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1 posts

I am now level 62, I have 5 levels open, and I cannot complete a single one, I am completely stuck because I don't understand how to mana farm, how to gem weave, and how to beat Shadows easily. Usually it's easy for me to get to the later levels, but as soon as a Shadow enters the level, I start to lose slowly.


  • 20 Replies
155 posts

Grinding exists. Simply farm shadow cores from F1, then replay earlier levels with more traits, and as such a higher XP multiplier. This will help you level up. Sorry, but that's pretty much the only way to get by in this game.

22 posts

yellow is how you beat shadows easily. that damage multiplier can help you bypass their armor and shield. about the only way to do it early on

178 posts

if you have still not enough mana for better gems use freeze, curse and put beam on a gem, then mark the shadow. use pause for this.

btw: i started late with mana farming, but it works wonders.
within a few waves you have far more mana than you need.
but if you still haven't reached a higher wizzard level then manafarming
is still no option. you need a lot of skills and starting mana for this.

504 posts

So you are not high enough level to manafarm and you don't need it. But at level 62 you should be ready to take on shadows just fine without any "grinding" or leveling up. I was taking on 3 shadows in a field by level 80. I will explain gem weaving at the bottom after giving you advice for shadows.

Here are the standard strategies to help with shadows:

First, build 4 towers right next to your orb and put level 2 gems in them. This towers will shoot down the shadow's mana drain attack if it gets near your orb. It is best to do this immediately when the shadow arrives (do it on pause). If you get good at killing the shadow the instant they arrive, you may not always need to do this, but from now on in the game, you can have shadows on any field, including F1. I often put purple gems in these because they will knock a lot of armor off your shadow even if they don't hurt it much.

Second, you want to kill the shadow quickly. Do the following as the shadow passes over your good gems, or put a good gem in the shadow's path to kill it quickly.
- change the target of the gem to flying/high banishment cost (the SW direction)
- put bolt on the gem
-freeze the shadow (allows double damage and slows down the shadow a lot)
-curse the shadow (can also help increase damage)

In most cases, a single gem with bolt can kill a frozen/cursed shadow extremely quickly. If you have yellow you can use it, but at your level you will probably NOT have access to yellow. High level players often forget when yellow becomes available. Purple can help a ton to remove the shadow's armor rapidly and allow way more damage quickly compared to yellow anyway (at your level). At your level, the main gems that can help you are purple/blue, because purple reduces the armor and blue slows the shadow while having very high damage.

Gem Weaving example - do the following:
1) combine grade 1 blue + grade 1 purple = grade 2 blue/purple
2) do it again
3) combine one of the grade 2 blue/purples with a grade 2 blue to get a grade 3 blue/purple with more blue
4) combine the other of the grade 2 blue/purples with a grade 2 purple to get a grade 3 blue purple with more purple
5) combine the two grade 3 gems to get a grade 4 blue/purple - this gem will have better bonuses than if you simply combined a grade 3 blue and a grade 3 purple, but it will have the same cost. You can actually keep doing this to higher grades too.

1 posts

ohhhh! I have a together a problem as you and no resolved
chung cu dep

641 posts

seocr not related.

1 posts

my best strategy for shadows is to place purple gems everywhere on the map, then use bolt on a powerful gem once he lose his armor.

641 posts

reduce all skills to 9. Except MAYBE fusion + stream. Reason - most benefit out of each point. Put true colors at 9 - high dmg and specials boost.

Dunno why u didn't max it, it is one of the BEST skills in game.

504 posts

I agree, I didn't look at the picture. Top 4 skills at level 9, with maybe the fusion and stream a little higher. You don't want anywhere near that much in orange or red or amplifier, since you can not really manafarm, all of those skills should probably only be 3 at most, and only if you are using them in that level. Since you have a black or white or whatever that it, you should definitely have points in that since you should be using it all the time.

48 posts

The best thing for you to do is this. Make trap with mana gem and aplifiers to gain mana but dont freeze mobs. You are 2 low lvl for mana farm. Just let mobs pass and a little further make trap with killgem and amplifiers. Itll let you get to some high lvl waves on endurance and after 2 - 3 games you will be 1000+.

504 posts

Laudix, that is not what the thread is about at all.

635 posts

See my low level guide. Since you have white, use white/red instead of yellow/red. (black is weaker than white until grade 30)

Pull all points out of: orange, amp boosts.

Get 9 levels in true colors, and white.

Get 3-6 levels in the skill that makes angering more usefull. Anger early waves lightly with grade 1's.

Use red/white dual gems.

make a grade 2 red/white dual. (non-premium: yellow instead of white)
duplicate it.
combine one with a grade 2 pure white, the other with a grade 2 pure red. combine these.

And so on. It'll give you about 20%(?) more specials, but that's about it, so if you're having trouble, just use a mixture of white and red and flat-out upgrade.

48 posts

Laudix, that is not what the thread is about at all.
He clearly doesnt have high enough level so yes it is what this thread is about.
504 posts

Laudix, they are clearly high enough level to defeat one shadow. The suggestion that you should level to 1000+ in order to beat one shadow is quite extreme.

It is very easy to beat one with everything they had. When I was at a lower level, without the magician's pouch, and without the bugged true colors skill it was still very easy to beat shadows with the recommendations I made. The idea that they need to level at all at this point to beat one shadow is not valid.

23 posts

Hmm, judging by the skills you've acquired, you're already pretty far into the game. I mean, you have Barrage. I didn't have that until I was level 90. So the advice to replay Field F-1 a few times isn't bad; you'll grab some free shadow core and also get some talisman pieces. At level 62, you probably don't have any better than green, maybe a few yellow and a single cyan piece or two. So frankly, at level 62, getting free talisman pieces, even the browns, is still good.

And the advice to chance your skills is very good.

You don't need 11 points in Masonry. I would lower that to maybe a 6. Drop Fusion and Mana Stream to 9 each, and keep increasing your skills 3 at a time. Better to have one skill at 12 and one at 10 than to have two skills at level, because upgrades kick in every 3 levels. And put points into True Colors, that is really an excellent skill that you already have and aren't using.

You don't need 11 points in orange if you aren't mana farming; again, you can drop this down to a 6 or a 9. Put some points into Freeze. Just having a Freeze with a longer duration can make a pick difference. Also look for Talisman pieces that increase Freeze Duration and Freeze Charge. At level 62, Freeze is your best friend when things go awry. Even 6 points in Freeze will make a big difference.

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