ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Crusade for a Grade 100 Gem

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641 posts

Hi, I am level 3142, and I am going to be the first to get a grade 100 gem.

How did I get specs obscenely high? Well, thanks to this dude over here...

One important thing to note is how to create dual gems. Adding two grade one's them spamming U is losing about 33% special power.

Optimal creation is a G1 of both, combine, make a G2 of each, add one pure to each dual, combine the G3s, duplicate, and repeat with pure G4s, duplicate the 6, etc.

here is the difference at g34:
Regular creation:

Special Mix:

Note that the hit count is the same, and the cost to duplicate is the same. This is a difference of 32.9%, and this difference keeps rising at higher levels. It's only a 16% difference at grade 6. It takes a decent amount of time, but it is worth it at ultimate grades (45+).

I now have huge specs. It takes me about 20-30 seconds real life time to get +1 grade. So a minute before +2(needed if want extra specs). I estimate my specs to be about 80% higher than normal, at least blood is.

PS- Level 46 amps got the spec treatment too, they are wicked.
  • 496 Replies
652 posts

also yea the levels realllly started to get long aroudn 2500, dont think ill be any higher than about 3k when i do an attempt

641 posts

I'm curious, how did you do that Xroads?

652 posts

what do you mean?

side note, just beat the final battle in the game to unlock chasing shadows wizard lvl 2600

641 posts

How to get his grade 36 cost E22 mana with 10 quadrillion per hit.

108 posts

He just put some G1's O/B into G2's and upgraded afterwards?
"Supergemming" ...

641 posts

I tried it, it failed.

447 posts

He did it in some special way... Not exactly sure, how.

652 posts

yea i feel like ive encountered good old supergemming from GCO 5 years ago on accident some times, there would be occasions wehre id accidently combine the wrong grades and my result gem would be disproportionaly stronger than the mana differance, i just dont remember what the grade differance was but there is some magic grade differance i need to test

i swore it would be like a gem 1/10th or 1/100th the mana that suddenly made the specials like 12% stronger when i accidently fused, i should experiment

theres something suspicious with the picture though, his dmg bonus from amplifiers suggest hes got 2 lvl 70ish gems hidden behind those monster health bars, you can see the other 4 amps are 36s but his dmg bonus is bigger than full 68s give

either his amps are also supergems of a near lvl 70 cost like the gem hes showing, or there some huge amps beefing it up

although im thinking it is just supergemmed amps

regardless since i dont have a grade 70 on me (similar mana cost), his has abuot double the mana per hit bug significantly less attack speed. this is fine i think because attack speed seems to not work past a certain amount. i think in your mana per frame calcs thunderrider, that was what was messing it up, theres some old rule back form labyrinth about no more than 9 hits per frame or something i dont remember exactly what it was but it was part of his effort to control the lag with high attack speed lime gems

652 posts

so do you guys attempting this have full 100 talismans? or at least +15 max all level talismans?

2 posts

so no one got grade 100 yet? what is the highest grade gem ever made for u guys? and how far in endurance?? does endurance has an ending? 1337?? like before? anybody know??

652 posts

so i came up with a "talisman run"

this results in about 12 lvl 100 and 24 88-99 talismans per hour

using this in around an hour i got a fully complted talisaman of lvl 12 lvl 100s and 3 very good lvl 96+, that gave me +15 all skills and just about everything i need.

only a few were &quoterfect" and ideally id like them all perfect, but some of them i found were very nice like +20% freeze duratino (i haev 14-22s with a 7s cooldown) and +10% wake of eternity damage, which can stack to 70% health reduction. if used 3x in a row this can drop a monsters health by 99% instantly.

with this completed talisman im going to start a run now, going to be going for tons of xp on endurance as well as the highest grade gem i can (hoping for just 75+ being my first attempt) and hoping to get from 2450 to about 2800-3k wizard level just for the starting mana

652 posts

amazing what a full 100 talisman does, remember when i was saying my grade 60 gem had 1/3rd the mana per hit of thunderriders? my grade 60 right now has half as many hits, the same amplifers (6x58 Black) and its actualy 20% stronger than yours now. somehow a 360% increase happened

got the 60 on wave 8, but im not doing it on one of the f fields im doing it on one of the deep fields (w4 i think? cant remember off the top of my head) for the expereince, and it requires you to clear 6 buildings and get set up at the start so i probably lost a wave there

652 posts

time for a bit of math

currently grade 68 at wave 17 going pretty relaxed pace keeping 3-4k monsters on the gem for low lag

this is a good point to do the math since it took almost exactly 1 wave to upgrade 1 grade at this point

the obvious increase in mana cost per grade is 2.00x the previous

my mana gain increase per grade however is 1.49x

the mana gain per grade upgrade of the orange component is abuot 1.37x

the bloodhuond multiplier per hit level component is only abuot a 1.085x increase per grade level, growing at a far slower rate

these multiplied together give you the 1.49x increase per grade.

this together means each +1 gem upgrade will take 2/1.49 = 1.34x longer than the perious step

so right now at grade 68, to get a grade 80 gem for example, the waves to go from 79 to 80 would be 1.34^12 since 67-68 took 1 wave exactly.

this means 34.2 waves from 79 to 80, and i will reach grade 80 at wave 117. kinda of depressing when you think abuot going for 100.

sure hit component will go up as time goes on but only ever so slightly, maybe about 20% total throughout the entire rest of the run, but even so if we said that the incresing black part shaves off 1 wave, this still means getting grade 100 at this pace would take 34,335 waves. not very likely

this is all skills 60 too, dont think it can be improved much

based off of this, with the current strategy and using exponential growth to extrapolate (which is dangerous sometimes) im going to deem grade 100 not possible. even at 100k monsters instead of my 4k, that would still take you about 1400 waves to do

the only way around it is if you kept monsters frozen after all the waves were completed and permafroze them in place indefinately for days and days on end after all other creatures had died and the wavestones kept coming, this through very boring perserverence and 0 wiggle room for error on missing permafreeze and letting any monster move at all for days, would get you your grade 100 gem, but through conventional methods its not possible.

somewhere around the upper 80s is the realistic max

i will be trying 1 final method to get a grade 100 using a bit of a cheesy (but still about as legitimate as beating endurance with venom + blade shrine) method but im kinda hoping it works

2 posts

when u do this going for 100grade, do u run haunting level with traits on? or looming?

652 posts

the one thing im leaving out in these calculations is the increase of firing speed, i have a theory that rediculous amounts of firing speed dont actualy increase mana per frame just due to how the game works, which is why some of thunderriders calculations for mana per frame are off by like 1000x, but after some mroe testing i shuold be able to see if firing speed effects it.

firing speed increases by abuot 10% per grade, so withing a few more grades it shuold be noticable if its counting or not for me. if firing speed does matter than this reduces the number to only about 1.23x longer per grade, which is significant and although it might not quite make a 100 possible it could make a 90 reachable

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