ForumsWEPRJust in case you had hope for humanity.

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Female named hurricanes kill nearly twice as many people because they aren't taken as seriously due to being perceived as feminine. Yep. Hurricanes, because of the gender of their name, are treated differently.

I think this may be terrific evidence that sexists are idiots, but meh.

  • 37 Replies
8,256 posts

To the coincidence argument: the study not only analysed data of actual hurricanes and their death rates, they also made some experiments where people had to judge the severity of a fictional hurricane, and they looked at this data too. In their experiment female named hurricanes were judged less dangerous than male named hurricanes. So if their analysis is correct, I don't think it is a mere coincidence.

I just saw that some say the analysis was not done too well, though. I cannot judge that by myself, so I'll leave that point open. But that does not speak in favour of coincidence either, just that there might not be any significant correlation at all.

116 posts

To the coincidence argument: the study not only analysed data of actual hurricanes and their death rates, they also made some experiments where people had to judge the severity of a fictional hurricane, and they looked at this data too. In their experiment female named hurricanes were judged less dangerous than male named hurricanes. So if their analysis is correct, I don't think it is a mere coincidence.

i don't know about these types of experiments but still their analysis can be correct not is correct.
9,808 posts

What do you mean raze? there a video of the expirement involving false hurricanes? Im curious to hear how exactly the people explain the fictitious. (As in the infliction of their voices and any parts they may have stressed)

13 posts

1. this is a men world.
2. women are inferior to men.
3. there is no equality between genders.

Anything else is a mirage, a illusion in the eyes of certain under-developed organisms, on one hand kept like that cause others have things to gain, otherwise all this veil of fog would disappear just like that, just like a make-up wash.....
Pussies have benefits but this world is way way more complicated than what their cheap desiderative minds think it is. Pure and deep facts can be brought as arguments from a to z to anything what i said above proving in the equation of life this is not a matter of perspective or words interpretation but the true value of things in the `world of Darwin`.....

8,256 posts
Regent there a video of the expirement involving false hurricanes? Im curious to hear how exactly the people explain the fictitious. (As in the infliction of their voices and any parts they may have stressed)

I don't have access to the PDF of the study, but re-reading the article on IFLS, it seems the participants of the study were simply presented with a scenario and had to predict the intensity of the hurricane. A weak point of the study, because as pointed out, the setting is completely different to a real-life situation.

Another weak point I just realised while re-reading the article is the fact that they "then ranked the names on a scale of very masculine to very feminine and used statistical analyses to look for trends.". One might argue that perception of the masculinity or femininity of a name might vary quite substantially between cultures, for example.

Pure and deep facts can be brought as arguments from a to z to anything what i said above

Those "facts" don't exist, or only in your head.
3,171 posts

Pussies have benefits but this world is way way more complicated than what their cheap desiderative minds think it is. Pure and deep facts can be brought as arguments from a to z to anything what i said above proving in the equation of life this is not a matter of perspective or words interpretation but the true value of things in the `world of Darwin`.....

A very lengthy way of saying that you know nothing, but would like to pretend otherwise. Unfortunately, it is not pertinent to the subject of the discussion, as hurricanes do not have actual genders.
1,322 posts

I'd like to know the people they gathered data from. I don't know of anyone that looks at it through that lens... The general rule of thumb for my family is Category 1 - you can go play around outside as long as there's no lightning
category 2 - board up your windows and it'll be ok
category 3 - you might want to consider evacuating and getting out of the way
category 4 - you leave and drive at least 100 miles away
category 5 - you leave... don't stop driving... and don't expect anything to still be there when you get back

but then again maybe I'm not cut from the same cloth as the polled people. You can't always expect a survey to give you accurate information... Sometimes, the moment you attempt to measure something the act of measuring it skews the data. Maybe the survey just shows that people are sexist, but the hurricanes are gonna kill people anyway.

There exists a wonderful subgroup of people down here that will have hurricane parties regardless of the category b/c they don't think it'll hurt them... either it's the invincibility complex some people have or they just can't comprehend a 10 foot flood/storm surge on a non-flood plain area. There also exists a lot of people who just aren't going to leave their homes bc they don't have anything other than their homes or for whatever other reason (like they're poor or handicapped)... I was astounded by the number of people in new orleans who were suffering from the floods b/c I would've been gone from that fish bowl days before Katrina ever hit.

so maybe what they think they've observed is legitimate or maybe they're fudging numbers and hurricanes are gonna give us all autism or there is no real value to their data even tho there appears to be.

i know my 2 cents don't amount to much but of all the people I know we basically ignore the name of the hurricane and look at the category, trajectory, size, and such.... there just seems like there's something wrong with this study to me, but oh well

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