ForumsForum GamesHypersuits (mech RPG)

464 92472
2,419 posts

"Its time."
"Are you sure we're ready for this?"
"Of course we are. Nothing can stop us. The weapon will destroy all."
"If you say so."
"Initiating plan Zeta now."
"Its begun."
"Lets hope you're right about this."
Hello, and welcome to Hypersuits, a forum game about customizable mechs, tough tournaments, and destroying the hacker threat known as Zalenark. You will duel and fight in tourneys to earn cash, use cash to upgrade your mech, and use your mech to
fight the good fight. Here is the char sheet:

Name: (fill in)
Bio: (fill in)
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): null
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: (Right and left are interchangeable), (choose 1: AR01 [Assault Rifle], LMG01 [light machine gun], S01 [sniper], LZ [lazer])
R weapon chips (LMG 1, AR 2, S 3, LZ 3): null
L weapon: (Choose one: ESW01 (Eng sword), ESH01 (eng shield))
L weapon chips (1): null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 50/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1000
Extra parts: (1 dmg, rng, RoF, or Acc chip), 1 armor chip, 1 shield chip, 1 anti grav chip.
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Wow. Thats a lot of text. Everything in parenthesis has to go if you are told to do something. If its just a number or desc it stays. Please do not try to cheat me! I will check every char sheet! There is no shop currently, as I'm aching to get this out! I will handle questions, R2D21999 will do half of everything after. To start off, you may join a tourney or a duel. Story comes after you've learned the game. Combat is Real Time, not pokemon time. Your speed divided by your opponents speed=the amount of turns you get. If two people have the same speed, I flip a digital coin at

1. Do not say "I do this then that". Say "I do this then that if this works"
2. No customizing mid battle.
3. Do not tamper with your char sheet unless told you are able.
4. All IC posts must contain and be seperated from char sheet, as I post from mobile the majority of the time.
5. Do not complain or worry about spelling. I can make it out most of the time.
6. Do not be disrespectful.
7. Have fun!

I don't think I'm missing anything, so lets blow this popsicle stand!

  • 464 Replies
9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I reach for the knife at my belt and slid it into my pants pocket along with my hand. I nod as I keep walking, pretending nothing had happened between dad and myself, "So what did you find?" I ask walking into the isle.

1,088 posts

Name: Peter "Stoneman" Shrar
Bio: Tough, stalwart, and stubborn, Peter has the ability to shrug almost all pain off as if it we're nothing. Not very compassionate or merciful tough.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor (-1/hit taken)
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: LMG01 (High RoF, low dmg, low acc, high weight)
R weapon chips (1): dmg (+1/hit)
L weapon: ESH01 (shield, high def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips (1): shield (-1/hit taken)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravity (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 400/500
Shield: 50/50
Weight: 520/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1000
Extra parts: 1 armor chip, 1 shield chip,
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Opponent: Shinall
Style: Presummably, uses concealing armor and a sniper rifle.

I remain in cover and move toward the other building

5,291 posts

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Since i don't gain any cash, i wait until repairs are done and next round starts.

2,419 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Some really nice plates, lightweight, look fairly strong. Also, I want you to meet these two fellows." He says, gesturing to two large men holding a pistol and a knife each. "They-"
"Just want to talk to you. Come with us, and no harm will be done to you or your father. This is just our boss's way of saying you're late." The first of the two men finishes in a slightly deeper then normal voice.

Name: Peter "Stoneman" Shrar
Bio: Tough, stalwart, and stubborn, Peter has the ability to shrug almost all pain off as if it we're nothing. Not very compassionate or merciful tough.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor (-1/hit taken)
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: LMG01 (High RoF, low dmg, low acc, high weight)
R weapon chips (1): dmg (+1/hit)
L weapon: ESH01 (shield, high def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips (1): shield (-1/hit taken)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravity (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 400/500
Shield: 50/50
Weight: 520/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1000
Extra parts: 1 armor chip, 1 shield chip,
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Opponent: Shinall
Style: Presummably, uses concealing armor and a sniper rifle.

You go back to the ground floor, and peek out. Not much cover between the two buildings. According to your AI, he could get one or two shots off on you, depending on location.

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

Tier 2: Prestige vs. Uther Buthin vs. Potum

"Will Prestige and Uther please report to arena 12? I'm sorry, 17, there was a problem in 12 after the match between Buthin and Dath involving lasers and explosions..."

5,291 posts

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

I head to arena 12.

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Why not talk here? It's as safe as houses." I say with a shrug.

2,419 posts

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

You walk into arena 12 and look around. It looks as if the place was carpet bombed. The 4 buildings at each corner of the arena are riddled with holes, and structurally unsound from multiple explosions. In the center of the arena is a huge pile of rubble, with a laser cannon on top.

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Its not as safe as we would be elsewhere. We suggest you come with us, because stalling will only make you more late."

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Safe? You want safe, you let me get my mech and my guns. Then I'll come with you."

2,419 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Good enough. We're coming with you, to ensure that you don't run. Don't try anything funny though."

9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"No worries." I say as I grab hold of the knife as I head home.

5,291 posts

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none


2,419 posts

@Loop_Stratos didn't you read the whole post?

"Will Prestige and Uther please report to arena 12? I'm sorry, arena 17, there was a problem in 12 after the match between Buthin and Dath involving lasers and explosions..."

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

An uneventful trip home. You walk in and the home phone says you have one new voicemail. "That can wait." Says the second man, in a much less harsh voice than the first.
9,363 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

"Eh now wait, it could be anything, could be some death threat or anything like that, heck my mam might have died." I say as I pick up the phone to listen to the voicemail.

2,419 posts

Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Greyhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: null
L weapon chips: null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: HTS01 (Short, med, med RoF, 10 CS, Med acc)
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50 (+0)
Weight: 480/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $9700
Extra parts: P02, broken shield, shield chip (+def), HSH05 (100 shield strength, med recharge, high weight, expandable, T3 chips usable, T2 head needed), AMH27 parts (med arm, high processing, high weight, T3 AI compatible, T2 AI installed. Broken.), BB06 X8 (med cost, high thrust, med weight, Low failure rate)
Tourneys won: 1 (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

The man sighs. "Fine."

"Hey, resident partsmith here. Just wanted to let you know that your items are ready."

5,291 posts

Name: Scylla Regane
Bio: "Prestige" is the name he uses for non-military actions. Likes weakening enemies at long range then goes full offense with hanger weapons when enemy is close. Usually quiet, has average height and weight and size, with brown hair and usually uses black-tint glasses, a black hat, and black clothes, making him unintentionally look shady. He usually secrets his life and backstory.
Rank: N/A
Current mech: Type One(All black)
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): Armor chip
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: S01
R weapon chips (3): Acc chip
L weapon: ESH01
L weapon chips (1): Shield chip
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): Anti grav chip
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 0/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1750
Extra parts: N/A
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none

(So that's what it meant... doesn't know why it's 17, weird)
I go to see any cover.

Showing 421-435 of 464