ForumsForum GamesStrike Force (Combat RPG)

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Hello, and welcome to strike force. i would normally open a game with a welcome, but their is a somewhat lengthy intro to this, so i will waste no time.


2016. It is a warm, summer night. The Commanding general of the United States army is sitting around a table in the war room of the pentagon with the president and vice president, along with a slue of other advisers and important men. the general is having a meeting with these people, and a very urgent one. he begins the meeting with a grim, yet perky welcome.
"Hello everyone, and welcome. as you know, i planned this emergency meeting for no apparent reason, but this reason will become very apparent when i play you this," he clicks a button from his coat pocket and a TV appears on the other side of the war room. people adjust their chairs to see it. it starts off with a video of a tall man with black hair. he has nothing covering his face, and a very worn smile. He begins talking in a thick, Russian accent.
"Hello Americans. i am Victor Rendolph, a man of great wealth and power. However, i have urgent business with the president, because he will want to see this," he stops talking and moves back away from the camera, to reveal a man in a chair. he is gagged and looks starving. This man is John Green, a general in the army. Victor then continues talking.
"I have a bank account in the Americas. the number is 289647. in that account i need 3 trillion dollars placed by next week, or else you, Mr. president, and all of your friends will be soon in a position like this man."
He looks towards the general and pulls out a pistol. he then takes quick aim and shoots the general in the head. he turns back to the camera.
"If you do not cooperate, you and all of your fellow men will have the same fate. i have the means and potential of getting it whether you cooperate or not, so i expect payment within the next week. do not try tracking this message, whether you use satellite codes or not, because their will be consequences when you do. That is all i have to say. Good day, my friends."

he then shoots the camera. he must have got a live feed into the pentagon from his camera then shot the messenger. luckily, they must have recorded the message fairly quickly. the general stands up midst the chaos that begins.

"We are not putting 3 trillion dollars into his account, nor or we closing it. we have confirmation of the source of this message without tracking device. it comes from southern Iraq. the account this man has is existent, and somehow has an anonymous owner. Running facial scans, however, proves this man does not exist in the American database, so he could be quite the threat. The fact that he got one of our own generals from under our noses also proves he is deadly and has a network inside our own system. I am afraid their is only one thing we can do about this-" the president cuts him off.

"We send in the Strike Team, Commander," he says.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Realistic, for the sake of this game)
Age: (18+)
Bio: (optional)
Class: (below)
Level: 1 (0/10 XP)
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Inventory: None
HP: 50/50
Conditions: Perfect

That sheet isnt to hard to figure out. however, there are some things i must tell you before we continue. your HP does not determine whether or not yo uare dead, but is merely a guide as to your general current health. Also, when you sign up, their will be some things added to your sheet. do not change them or worry about them.

You start this game by picking your class, and you are in. the class yo uare in LOOSELY determines your starting weapon, but not completely. the classes are below. of course, you are part of this assembled strike team to destroy this man.


Heavy Assault:
A man how is in the front lines with a fully automatic weapon and a goal: kill or get killed. your starting weapon falls between a pistol and an ARX.
Light Assault:
Assist the Heavy assault, With speed and accuracy in exchange for power. your starting weapon falls between a pistol and an AK-47.
Heal, revive, and so on. self explanatory, you guide the men and heal them to safety. your starting weapons consist of a pistol and your healing laser.
From a distance, pick off as many men as quickly as you can with deadly precision and damage. your starting weapon is an WA2000.
Lead the pack, take damage, and deliver pain. You are the juggernaut. this is definitely the hardest class. picking this puts you in the middle of the action with either a heavy shotgun, flamethrower, or grenade launcher.

One concept you have to grasp about this game is that it is extremely dice based. the dice will do the following (and more):
Determine your starting weapon based on class
Determine all of your actions minus the most oblivious
Determine all accuracy, bullets fired in a turn, and damage of them
Determine the amount of enemies you face at any given time and their skill
Determine LOOSELY certain objectives you will need to complete
Determine LOOSELY the size of the the squad you are in
Determine LOOSELY the actions of any AI

Keep that in mind, but remember, even with dice, your actions are still 100% of the game. this game is objective based. you will have a squad of men that will lead you through terrorist areas and kill them, but this is not call of duty, this is legitimate missions. However, do not think the story is over or the game takes place in only 1 area, because it doesnt.

the combat is turn and cover based, but you will get the hang of it. i will explain when we get their, but it will take some time before you do.

Well, anyone can join at anytime. i will just assemble a new force. however, if you signed up in the kickstarter you will all be in the same team. once those people have posted, the game will begin. How does it begin? that is determined by dice. (Keep in mind, this game isnt completely random, but is highly influenced by rolls). So have fun and remember, you are part of a team. i also ask for a lot of devotion to being active, so if you can, be that way.

  • 71 Replies
7,572 posts

Name: Tyler Moore
Age: 26
Class: light assault
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: AK-47 (15/121, 15 mag, R30), M1911 (8/30, 8 mag, R15)
Equipment: None
Inventory: None
HP: 38/50
Conditions: Bruised
Color blindness
Slowness 2
Movement Speed: 2.25M

I wait until they stick their heads up from the computer desk, then attempt to shoot them.

1,666 posts

i dont want to, but im going to allow some more time for slackers, until tomorrow afternoon.

1,666 posts

Combat Details:
Steven (45/50 HP) 6
Tyler (38/50 HP) 10
John (50/50 HP) 7
Jeaven (50/50 HP) 3
Commander (70/100 HP) 2
terrorists, 8 (all full health) 5,5, 4, 4, 9, 8, 1, 2
The 1st terrorist, ready for blood, rises from cover and tries firing at Jeaven. so do 2 others, wanting him to die. the 1st one hits Jeaven once in the stomach, and he is rather wounded from it. the second one misses completely, as does the third. "that one hurt," says Jeaven. John gets a headshot on one, killing him. (2 XP). The commander, being a skilled medic, pulls the bullet out of hit right arm and lobs a grenade into the room. the grenade hits its mark, and instantly kills the one closest to it. the shattering grenade unluckily misses all of them. Steven idles. 1 terrorist aims the commander, 1 fires at John, and another at Steven. the commander takes 1 more bullet back into the right arm, and John gets hit in the right arm (-5 HP). Tyler shoots one shot at a terrorist and misses. the rest of the terrorists loot eachother's dead bodies. Jeaven starts cutting off his blood loss.

7,572 posts

Name: Tyler Moore
Age: 26
Class: light assault
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: AK-47 (15/121, 15 mag, R30), M1911 (8/30, 8 mag, R15)
Equipment: None
Inventory: None
HP: 38/50
Conditions: Bruised
Color blindness
Slowness 2
Movement Speed: 2.25M

I continue quickly firing at them from behind cover.

1,088 posts

Name: Steven Cox
Age: 21
Class: Heavy asssault
Level: 1 (0/10 XP)
Weapons: ARX-160 (30/100), CZ75 (8/10)
Equipment: 5 grenades
Inventory: 10 rounds AK-47
HP: 40/50
Conditions: Sore legs
Movement: 2.6m

I fire at the terrorist I have a better chance of hitting

9,363 posts

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown. (Somewhere in his mid-twenty's.)
Bio: (cut)
Class: Heavy
Level: 1 (7/10 XP)
Weapons: Right: heavy shotgun (15/30 R10m), Left: Grenade Launcher (1/19, R20)
Equipment: Rocket boosters for 30m
Inventory: 15 rounds of AK-47
HP: 27/50
Conditions: Perfect
Slow 3
Movement speed: 1m

I continue to watch the door.

650 posts

Name: John Connor
Age: 24
Bio: John is from an Average family, it means they were normal at money. His father forced him to become a Soldier, but he don't want that. His father died, he think about joining Soldier. So there, he joined being Soldier.
Class: Sniper
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: WA2000 (8/40, mag 10, R40), M1911 (8/20, mag 8, R15)
Equipment: 1 grenade
Inventory: 15 rounds of AK-47
HP: 45/50
Conditions: Perfect
Movement speed: 2m

I just hide at my position. A while I began to take a aim at the scope of my WA2000 again. Ignoring the pain in my arm. I quickly pull the trigger, taking a concentration at one of the terrorist. Now I start to shoot it with such speed, anger would be noticeable from my face.

1,666 posts

Combat Details:
Steven (45/50 HP) 2
Tyler (38/50 HP) 5
John (50/50 HP) 5
Jeaven (50/50 HP) 8
Commander (70/100 HP) 4
terrorists, 6 (all full health) 1, 5, 5, 2, 10, 0

Tyler fires 1 shot and misses. a terrorist that aimed at the commander fires at him, and misses. the next terrorist fires 8 shots at Sean, all of which either miss or plink of his armor. John, you cant fire a weapon accurately with a bullet in your arm, and you miss. Steven fires 3 accurate shots at a terrorist and kills him (2 XP). 1 terrorist fires at Steven, and he hits him once in the left arm. (-5 HP). The next fires at Sean, one bullet of which slightly impresses on his armor. (-3 HP). Another aims the commander, another aims John, and the last fires at Jeaven and he takes 1 bullet to the left foot. Jeaven retaliates, firing 4 bullets into a terrorist to kill him. The commander pulls out another bullet and wraps it for blood loss.

Sean, you suddenly see something large coming out of the main building towards the tower. it looks like a juggernaut matching your own armor, and its about 30m away.

Name: Tyler Moore
Age: 26
Class: light assault
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: AK-47 (14/121, 15 mag, R30), M1911 (8/30, 8 mag, R15)
Equipment: None
Inventory: None
HP: 38/50
Conditions: Bruised
Color blindness
Slowness 2
Movement Speed: 2.25M

Name: John Connor
Age: 24
Bio: John is from an Average family, it means they were normal at money. His father forced him to become a Soldier, but he don't want that. His father died, he think about joining Soldier. So there, he joined being Soldier.
Class: Sniper
Level: 1 (4/10 XP)
Weapons: WA2000 (7/40, mag 10, R40), M1911 (8/20, mag 8, R15)
Equipment: 1 grenade
Inventory: 15 rounds of AK-47
HP: 40/50
Conditions: Perfect
Movement speed: 2m

Name: Steven Cox
Age: 21
Class: Heavy asssault
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: ARX-160 (26/100), CZ75 (8/10)
Equipment: 5 grenades
Inventory: 10 rounds AK-47
HP: 35/50
Conditions: Sore legs
Movement: 2.6m

Name: Sean Deane
Age: Unknown. (Somewhere in his mid-twenty's.)
Bio: (cut)
Class: Heavy
Level: 1 (7/10 XP)
Weapons: Right: heavy shotgun (15/30 R10m), Left: Grenade Launcher (1/19, R20)
Equipment: Rocket boosters for 30m
Inventory: 15 rounds of AK-47
HP: 24/50 HP
Conditions: Perfect
Slow 3
Movement speed: 1m

9,363 posts

(Wait what terrorists are shooting me? I'm downstairs by the door, and as far as I've followed no terrorists have come in the door, and that the terrorists are all in another room upstairs.)

1,088 posts

Name: Steven Cox
Age: 21
Class: Heavy asssault
Level: 1 (2/10 XP)
Weapons: ARX-160 (26/100), CZ75 (8/10)
Equipment: 5 grenades
Inventory: 10 rounds AK-47
HP: 35/50
Conditions: Sore legs
Movement: 2.6m

I look for cover, switch to my handgun, and open fire.

650 posts

Name: John Connor
Age: 24
Bio: John is from an Average family, it means they were normal at money. His father forced him to become a Soldier, but he don't want that. His father died, he think about joining Soldier. So there, he joined being Soldier.
Class: Sniper
Level: 1 (4/10 XP)
Weapons: WA2000 (7/40, mag 10, R40), M1911 (8/20, mag 8, R15)
Equipment: 1 grenade
Inventory: 15 rounds of AK-47
HP: 40/50
Conditions: Perfect
Movement speed: 2m

I just hide at my position. Waiting for another back up to come.

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