The once beautiful futuristic world of earth was saved by a hero. Oh, wait it was FIVE heros that saved the world from nuclear war, they made the world into a medival one again, but different in a way. They didn't stop the enemy though, they just became demons and started possesing the world. What made it worse was the 5 heros lost their memory...
Char Sheet:
Name: (insert name here)
Bio: (Do not post anything here it will automatically be filled as you go on)
Class: (Determined by the way you spend your points and is also chosen by me)
(Stats----------------20 points to spend)
Memory: (You have none at the beginning so do NOT fill this in with points)
(Side Stats-----------------Important!)
Level: 0 (Level Up after accepted to play)
Rank: Starter (If you are a moderator you have the ability to control the game if you choose to this is only important when this game becomes for unlimited people Admin is the same but can remove people from the RPG Note: these are chosen and made only to keep the RPG smooth)
Member = False (Change it to True when accepted)
Inv/Armor: (Choose it but it can only have no effect or a debuff on you)
Weapon: Starter Stick [+0.75 Atck] (Do not include this in inventory)
GOLD: 100
Moves: (Will be sent to you if you get accepted )
1. Follow forum rules of AG
2. Fill in char sheet correctly to be accepted
3. Moves are provided later when you have a weapon
4. Please be patient being impatient may result in removal from RPG (This means someone can take your place and you have lost ALL stats and must apply again in 24hrs or more.
There are 3 OPEN slots Hurry and get 'em
Members Message Board:
Nivlac724 has become a Member
Voyage2 has become a Member
Name: Yosugu Matsuoka
Class: Rogue/Theif
Strength: 8
Defense: 2
Intel: 2
Agility: 8
Level: 1
Rank: Member
Member = True
Inv/Armor: Thief Clothes
Weapon: Starter Stick [+0.75 Atck]
GOLD: 100
Evade (gives 60% chance of dodgeing the next attack and running away from the battle)
Knife Throw (high, aim it right and get 33% more damage done, you get a bonus in having throwing type knifes/daggers)
Slash (the rogue type, med, 20% chance of wounding the enemy
Pickpocket (Must be near people, cannot pickpocket near guards, 15-100 gold)
Counter-attack (damage depends on your strength and adds +50% damage from the enemy's last attack)
You will be spawned tommorow
Name: Nivlac
Class: Mage, Necromancer
Strength: 3
Defense: 4
Intel: 9
Agility: 4
Level: 1
Rank: Member
Member = True
Inv: Black robes
Weapon: Starter Stick [+0.75 Attack]
GOLD: 100
Death's Call (small attack, gives wither effect)
Arise of Dwarfs (No attack, summons 2 weak dwarfs that do 5+ damage per turn per dwarf)
Skeletal Friend (summons 1 weak skeletal helper, heals you 4.5 health per turn)
Noobish Dark Magic (med damage)
Faded Magic Shield (Blocks only certain attacks, lasts 3-4 turns, to make it better you need higher defense)