ForumsGamesGemcraft CS: Crusade for a Grade 100 Gem

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641 posts

Hi, I am level 3142, and I am going to be the first to get a grade 100 gem.

How did I get specs obscenely high? Well, thanks to this dude over here...

One important thing to note is how to create dual gems. Adding two grade one's them spamming U is losing about 33% special power.

Optimal creation is a G1 of both, combine, make a G2 of each, add one pure to each dual, combine the G3s, duplicate, and repeat with pure G4s, duplicate the 6, etc.

here is the difference at g34:
Regular creation:

Special Mix:

Note that the hit count is the same, and the cost to duplicate is the same. This is a difference of 32.9%, and this difference keeps rising at higher levels. It's only a 16% difference at grade 6. It takes a decent amount of time, but it is worth it at ultimate grades (45+).

I now have huge specs. It takes me about 20-30 seconds real life time to get +1 grade. So a minute before +2(needed if want extra specs). I estimate my specs to be about 80% higher than normal, at least blood is.

PS- Level 46 amps got the spec treatment too, they are wicked.
  • 496 Replies
447 posts

@thunderrider: can't compare to g74, have got g78 and only on pics.

It's just as good as mine.

8 posts

I suspect there is still a fair amount of room for improvement here on two fronts. First, the 64 method is actually much much better with higher grade gems than the 16 method. For comparison, I made gems that have roughly the same cost as your gems [note that the examples aren't even close to the same bloodbound level, but are still generating more mana]:

Moreover, I suspect that limiting the search algorithm to only consider combinations that are 16, 32, and 64-value equivalent might force many sub-optimal combinations. I will start messing around with looking at an agglomerative approach to combining when I have time and see if we can't pull out even more value for the same cost.

447 posts

64 is optimal for 64 and lower. I can generate you optimal solution for every cost you wish

I use and recommend 16 to non-hardcore players cause it's just simplier. The difference is actually about 30% at grade 74. Hardcore players only

8 posts

I completely understand... 64 is definitely rough for non-hardcore. But, this conversation seems to be mostly among players that are trying to squeeze out every drop of efficiency.

447 posts

That's why I posted both

108 posts

psorek and thunder, because of the G86 and the insaneness. I'm apparently even much more insane than you think, as I have two G94 Mangems now. xD
It's still on 1.0.15, as I didn't want to quit the game as I was so amazed by the results of psoreks mathematician capabilities... - now here is one of them:

This one is Method two from G9, the second I have one is your Method one and two.

The game was running overnight, too (which is easily possible with the right talismans and 'enough' lag). I'm gonna stop this complete madness tomorrow though. It' super boring, I don't really understand myself doing it.

Goal is a G96 (I will use your new method, psorek) Killgem and probably G92 amplifiers: How far might this take one on F1 (full traits except carapace and manalock)? I'm looking forward to find out while being extremely afraid of building up the Killgem from the bottom, which certainly will be horrible ...

447 posts

You are just the crazy guy I needed Can even (if you wish) prepare special schemes for you to build optimal killing gem when using black amps. It will be a little better then. BTW, grade 96 killing gem will probably be able to kill 10e51 monsters, which means beating endurance on F1 :P

108 posts

Did you calculate that? I thought rather that it would be able to kill like 10e46/10e47 monsters. And then you have those 'heal on death' beasts. I'm not convinced. According to xroads formula you would need a G116 YB-Gem to reach e51. Amps and 'methods', ok, but does that make more than 10G difference?

Well, anyway, I'm getting kind of excited now. If it should be sufficient for endurance the creds will go to thunder for the inspiration and you for the method.

For the schemes: Thats really nice of you, thanks for the offer. But if it takes much time and the resulting methods could get even more complicated/time-consuming to build you shouldn't invest so much time and work there. As I said: I'm already afraid of building it.

447 posts

Ah, sorry - on current version firerate is not limited so gems deal 1000x more dps. You would be able to deal with e51 at 0.16.

108 posts

By the way, as you said 'black amps'. Is pure black the best according to you? I'm using BO amps and wanted to use YB amps, too. I don't remember the exact results of my tests but think to remember that dualgems gave a huge advantage.

And for endurance: Combined with WoE it could still get close. Anyway, afterwards we know better ...)
(> off to bed know)

447 posts

I'm not sure, you would have to test it. Now we use only pure orange and pure yellow amps

641 posts

doesn't black no longer count in amps?

641 posts

Can you explain the 64 combine for me, I have no idea how to do it.

Can you put it into same format as 32 spec and 16 combine(lots of parentheses and G's) because its also easier to memorize that way - I memorized 32 spec in order to video it.

268 posts

Black in an amplifier does not boost the Bloodbound.

Quick test : field V3. G5 yellow + G5 Black + G1 Red = G6 YBR.
107-317 damage, range 6.8, 1.32 shots per sec, 7% x1.5 damage, 1.11 chain, x1.02 damage and specials (+0.016 per hit level) 0 hits. That's in a tower surrounded by empty amplifiers.

Using 1 G5 gem in an amplifier next to this tower :
Orange (not part of the gem combination)
118-340 damage, 7.4 range, 1.41 shots per sec, 7% x1.5, 1.11 chain, x1.02 damage and specials (+0.016 per hit level) 0 hits.

118-348 damage, 7.4 range, 1.44 shots per sec, 7% x1.69, 1.11 chain, x1.02 damage and specials (+0.016 per hit level) 0 hits.

124-346 damage, 7.4 range, 1.44 shots per sec, 7% x1.5, 1.2 chain, x1.02 damage and specials (+0.016 per hit level) 0 hits.

118-355 damage, 7.4 range, 1.44 shots per sec, 7% x1.5, 1.11 chain, x1.02 damage and specials (+0.016 per hit level) 0 hits.

Black in an amplifier boosts damage and range more than anything else did, but it did nothing at all for the Bloodbound special.

Prior to 1.0.16 Pure Black was one of the better (sometimes the best, sometimes not, it was weird) choice for amps. Now, it is perhaps the worst choice, seeing as the main thing you want to boost is the specials.

58 posts

Hey Gents

i just wanted to give a hat tip to all you hard core players/ mathematicians on here.

I love this series of games. I played them all, and got to a fairly high level on GCL, thought i understood the game pretty well and really enjoyed it. I was one of those people who was checking the website ( blog, AG, FB group) very regularly to see if CS was out yet.

I a currently just over level 2000 in CS, so i am doing alright. But the depth of knowledge about the game and the math behind it, and maximizing one's gems that several of you have is rather mindblowing. I try and follow some of the suggestions here, and that has helped me get to where i am. I havent made higher than a level 50 gem yet though. Part of it is patience ( or lack of) with both the process and the lag involved in doing what you guys do.

But i wanted to give a tip of the hat to all of you for what you have come up with and what you share on here.

Its an age revealing thing....but 'we are not worthy' lol

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