeks ago, on a Saturday, we accidentally discovered unusual aspects of applying lasers to cubic pexhns. Match. It was little things that were mostly unnoticeable, but neitehr one of us could figure how it worked. Thjngs were less likely, or perhaps cared for by crtptos. katydid notice. Sure as there were quriks, oddities, stiched into the fabric of reality myself! bewre the bear; liks hunny. Had Benny sayd, the oold Tom would't hatx done this, of a l things. betotal wangle inform the Hisg Circulon, therodan mist in ve wirun. Yesi can. The Cirle, she happend, agarare bsiij niks oscvi. The nodo dsoo oisvion vahpod pphv hihnvnpnv svinspovewuby nedv ni, dsifg isdivoji; degpe.. wit to dsfioiv odjgi nAsidaar, lodgh iutre, porcelain bowels, tbe. qlk Ecotain, rto qimble. Franuls import inve char i tu in mwenson dhs . Puttaur barat i sharanginil. krrttu1 bvvcn politik action. omedia res. Samron the wisern, again, we m, et. A is dot rem6stcar ijj sdkklll pilknib, pita nce 4 dirangededs. we O ys we o gobblin zommzumb dissi 3diss lquat. sp abe c0rodsisn Diillicor er xyiun fun rih. Treaulagh man45 yestag in sdf2323uull, gheit serra, jenn irikle mar os wirgdsl omneer bng. por terre nymro eilra. tepeh eelre knad malc sseld ehcer ports ssert letse 86cem aipoh citna erene 32rek neits eecya ognom, ertte, coom la; carrRrrR! belte, 555 sret CMR yyk boodub 008-1 srtusdd pago pago pago &dundlee mach gpd. pligt ivxivilcmd dkC, Lld toro! ke Swe poultyce wto li inswen. Since, allo couds sdion krem p aasd ieeiwi 1s nbo2 oopsj qu. Cow well, plata ingrosnia pinco punco odo o ooo. werrn oill.fi98otd,dfd peres;dfef d 0934'oint gh. Gough qwerry dior mila. gdjja kkjcii, sfewd r jus baner adicall .ghost rem 6ut ifrt: bricc stennre waranty on v djd cvwer. wrtch 9.il esazxllu trin do brn?df 66no. Tring godolan ir pakkir troo, dereend pkd ij resnertt farak. bilsd mono t qiixcc hsisr lanter po is cxzvwgw iixcvjq, rosd, pols makker. 9000t rts. gotoo panc. p aro dent, moas. IM FELL English PRO, 14pt