I had a game called make the kill awhile back which this game is almost like but not quite. i had plans for that game, but it didnt work out well and was in fact very boring. this game should be different.
The object of the game is death, but not necessarily against AI. The object of this game is to kill yourself in the most convenient manner judged by a category i choose using only realistic things at your disposal. i will explain below.
Character Sheet:
Name: Deaths: 0 MCD's: 0 Fails: 0
to break it down, you pick your name and you dont do anything else. when you die, it goes under deaths. this is a good thing. MCD stands for most convenient death, which is the goal of the game. each round, 1 player will be rewarded that if the have the MCD. Fails are when you do not die and they are indeed failures.
Each round has a category ranging from but not limited to the following: Most Gruesome Fastest Sliest Stupidest Last Man Standing (which is an exception to trying to kill yourself)
if you follow those rules, you could get the MCD.
Notes: 1. everyone is on the same map at the same time 2. you can only psot once per round and you cannot take back posts 3. Sometimes, however, you will be able to post more then once. 4. you will be in a room. you must make realistic suicides.
Round 1: The beginning you are all standing in a room around a single spike in the middle of the floor. its about a foot wide at its base and, of course, narrows upwards to about 3 feet. you dont really care about the dimensions, just know it could pierce any body part. (i kept this pretty simple, you wont get a fail here). Category: Most Gruesome whoever kills themselves most violently wins. now, keep it realistic, but we want bloodshed for the 1st round. and, if you can, keep it relatively appropriate.
You only get 1 post! that is rule number 2! the winner is decided in 3 days, or win everyone posts.
Oh wait... You meant one post per scenario, I thought it was going to be like make the kill.
If I may...
Name: Sean Deane Deaths: 0 MCD's: 0 Fails: 0
I move over to the spike and kneel on the right of the spike. I then drop me head so the left of my neck is torn with the spike, rupturing my arterial arch, causing my neck to spout with high pressurized blood.
I attempt to skewer myself in the kneecaps then cut them off with the spike,do the same to my arms and elbows,and swing my head into the spike,causing exessive brain damadge.
I would have expected Zanthril and Dan to have tried topping Isaac but they didnt, the most painful death was defenitely Isaac's and he therefore is rewarded the MCD. at the end of this post i will update every CS.
Round 2: Wizardry You are all standing in a padded room around Gandalf. No more is to be said. Category: Die you will need to be much more creative for this to work, therefore anyone who could actually kill themselves in 1 post will most likely be rewarded the automatic MCD. im not giving any hints except to tell you that you can talk to him but you can not engage dialogue.
Name: Sean Deane Deaths: 1 (100%) MCD's: 0 Fails: 0
Name: Isaac Stone Deaths: 1 (100%) MCD's: 1 (100%) Fails: 0
Nameanwar123 Deaths: 0 MCD's: 0 Fails: 0 i aggrovate grandalf by punching,kiking,and elbowing him.if he does not kill me in 5 mins,i steal his staff and cast fire 1 on myself
Anyone who tried attacking him just got pushed away and Gandalf cast a shielding spell on himself to keep you away from him. a good wizard would not kill harmless civilians, especially considering you are all unarmed and harmless. whether you all decided to copy eachother or you thought it was a good idea the actual answer was to tell him you were one of Sauron's followers or you were Sauron, and he would have killed you.
However, i would hate to see everyone lose, so danwar and Isaac get killed from being a little more creative and trying to take his staff for magical purposes. however, neither of you will get the MCD.
Round 3: Math a helmet is placed onto you with drills at the sides of your temples. you all hear a voice saying the following: "these drills will drill into your head and kill you if you get this question correct: if a line segment has 2 points at (-3, -4) and (6, 7) what is the distance of the line? Category: get it correct (you will have to use more then a calculator. And, trust me, i will not get it wrong.)
(This isn't a post, but what exactly do you mean by "length of the line"?)
In mathematics, any line given on a coordinate plane can be measured using 2 points and a formula in which im not telling you. look up "how to find length of a line." In Algebra 1 you will probably go over this and definitely geometry, so being that you must be 13 to be in AG you should be able to figure this out.
the units in which it is (feet, inches, centimeters ect) is inches, by the way.
if you think this question is annoying, there wont be another math one for a long time at least.