ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Unattainable Achievements

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59 posts

Here's a short list of achievements that cannot currently be attained in the game due to bugs or oversight:

Almost - Kill a monster with your orb that would otherwise destroy your orb
Orb damage was removed in a recent patch

Flea Trap - Kill 45 cursed monsters with your orb
Orb danage was removed in a recent patch

Put the Lights Out - Gain 500 xp from destroying beacons
Beacon XP does not increase the counter for this achievement

Bone Shredder - Kill 600 monsters before wave 12 starts
The bar counts up, then keeps counting past 600 without awarding you the achievement

Stormy Weather - Have the beacon storm trait set to Level 7 at field N7
N7 does not exist, probably due to the bug with the third compass reward

Lockpick O4 - Destroy all wizard locks at field O4 before wave 18 starts
O4 does not have wizard locks. O6 does, but doing this in O6 does not award the achivement

  • 52 Replies
9 posts

Have anyone acquired "Use only X gems at field Y"? Seems to me that they are bugged, when I start the waves, achievement is marked as failed - even if there is no gems on the field.

They are bugged. If you're quick though, you can get them if you create your gem before the orb spawns.
2 posts

Well, I still got achievements for poolbound and chainhit, have anyone info about was this bug introduced in later updates or this two achieves is not bugged?

2 posts

For Almost Ruined, strip all damage skills prior to your run, and it helps if monsters are running through the nest, too. That way they pull all of the wasps off, and the nest only takes the base damage of the bomb.

The last achieve I have is Flea Trap. Is it the same as Almost, just do it 45 times?

1 posts

I cant get prefabricated how did you do that

504 posts


It has nothing to do with the achievement working or not, the achievement works fine. It sounds a lot like a bug that sometimes people run into where the game that turns off the attainability of field-specific achievements. My understanding from other people's posts and my own experience is that this bug happens if you hit start before building gems/towers. So build and place towers/gems before hitting start and the achievement shouldn't turn off.

As a side note, in this and all laying low achievements, you cannot even once have a gem higher than the max grade. This includes by accident and ones you destroy immediately. This also includes ones that might be stuck inside boxes etc., so don't open any boxes or trapped gems on these fields.

This thread is curious as its actually about achievements people don't know how to get as opposed to ones that didn't work lol.

268 posts

One trick for the Laying Low achievements : supergem.

If you are limited to Grade 3, then make your Grade 3 starting gem, and just add Grade 2 gems to it (feel free to supergem those Grade 2's by adding Grade 1's to them, as well). For a Grade 5 limit, work with 3's, 2's, and 1's. And so on for whatever the limit may be for that specific field. As long as the gem's grade does not exceed the limit, it does not matter how powerful (or expensive) the gem is.

504 posts


I was just passing on information about what is reportedly a very common bug. I've never had this bug, but then I never do the things to make the bug happen. At the time of your report the achievement was fully attainable as others got it.

Even an accidental push of start or one of a hundred other possibilities can happen to sink the achievement without you really noticing it. I had it happen once where I accidentally made a higher than allowed grade gem for the purpose of angering and forgot not to. Sometimes its even nothing you did, its just the game being buggy... Glad you got the achievement

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