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As many people are already aware, a movie called God's Not Dead came out in movie theaters. It's about a college student who gets put into a philosophy class where the atheist professor demands that all of his students write that God is dead. It culminates in a debate between the student and the professor, in which the student wins and successfully defends God. The movie grossed around 53 million in the box office on a 2 million dollar budget and was thus quite successful.

When I first heard about the movie I rolled my eyes. I haven't seen the movie myself (although I sort of want to) but from the trailer the characters appear quite stereotypical and the arguments could have been pulled straight from the Theism vs Atheism thread here on ArmorGames for their originality. They even bring in people from Duck Dynasty in the movie as a minor role it seems. The atheist professor especially plays exactly to a caricature of a "militant atheist" and the exact plot is a little ... disturbing. I'll link to the wiki that gives a full synopsis here. It strikes me as revenge-y and angry towards atheists and comes across like a huge pat on the back to Christians.

Now there's another movie coming out called A Matter of Faith which is about a college student (female this time) who goes into a biology course, where the teacher is *GASP* an "Evolutionist." Following the exact same plot line as in God's Not Dead, the atheist/non-Christian teacher engages in a public debate with a Christian defending Creationism/God after protesting that Creationism is not even mentioned as a valid alternative theory in the course. The biology professor presumably "loses" due to the superiority of the Christian's arguments (in this case, the girl's father).

Is this just trying to interest Christians? Or is it intended to be persuasive and to make a point? I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks about these. Are there any other movies that have been made in recent years that follow this same plot device, or is this a new trend?

Also...EDIT! YAY.

  • 38 Replies
9,808 posts

From watching the trailer of God's Not Dead..

1) Christian propaganda: the movie

2) Atheists are mean/evil people that don't actually not believe in god, but secretly just hate him: The movie

3) Strawman: The movie

4) "Science supports the existence of god..."
a) muh sides
b) the fact that the professor could lose the debate after these words were uttered, means said professor should lose his job.

5) the dramatic scene where the woman admits she believes in a deity. I feel like, in the real world, with real people, and real atheists, the real response by everyone would have been "oh ok that's cool" or something along those lines.

241 posts

Here's my criticism about the movie God's not dead.

1. unrealistic plot. first, A Teacher of any kind, even a professor can't just force someone to change anyone beliefs. it's not even allowed in the first place. to me this is equivalent as to forcing someone to have sex just to have the scholar's diploma. second, in 3 sections of debates, if you won 2 times, you basically won the whole debate. in this film however, the one who won only once wins the whole debate, which i question as to how does this happen? third, The professor is clearly not professional, as he let his feelings get in the way of his job. he should not get to teach in the first place
2. Science? what science? religion are faith based, not science based. they are 2 things that are akin to the dissimilarities of the sky and the earth.
3. Evangelical in every way. this movie is going to have a lot of problems with non-believers

The good sides of this one is that it conveys a very powerful message, has a good insight, good acting, and strengthens the faith of fellow Christians. But, an evangelical movie is just bad, because this is spreading religion to non-believers, which is like spitting to the face of inter-religion tolerance.

About the matter of faith, it is a pure evangelical movie and attacking the rationalism which is needed to attend school. evolution IS the cause of diversity of life, not creationism.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

All I know is, there are more and more of us (atheists/agnostics/non-religious, everything in between, etc) day by day. Comes with the whole ''get-educated'' package deal.

And that keeps me contented. I'm pretty sure many of the movie goers will be non-religious people going just to get a laugh.

241 posts

just for the sake of the argument, i am religious, so i'm not part of the "us". i just can't accept films that glorify some religion and attempt to make others that watch it turn over to the other "side", even if it is my mine, because that spit on the face of tolerance and inter religion acceptance.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I bracketed who the ''us'' refers to, jic.

3,087 posts

Sounds like something right out of a chick tract.

In other words, despicable. I find his ideas about easy evangelicalism ridiculous.

~~~Darth Caedus

2,825 posts

For the films you mention: Eyes roll x999.

I find such propaganda... depressing.

13,055 posts

I find such propaganda... depressing.

It's more than depressing, it's dangerous.
When some lunatics tries to force their twisted beliefs by manipulating naive people, it's plain criminal! >:O
9,439 posts

It'll be hilarious when droves of people will try "Why do you hate God" in debates, and be shocked when it's met with "Why do you hate Vishnu, Zeus, Odin, etc."

9,462 posts

"God's Not Dead", well it's kinda hard to die when you haven't existed in the first place...

Possible Spoiler; I haven't seen it personally but from what I hear the teacher get's hit by a car at the end, repents and dies.

A Matter of Faith

I just heard about this turd the other night. Well I was going to post the review I watched of this trailer but it seems the production studio has DMCA'd the video. It would seem they are filing DMCAs on any criticism against them.
"A Matter Of Faith" Studio Illegally Silencing Criticism

After watching a recent discussion with a rather dimwitted creationist I have been a bit fired up on the subject of evolution and creationism.
9,808 posts

It'll be hilarious when droves of people will try "Why do you hate God" in debates, and be shocked when it's met with "Why do you hate Vishnu, Zeus, Odin, etc."

"heh, I'll ask him why he hates god, and he will be trapped into admitting he believes in God! It's flawless!"
5,552 posts

1) Christian propaganda: the movie

This thread was almost titled, "Christian Propaganda?" until I changed my mind.

I feel like, in the real world, with real people, and real atheists, the real response by everyone would have been "oh ok that's cool" or something along those lines.

As ridiculous and stupid as that was, I think it's a pretty real fear for a lot of Christians. They think that they're going to be attacked or something because they admit to being a Christian/believing in a god. The entire movie is that way from what I can tell - stereotypes and misconceptions of atheists, with Christians defending themselves and their beliefs against them.

it's not even allowed in the first place.

I know, right? Any teacher who tried this would get reprimanded or fired so quickly. The media would flip out too and it would be used as evidence of rising militant atheism by Christians for the foreseeable future.

in 3 sections of debates, if you won 2 times, you basically won the whole debate. in this film however, the one who won only once wins the whole debate, which i question as to how does this happen?

Not having seen the movie I can't say much about this, but it seems like the idea was that the student "won" because the teacher "actually" believed in God all along and was just an atheist "because he wanted to get back at God" and flipped out because he was "angry." None of the actual arguments ever won at all.

But, an evangelical movie is just bad, because this is spreading religion to non-believers, which is like spitting to the face of inter-religion tolerance.

That brings me back to the motives behind making the movie. Was it actually intended to spread Christianity to non-believers? Or was it to make a movie for Christians where their beliefs end up winning against atheism? I know my parents went to see it along with my siblings (I would have wanted to go if I had known :/).

It'll be hilarious when droves of people will try "Why do you hate God" in debates, and be shocked when it's met with "Why do you hate Vishnu, Zeus, Odin, etc."

Or a confused frown. I know that was my reaction the first time I was accused of being an atheist because I hated God.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I really doubt it's going to convert many people. It seems to be intended to further entrench their beliefs in those who already are religious, or to strengthen the faith of the wavering flock. Would it really convert those who believe in other gods? Of course not. Atheists/Agnostics? No, I think not. It was badly crafted, badly written, cheesy, and highly biased. Anyone who's got a decent noggin on his shoulders can see that.

It's a double edged sword for them. It's only going to fire up the atheists/agnostics. It might also turn off those sitting on the fence.

198 posts

people are just making Movies of the sort since they are running out of ideas lol

9,439 posts

Don't forget Heaven Is For Real, about the young son of a pastor who supposedly had a near-death experience and, among other things, saw Jesus riding a rainbow horse.

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