ForumsGames[GENERAL] GemCraft CS Thoughts

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7 posts

I was curious what everyone thinks of the game so far? Likes, Dislikes? Found any bugs yet?

  • 465 Replies
155 posts

Well, if we could suggest stuff, that'd be the first thing I would suggest...and I've also got a bottomless bag of suggestions I'd be willing to put out there..

30 posts

Any ideas how to reach high enough level to max all skills? Or 10k cap? Looks like now it's impossible :/

30 posts

Try going for achivements for skill points. I dont even care about the cap anymore tbh, I've given up, thinking i threw away 5$ for a week of fun NOT even a week, more like 2 days.

14 posts

I agree that this was a disappointment. I spent $5 for the pouch because the other games in the series were so good. I thought I would be playing this a lot, but it just doesn't seem worth the bother.

9,434 posts

Just got around to beating it (not thoroughly yet), and


is it just me, or are the endings to every installment in this series just perpetually unsatisfying or what? First you go beat this wizard but OH SNAP you get possessed see what happens in the next one (which came out a whopping six years later), then you go to the prequel and there's neat things going on and you reach the end and OH SNAP you unleashed the thing that possessed the first guy, joke's on you. Then in Labyrinth you go craft the Gem of Eternity and OH SNAP you get a cliffhanger for chapter 2 again.
And then, and I reiterate that SPOILER, you make your way to the Spiritforge with your Gem of Eternity (of questionable quality) and it turns out that it was a trap all along and you'll have to wait for the next installment yet again to maybe finally get a resolution to the plot.


I mean I don't play this series for the plot, I just always liked the flavor it added to the world... But it's enough story to feel like it leaves it hanging rather than like it just doesn't have one to worry about.

On a game mechanics note, infinite sadness that the orb damage got patched out entirely instead of balanced, infinite annoyance at how the Forgotten forces you into x1 speed when she freezes the UI - I haven't been unprepared for it yet but it's so boring to wait through when x9 is your default speed.

14 posts

Is it just me, or did the latest patch break online saves? I can get to my save game!

641 posts

Hi, I have a cool tip for getting way higher damage than normal. It uses the gem enhance shrine.

Poolbound + shrine is so, so good.

The gem enhance shrine applies added damage BEFORE poolbound multiplier. So each 1 damage becomes 10-20+! On a good shrine hit, you can make a grade 1 get +1000 damage. And then when you level it, it uses same multiplicative formula as regular gems, meaning damage is amplified even more the higher the level, and the later you wait to add it to your main gem.

518 posts

Yea, go hover over the Changelog. Theres a hard cap level of 10k. After that, does not matter if you paly anymore, exp wont mean a thing.

I read that with the level cap/exp nerf, people who were millions still are not 10k. Does NOT matter, its the fact that this game is no more rewarding.

GCL got a hard cap since 1.12, when was capped exp on pylons. Max level - 11675. Didn't stop people from playing and messing with the game.
Prior 1.12 it took me 3 months long game to score insane exp on G7, but I still in 10k range.

is it just me, or are the endings to every installment in this series just perpetually unsatisfying or what? First you go beat this wizard but OH SNAP you get possessed see what happens in the next one (which came out a whopping six years later), then you go to the prequel and there's neat things going on and you reach the end and OH SNAP you unleashed the thing that possessed the first guy, joke's on you. Then in Labyrinth you go craft the Gem of Eternity and OH SNAP you get a cliffhanger for chapter 2 again.
And then, and I reiterate that SPOILER, you make your way to the Spiritforge with your Gem of Eternity (of questionable quality) and it turns out that it was a trap all along and you'll have to wait for the next installment yet again to maybe finally get a resolution to the plot.
It seems that wizard speaks about &quotreparing himself" + "obtaining true gem", so, I suppose, fields in S tile would be unlocked in this game. Getting all achievements, beating everything on haunting? Don't know.
On a game mechanics note, infinite sadness that the orb damage got patched out entirely instead of balanced, infinite annoyance at how the Forgotten forces you into x1 speed when she freezes the UI - I haven't been unprepared for it yet but it's so boring to wait through when x9 is your default speed.
fixed in last patch
641 posts

Hi Grem its Takiza. You obtain the true gem on Y6(story panel, looked everywhere on actual map and saw nothing lol) so I wonder, everything on haunting? I wish we knew in the first place if there even is any S levels, before trying tedious things like that.

641 posts

No edit button. To give an example for my poolboud+gem shrine, I had a grade 1 with 3500 damage lol.

8 posts

So... I've just completed a haunting with 6 full traits, got 8,8kkk xp, upped from ~1280 to ~1500 lvl. Just the level, no endurance even. Patch 1.08.
Your "monstrous" xp gain allowed you, like, what, to get quintillion of xp in a single match? Can't see where's fun in that, as well as any sort of meaning to play more than 1 endurance. Also can't call nerfing poolbound+chain traps exploit and mana shard exploits "messing with the game", since they were, too, limiting the game to passing the storyline, opening hidden levels and then completing a single endurance run for the sake of gaining max xp.
For your knowing, there was an xp limit before, too. It just was a bit too sick high (but easily doable with the exploits).
Lvlcap 10k? Approximating, you need 23*45*25=25875 skill points (sorry if I'm a bit off - but that's a close number), that's ~3700 wizard levels. And you'll have maxed all skills, even skills that aren't really useful, like poison or supressing gems, gembombing and such. After that that's still 6k of levels just for the sake of it. If you're saying you'll "never reach it", then what's the difference? You like gaining 10000 lvls more than you like 100s? Can't really get the love of big numbers.
I'd say the fun of the game is to try and complete insane challenges, like, going max traited haunting endurance run in the last levels, especially where there are 4+ exits and you get troubles manafarming or killing off everything with a single damage-trap.
Not getting big numbers for easy kills.

8 posts

Also, can't really see your "only a week of fun for 5$, want money back". Diablo costs 40-60 bucks depending on whether you bought the original game. Jeez, my lunch costs more than 5$. If spending 20 green on my entertainment per month was enough, it would be a better world ffs.
Or - you're a troll

8 posts

GUYS, there are comments few pages describing what to do. Without spoilers even.
Though if you perceive the actual way of unlocking to be a spoiler as well then don't read the remainder of the post

Complete the last level (X5) without charging the nodes - just kill the monster waves. It'll open something new.

641 posts

Ebon what do you mean? I already did that lel....I was telling Grem that the wiz already found the gem.

I know all the secret crap and stuff, bro xD.

3 posts

GC:CS is (and will be for a long time) a very popular game, but ¾ of players won't visit Peter's blog to search for info about game mechanics. So I think GiaB should consider making in-game wiki/help page about weather conditions, traits, unlockable and "$ only" stuff, and other "mysteries" for casual players. A new player can be confused because of lack of explanation of how everything works.

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