ForumsForum GamesKickstarter for new action RPG

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I have to admit, the activity level of this subforum is hitting rock bottom. i watch and feel pained as R2's games get quadruple the participation as everyone else's. My game, the raid team, i have to let go because i have 1 active person out of 5 that signed up. As any ambitious person, i feel like replacing that with something more interesting.

Im thinking of creating a game that puts the player in the middle of a strike force team sent out to some locations to fight terrorists. this game would be set in the current time era. the player will most likely start the game by getting driven or skydiving out of a helicopter to the zone to be cleared, and then it turns into an interesting combat RPG. Of course, the whole game isnt played in 1 area, but a lot of the gameplay takes places in this style.

You will work together with your squad to preform various objectives and such. you will be able to pick a basic class and level up with each kill, getting more and more accurate and respected among the team. i plan on making this a very randomized game, so the difficulty will spike and flatline at times depending on what rolls i get. Of course, this game isnt completely randomized, but lots of things are determined from dice. That will keep players on their toes and interested in staying with the game.

i have ways of calculating accuracy, bullets fired, and damage of the bullets in every turn, to make it as realistic as possible. i will make it pretty action heavy, but there will be a lighter story behind it all. everyone will be on the same team against AI terrorists, but it wont be as repetitive as you might think. i plan on setting some interesting scenarios up to keep players interest, but i need some ideas. dice will factor everything from the amount of enemies against you at one time to the amount of times your gun jams.

Im looking for things to incorporate into the game that would make it better then the average shoot-the-bad-guy game, and im not seeing any games like this in the forums right now, so i think it would be a pretty 1 of a kind thing. i want people's opinions on what i could do with this and where i could go with it, but most of all im looking for an interest check to see if i could get reliable people to play. activity is another thing, but in the beginning i am looking for mostly just numbers.

the character sheet wont have anything surprising, and i dont have a template for it yet so i will work on that. it shouldnt be an important topic, so i wont get into it.

Most things in this game, from your starting weapon to your accuracy, will be based on dice. i plan on rolling everything, but you wont have much impact on your outcomes. leveling up grants more HP and accuracy, but doesnt greatly improve your odds simply because this is going to be a very dice heavy game. otherwise, it would be no fun, because you would just shoot at things and hit them. Ammunition will, of course, be the largest problem for you in this game, and scavenging it will be a big part of this game. stealing weapons and working together with your team will be a big part.

So, if you have suggestions, give them to me. i plan on starting this in the range of 3 days to next week, but if a lot of suggestions come through i will respond to them. even if you have nothing to say, if think you would be interested say so, because im looking for guaranteed players. of course, if i dont get anyone to say yes i wont start the game.

  • 12 Replies
3,592 posts

Hum a game like that existed a year ago, was a WWII squad game, was quite interesting. But it eventually died out after a couple hundred pages. You should dig it out, and look through it.

7,572 posts

I think the dice idea may backfire when someone coincidentally gets 3 or 4 bad rolls. Of course, I trust you'll be truthful about the dice, but others may get skeptical. Also, once a few people get fired up about that, it sets many people who have doubts off and sends the game crashing to the ground.

Of course it's also possible that most people who play forum games are mature enough to accept that a bad roll is a bad roll and go along with it. Either way, I've been looking for a new RPG to join and am excited for the game.

2,419 posts

This looks like a cool game, but not one i am interested in playing. Also, for the raid team, i didn't post because i didn't feel it nescesary with jack doing all the story.

1,666 posts

Hum a game like that existed a year ago, was a WWII squad game, was quite interesting. But it eventually died out after a couple hundred pages. You should dig it out, and look through it.

i might, but that would take a long time, and this isnt exactly going to be WWII style.

I think the dice idea may backfire when someone coincidentally gets 3 or 4 bad rolls. Of course, I trust you'll be truthful about the dice, but others may get skeptical. Also, once a few people get fired up about that, it sets many people who have doubts off and sends the game crashing to the ground.

anyone with decent appreciation for RPG's would know that the dice can be hurtful, but at times it could be pretty awesome. I dont plan on lying about dice rolls, especially considering the fan base would already be pretty small no matter what. However, challenging games make for much more fun and un-bias moves that can give a game the interesting touch i am looking for.

Of course it's also possible that most people who play forum games are mature enough to accept that a bad roll is a bad roll and go along with it. Either way, I've been looking for a new RPG to join and am excited for the game.

Well their's 1, i will send you a notice when it starts.

This looks like a cool game, but not one i am interested in playing. Also, for the raid team, i didn't post because i didn't feel it nescesary with jack doing all the story.

If it really seemed cool to you, you would probably join it, but im not going to try persuading you. As for the raid team, even with 2 people i just dont see the point in continuing it.
9,363 posts

And I am in.

1,666 posts

I would have appreciated some feedback, but joining is better to be honest.

1,282 posts

I am interested in this Spike. I've enjoyed your other RPGs, and they were really fun. I will most certainly join up if you decide to make it.

1,666 posts

I am interested in this Spike. I've enjoyed your other RPGs, and they were really fun. I will most certainly join up if you decide to make it.

i dont remember you, but it is possible you played the dragon's gold maybe. nice to see you again though, its nice to know i have a fan.
1,282 posts

I played Dragons gold and another one which the name I have forgot. Something about a castle, people generate gold to hire units to take the castle and so forth.

1,666 posts

Welcome back, then, i have plans for this game, which i might choose on starting with the conclusion of this post.

1,282 posts

Thanks! And great.

16,287 posts




All games of the squad category that i found, coincidentally all made by me

i'm sure there are more but i either can't find them or are ashamed of them

Showing 1-12 of 12