Forums → Forum Games → Hypersuits (mech RPG)
464 | 92476 |
- 464 Replies
464 | 92476 |
"Its time."
"Are you sure we're ready for this?"
"Of course we are. Nothing can stop us. The weapon will destroy all."
"If you say so."
"Initiating plan Zeta now."
"Its begun."
"Lets hope you're right about this."
Hello, and welcome to Hypersuits, a forum game about customizable mechs, tough tournaments, and destroying the hacker threat known as Zalenark. You will duel and fight in tourneys to earn cash, use cash to upgrade your mech, and use your mech to
fight the good fight. Here is the char sheet:
Name: (fill in)
Bio: (fill in)
Rank: N/A
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): null
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: (Right and left are interchangeable), (choose 1: AR01 [Assault Rifle], LMG01 [light machine gun], S01 [sniper], LZ [lazer])
R weapon chips (LMG 1, AR 2, S 3, LZ 3): null
L weapon: (Choose one: ESW01 (Eng sword), ESH01 (eng shield))
L weapon chips (1): null
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): null
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 500/500
Shield: 50/50
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $1000
Extra parts: (1 dmg, rng, RoF, or Acc chip), 1 armor chip, 1 shield chip, 1 anti grav chip.
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Wow. Thats a lot of text. Everything in parenthesis has to go if you are told to do something. If its just a number or desc it stays. Please do not try to cheat me! I will check every char sheet! There is no shop currently, as I'm aching to get this out! I will handle questions, R2D21999 will do half of everything after. To start off, you may join a tourney or a duel. Story comes after you've learned the game. Combat is Real Time, not pokemon time. Your speed divided by your opponents speed=the amount of turns you get. If two people have the same speed, I flip a digital coin at
1. Do not say "I do this then that". Say "I do this then that if this works"
2. No customizing mid battle.
3. Do not tamper with your char sheet unless told you are able.
4. All IC posts must contain and be seperated from char sheet, as I post from mobile the majority of the time.
5. Do not complain or worry about spelling. I can make it out most of the time.
6. Do not be disrespectful.
7. Have fun!
I don't think I'm missing anything, so lets blow this popsicle stand!
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 500/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I try to hit her before she moves away I then move left to the nearest mountain.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 0/50 (+25)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (-2)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 435/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
They're more like hills.
You hit her for 65 dmg before she's gone behind the hill to her right. You can barely see her as she shifts from rock to pit to rock to hill, but she shoots at you, missing your body but hitting your shield, dispersing it.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 0/50 (+25)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (-2)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 435/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I stop moving right and move backwards toward the edge of the arena, if I can see her I shoot again.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 25/50 (+25)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 198/200 (-12)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 425/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I am currently auto managing your energy, you may manage it yourself if you wish.
You back away more. She spots you and shoots, hitting your generator reducing its effectiveness. You shoot at her and hit her left booster, reducing her speed in the direction.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 25/50 (+25)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 198/200 (-12)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 425/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
(Ah ya go on, why not.)
I move toward the nearest hill aside from the one I originated on, if I can see her I aim for her generator.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 186/200 (0)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: generator, Null output
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 365/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
You miss here generator, but penetrate through to one of her capacitors, disabling it. She comes out from a pit and starts rushing you with her sword.
Edited to fix numbers.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 25/50 (+25)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 198/200 (-12)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: generator, Null output
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 365/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I faint left and then move left after the faint, I raise my shield to deflect her attack and I fire at her generator again.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 445/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 186/200 (0)
Speed: 15
Parts damaged: generator, Null output, Legs, -speed.
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 305/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
You disable her generator, but she slahes at your leg, slowing you down and dealing 80 dmg.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 445/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 186/200 (0)
Speed: 15
Parts damaged: generator, Null output, Legs, -speed.
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 305/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I fire at her legs attempting to stop her movement and I continue left.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 435/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 186/200 (0)
Speed: 15
Parts damaged: generator, Null output, Legs, -speed.
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 225/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
You hit her legs for 80 dmg and slow her down. She is now slower then you. Benotia shoots your left hip, but the bullet deflects, causing only 10 dmg. (She rolled double ones. I think Rolz is acting up.)
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 435/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 186/200 (0)
Speed: 15
Parts damaged: generator, Null output, Legs, -speed.
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Your opponent:
Name: Benotia
Mech's name: The Ghost Cheetah
HP: 225/500
Style: Boosters, a sniper, and a sword. She runs at a deficit for energy, but she'll have finished you before she finishes herself. Her philosiphy: I will never be seen, and only heard when my sniper shoots through your heart.
I attempt to fire at her legs again as I move away, raising my shield to cover my generator and torso. (What's up?)
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
A ton of double ones have been rolling...
You fire at her legs and disable them. She stops completely, not doing anything. "Sean Dean is the winner! Benotia has run out of energy! Sean, please report back to the preperation workshop." You see the workers tow Benotia out of the arena for repairs.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
I quickly move over to Benotia before she goes, "Good match!" I call after her, then I move to my workshop and see if I can see my competition.
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
Got tier one wrong :P
Tier 2: Naquilla Vs Sean and Zailen Vs Xent
"Yeah... Great game." You head into the workshop. You spot Naquilia checking her mech's weapons. She hears you walk in, "I saw how well you handled Benotia, but I won't be that easy. She finished herself, relying on speed and stealth. However, I rely on pure firepower, making your destruction immenent. I did some research on you while I was battling Manipos, what a whimp, and I saw that you're very new to battles. Go back to following your father, you don't belong here."
"Naqilia and Sean, please report to arena five."
Pilot's name: Sean Deane
Mech's name: The Irish Grayhound
Bio: An army man as was his father before him, Sean learned the ply of a marksman even though he has the build of a mountain in the shape of a man. Standing at 6' 5'' and weighing 235 pounds Sean is a naturally a large man with very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural. His golden irises are his most defining feature aside from his size. He is an impeccable shot and fights in two forms, from afar rifle in hand or up close breaking bones. He can seem cold to those he does not know but to those he does nobody is more loyal, trustworthy or honorable. His logic comes before his emotion in most situations. He has grown tired of living as his fathers son and wants to carve out his own mark on history.
Rank: 2
Current mech: SMN00
Mechs in garage: Null
Parts CM (current mech):
Head: BMH23 (Low arm, med processing, med weight)
Head chips (1): Null
Generator: BMG12, (med output, low capacity, med weight)
Radar: BMR01, (low range, low cost)
Chest: BMC18, (Med arm, med wieght)
Chest chips (1): armor chip +hp
Arms: BMA06 (low arm, med stab, med wieght)
Arm chips (1): null
R weapon: AS01 (high, long, med RoF, 10 CS, extreme acc)
R weapon chips (5): 2 accuracy chips
L weapon: ESH01 (High def, med pwr, low weight)
L weapon chips: shield chip (+def)
R hanger weapon: P02 (Med weight, Low dmg, Med RoF, 8 clip size, Med acc)
R hanger weapon chips (0): null
L hanger weapon: P02
L hanger weapon chips (0): null
Legs: BML15 (low weight, med speed, two legged, med arm, Med support)
Leg chips (1): null
Feet (2): BMF01 (Med arm, Low trac, Med weight, High support)
Foot chips (1): anti-gravitation-chip (-weight)
Extra armor:
Total stats:
HP: 525/525
Shield: 50/50 (+0)
Weight: 500/2000
Energy: 200/200 (+10)
Speed: 20
Parts damaged: null
Parts broken: null
Cash: $2500
Extra parts: none
Tourneys won: none (100%)
Partners: none
Sponsors: none
Hideouts found: none
(I noticed that but I just left it :P)
Tier 2: Naquilla Vs Sean and Zailen Vs Xent
I walk back to my mech, anger obvious on my face, and give it one last look over to check for anything possibly wrong.
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