You must type down the first 3, then type in your 3 sentences. I will begin. Batman was at his computer. It has a new injustice right now. It is Loki.
Not bad, just to kill boredom ".Loki slap Batman. Batman falls to the ground and cry. Loki laughs at Batman.
Superman punches him. Loki falls to the ground and turns into a Kryptonite monster. All of the Superheroes came together, and made a big hero.
The Hero Of Time approaches,But they mistake him for a strange villan and fight him. The battle ended with link's mastersword covered in blood. Unfortinurely.
But then link exploded. I then laughed. fillersentance.
Then pokemonrocks was arrested for murder.And then ghe died a second later.Noob.
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